(n.) A work in which the contents of a former work are reduced within a smaller space by curtailment and condensation; a brief summary; an abridgement.
(n.) A compact or condensed representation of anything.
Example Sentences:
(1) The technical view of curriculum epitomized by the Tylerian objectives-based model focuses on measurable, quantifiable outcomes.
(2) Israel’s leader epitomizes what Senator J William Fulbright once called “the arrogance of power”.
(3) The posited codominant alleles represent the first single-locus component in the polygenic complexes creating susceptibility to seizures and epitomizes the small additive effects classically attributed to such genes.
(4) If malnutrition occurs during fetal life, as epitomized by small-for-gestational age infants, the effects on cell-mediated immunity are very significant and long lasting.
(5) Many on the Right still view it as the epitome of all that was irresponsible, idiotic and dangerous about the Sixties, while many on the terminally fractured Left still mourn 1968 as the last great moment of revolutionary possibility.
(6) The situation described by Goddard illustrates the spread of the issue to working parents in a town known until relatively recently as the epitome of the prosperous and aspirational post-Thatcher working class.
(7) What seems the epitome of mundane routine for the average British commuter is being seen as near miraculous in a city where, like Los Angeles, the car is king and the train is nowhere in sight when navigating the sprawling suburbs.
(8) To which list I almost forgot to add that epitome of Team Australia achievement, Prince Philip.
(9) Clodia Metelli The epitome of the chic, sexy, scandalous aristocrat of 1st century BC Rome, Metelli was supposedly the "Lesbia" to whom the love-lorn poems of Catullus are addressed (and if so, a total ball-breaker).
(10) "We have to be flexible to attract more fans," says the besuited Hashimoto, the epitome of the sombre Japanese executive, making clear the company's thinking behind the switch.
(11) This is the epitome of personalised therapy,” he said.
(12) The budget of 1981 is considered the epitome of soundness, an exercise in rigour that laid the foundations for the strong economic recovery.
(13) It produced more people like Tom and Daisy Buchanan – the epitome of the idle rich who people The Great Gatsby – than it did the hard-working rich, aware of their social responsibilities.
(14) Our financial sector, which plunged a large swath of humanity into economic turmoil, is perhaps the epitome of all the negative traits associated with modern capitalism.
(15) Once optimal stimulus parameters for routine application are determined, the glare pressor test with EEG and polygraphic recording will offer a clinically useful, standardizable method for evaluating the connection between central mechanisms and CV reactivity in professional drivers, a cohort of patients whose occupational activity epitomizes mentally stressful work, and who are at high cardiac risk.
(16) No place epitomizes the American experience and the American spirit more than New York City.
(17) And though many Puerto Rican voters in Florida are focused on the financial crisis on the island, that doesn’t mean that they’re unconcerned with the rhetoric around immigration and “Mexicans”, as epitomized by statements made by people like Donald Trump .
(18) Large parts of Britain's standing army – the epitome of professional values – are being wound up and replaced by part-time reservists.
(19) The history of oesophageal atresia and tracheo-oesophageal fistula is a mini history of surgery - "oesophageal atresia is the epitome of modern surgery".
(20) To be without legs, and to become the epitome of excellence in the very field where you are not supposed to excel: that is the stuff of legends.
(a.) Formed into a sum; summed up; reduced into a narrow compass, or into few words; short; brief; concise; compendious; as, a summary statement of facts.
(a.) Hence, rapidly performed; quickly executed; as, a summary process; to take summary vengeance.
(a.) A general or comprehensive statement; an abridged account; an abstract, abridgment, or compendium, containing the sum or substance of a fuller account.
Example Sentences:
(1) In summary, GABAergic tone did not effect basal acid secretion in anesthetized rats.
(2) The key warning from the Fed chair A summary of Bernanke's hearing Earlier... MPs in London quizzed the Bank of England on Libor.
(3) The summary statistics examined are (a) the slope of the least-squares regression of the marker, (b) the average of the last r measurements, and (c) the difference between the averages of the last r and the first s measurements.
(4) Hospital discharge summary data were used to identify and study all 2,870 Rhode Island residents hospitalized in-state with head injuries during 1979 and 1980.
(5) This review of androgenetic alopecia (AA) in women provides a summary of hair physiology and biochemistry, a general discussion of AA, and a brief description of other types of hair loss in women.
(6) Russia's most widely watched television station, state-controlled Channel One, followed a bulletin about his death with a summary of the crimes he is accused of committing, including the siphoning of millions of dollars from national airline Aeroflot.
(7) In summary, these studies show: 1) that the H-35 cell IGF-II receptor is synthesized first as a 245-kDa precursor having 4-6 high-mannose oligosaccharide side chains, 2) processing of the receptor oligosaccharides by mannose removal and terminal sialylation converts the 245-kDa precursor to the 250-kDa mature product which has been previously identified as the functional receptor in the plasma membrane, 3) the apparent molecular mass of the receptor in the absence of N-glycosylation is 232-kDa, and 4) glycosylation of the IGF-II receptor is required for the acquisition of IGF-II binding activity.
(8) It was a waspish summary in which he noted that, while Pope Francis "may have renounced his own infallibility", Margaret Thatcher never did.
(9) In summary, the risk of uterine rupture in patients who have previously undergone cesarean section but are allowed a trial of labor is low and not associated with serious complications.
(10) The summary adjusted relative risk for a Down syndrome livebirth for all those of North African or Asian origin, compared to those for women of European origin, was about 1.56.
(11) Sixty-one percent of all discharge summaries omitted the diagnosis of diabetes.
(12) In summary, we have isolated a novel inositol phospholipid in rat brain, PIP3, the parent compound for inositol tetrakisphosphate (IP4).
(13) Results of analyses for cell surface antigens on lymphocytes and for cellular DNA content were reported to the College of American Pathologists Computer Center and the summary data were mailed to participants.
(14) In summary, the present results indicate that both the vasodilator and systolic pressor responses to adrenaline are enhanced in endurance-trained subjects.
(15) 9.59am GMT Summary We’ll leave you with a summary of what transpired here throughout the day: • Julia Gillard announced a contest for her position as prime minister following calls by Simon Crean, a senior minister in her government, for her to be replaced by her predecessor, Kevin Rudd • Shortly before the ballot was to take place Kevin Rudd announced he would not stand for the Labor Party leadership , re-iterating his promise to the Australian people that he would not challenge Julia Gillard • When it came time for the ballot, Gillard was the only person who stood for the leadership and she and her deputy Wayne Swan were elected unopposed .
(16) In summary, we found that LY253963 inhibited influenza A and B virus replication in several cell types, but that it was associated with cytostatic effects at low concentrations.
(17) The study outcome of primary interest was the radiologist's report of the adequacy of examination as indicated in the written summary of the results of the barium enema procedure.
(18) During those conversations, Monaco underscored US support for Yemen, according to White House summaries.
(19) Updated at 7.42pm BST 7.19pm BST Summary Here's a summary of Obama's statement and Q&A: President Obama said that to avoid 'the abyss', Iraq must form a new, inclusive government.
(20) Depressed patients who received ECT had more temporal horn atrophy and greater subcortical abnormality summary scores than normal subjects.