(1) This study lends further support to the hypothesis that the putative role of the red-cell metabolic injury in the origin of haemolysis in ZS cannot be envisaged without introducing membrane-linked and extracellular cofactors.
(2) This thread ran through his later writings, which focused particularly on questions of the transformation of work and working time, envisaging the possibility that the productivity gains made possible by capitalism could be used to enhance individual and social life, rather than intensifying ruthless economic competition and social division.
(3) The competition between candidates is an inevitable consequence of the fact that animals cannot 'do more than one thing at a time', and is envisaged as taking place in the behavioural final common path.
(4) They envisage cuts in farm support payments of more than €150,000 a year, with a cap set at €300,000, in order to devote more subsidy to smaller, family-run farms and ensure a fairer distribution of funds.
(5) The contract envisaged freeing up staff time by moving to a ‘self-service’ model where, for example, residents send their own faxes and book their own visits.” The report also discloses that the kiosks are being used by detainees to order their food and can be used in the languages most commonly spoken at Yarl’s Wood.
(6) It is envisaged that such inhibition could form a basis by which natural carotenoids could counteract the carcinogenic action of AFB1.
(7) This check-list envisages 1- the mandatory documents in the absence of which the protocol will not be considered, 2- scientific quality standards, 3- ethical quality standards.
(8) Since GAD-immunoreactive neurons form a heterogeneous population, we envisage further studies in order to test whether differences exist in birth dates among the classes.
(9) "The community library is the 'big society' by definition, but it is not the 'big society' as the government envisaged it," said Mrs Angry, whose real name is Theresa Musgrove.
(10) In the cases where it has not been possible to link depolarisations with the presence of gap junctions, other possible morphological correlates have been envisaged.
(11) Different forms of fiscal solidarity could also be envisaged."
(12) At the moment, this method is regarded as indispensable to prevent allergy to Hymenoptera, useful in patients with moderate asthma due to allergy to house mites, and to be envisaged in some patients allergic to pollens or to cats.
(13) The sentiment is shared by Ed Woodward, the executive vice-chairman, who had not envisaged quite how poorly United would fare.
(14) Sometimes, it is because a senior minister will not accept the sideways shuffle that is envisaged for them, and sometimes it is simply because the prime minister loses his nerve.
(15) The role of PCFSW in Cornwall has been implemented as envisaged by Prof Munro in the Review of Child Protection published in 2011 .
(16) Facebook Twitter Pinterest Palmer was unaware the Coalition's Direct Action bill was before the Senate You are very naïve when it comes to politics, my girl Figuring out how Palmer envisages this could ever eventuate is one aim as we sit down the next morning for an interview in the resort’s “Titanic II room”, adjacent to the resort’s foyer, pool room and empty breakfast bar.
(17) Since the anionic part of this molecule is the triphosphate group it is difficult to envisage this group being accommodated at an anion binding site within the non-polar core of this protein as is the case with other fatty acid binding proteins.
(18) Some analysts doubted that the envisaged shift to fuel-efficient cars would have much of an impact on Japan's attempts to meet its Kyoto protocol targets.
(19) Current models of radiation cell killing envisage a component of damage that increases linearly with dose.
(20) These results do not support the presence of a mobile species of semiquinone in the QH2:cytochrome c oxidoreductases, as envisaged in the SQ-cycle, but are consistent with a Q-cycle mechanism in which the two quinone-binding domains do not exchange electrons directly on the timescale of turnover of the enzyme.
(v. t.) To see beforehand; to have prescience of; to foreknow.
(v. t.) To provide.
(v. i.) To have or exercise foresight.
Example Sentences:
(1) It had been drawn up following “an extensive consultation process” and schools were “reasonably not expecting any changes in the foreseeable future”.
(2) And an increasing number of critics say that no nuclear weapon would be a credible deterrent in any counter-terrorist operation British forces will be engaged in for the foreseeable future.
(3) Only in the presence of concentric hypertrophy is it possible to foresee the improvement of LV function; LV hypertrophy can be also reduced in concentric hypertrophy, but in the short term the reduction is too small to assume pathophysiologic significance.
(4) Mexico today, and for the foreseeable future, remains a mecca for organised crime.
(5) We foresee a markedly expanded role for this technique in major pulmonary resections, esophageal procedures, and cardiac surgery in the near future.
(6) But it is easier to foresee scenarios in which Italian growth and inflation are even weaker than now projected, and debt ratios keep rising.
(7) What he didn’t foresee was that getting to know people more intimately would result in his using portraits – more than 130 so far – to raise awareness of the plight of chronic homelessness generally or that he would become passionately vocal about what has been an entrenched issue for a number of US cities for decades.
(8) Even the gloomiest of predictions about the British exit from the EU do not foresee the collapse of the close cultural ties or military alliance between Washington and London.
(9) The rope suddenly breaks in Götterdämmerung, and that's the end of their role – they can no longer foresee the future because the structured and predictable world of the gods is about to be replaced by the chaos of human existence.
(10) Undoubtedly, another challenge to the specialty, currently and in the foreseeable future, is the debate over animal rights which began to ferment in the late 1970's, after lying relatively dorment since the 1950's.
(11) Given that private ownership of health care facilities and services is likely to continue for the foreseeable future, central control of the funding of health care will make it possible to regulate the private sector, and bring it into a national health plan to provide health care for all.
(12) The diagnostic workup for basilar impression foresees X-rays, magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography.
(13) For the foreseeable future coal is the foundation of prosperity,” Abbott said late last year.
(14) If Americans themselves don’t know what their president is planning to do, how can the Chinese know?” Speaking in Taipei, the Taiwan capital, on Tuesday Tsai said that despite her surprise conversation with Trump she did not foresee “major policy shifts in the near future because we all see the value of stability in the region”.
(15) The authors describe a mathematical model which allows to foresee glycosylated hemoglobin variability as a result of alterations of blood glucose equilibrium.
(16) If at 14 I could foresee my future and this kind of pressure – I think it would be hard for me [to commit to it].” In the documentary, he admits to moments where he has wept and thought he couldn’t go on.
(17) Speaking in confidence, three-quarters of these officials admitted that – despite what they say publicly – they could not foresee a return to growth in the near future.
(18) Complete control of epidermal cancer is now a foreseeable reality.
(19) "We need accommodative monetary policy for the foreseeable future," he said.
(20) The young age structure means that the population will continue to increase for the foreseeable future.