(n.) An effort made, or exertion of body or mind, for the performance of anything; a trial; attempt; as, to make an essay to benefit a friend.
(n.) A composition treating of any particular subject; -- usually shorter and less methodical than a formal, finished treatise; as, an essay on the life and writings of Homer; an essay on fossils, or on commerce.
(n.) An assay. See Assay, n.
(n.) To exert one's power or faculties upon; to make an effort to perform; to attempt; to endeavor; to make experiment or trial of; to try.
(n.) To test the value and purity of (metals); to assay. See Assay.
Example Sentences:
(1) Two days after Michael Morpurgo, author of War Horse , published a beautiful essay calling for this year's First World War commemorations to " honour those who died " and "celebrate the peace we now share", Michael Gove has delivered the government's response.
(2) The rationale for pursuing the development and use of germ-line selection and modification techniques is examined in this essay.
(3) This essay reviews research on interhemispheric transfer time derived from simple unimanual reaction time to hemitachistoscopically presented visual stimuli.
(4) What is correct in a tweet might not be in an essay; no single register of English is right for every occasion.
(5) Unsurprisingly, one of the three lonely references at the end of O'Reilly's essay is to a 2012 speech entitled " Regulation: Looking Backward, Looking Forward" by Cass Sunstein , the prominent American legal scholar who is the chief theorist of the nudging state.
(6) The present essay gives a brief review of the findings on sex differences in the human brain.
(7) Evidence exists in the literature to suggest that the reliability of short (c. 10 minutes) essay questions may be higher.
(8) This pictorial essay should assist the radiologist in recognizing esophageal abnormalities on chest films and in recognizing their place in the spectrum of chest film abnormalities.
(9) This two-part essay identified major characteristics of War Surgery and explores the essential training and education required to prepare civilian and military surgeons for the practice of war surgery.
(10) They then wrote essays justifying their ideas for the new classroom; provided a budget, using a variety of maths skills; created an inventory of furniture, lighting and other items; producing a 3D scale model of their classroom and a 2D computer-generated picture.
(11) In the last part of the essay he discusses the characteristics of traditional Chinese medical ethics.
(12) Upon further consideration, we concluded the essay did not include some key facts and its overall tone was not consistent with what we seek to publish.
(13) You can date the phrase back further, to 1998, when Peggy McIntosh used the word "privilege" in her essay White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack .
(14) Over the past 40 years her voice has been marked, first and foremost, by a supreme intellectual confidence, a tone evident from the first line of the first essay (Notes on Camp) that made her name in 1964: "Many things in the world have not been named.
(15) The life of Oliver Wendell Holmes was selected as the subject for a lecture in the 1974 History of Medicine series at Yale University School of Medicine because, as the Latin subtitle of the essay suggests, he represents a fortunate and uncommon, but by no means unique, synthesis of the practical and aesthetic, of science and the humanities.
(16) Facebook Twitter Pinterest In an essay for the Hollywood Reporter, Camille Paglia writes that Swift promotes a ‘silly, regressive public image’.
(17) In a 2010 essay, Berman wrote of visiting the Bronx again, with trepidation, fearing that the borough's notorious self-immolation would have left nothing of the world he remembered.
(18) Batoor is a talented photojournalist who worked on the PR team at the US Embassy in Kabul before he was targeted for a bold and confronting photo essay on the exploitation of Afghanistan’s "dancing boys" in the Washington Post.
(19) Today we are starting a new series called ‘Facing my fear’, launching with an essay from a young widow who had to return to the city where she first met her late husband .
(20) As Geoff Dyer notes in his essay for Dewe Mathews's book, her images may "bear a conceptual resemblance to Sternfeld's, but they are taken within the already charged zone of memory that is the Western Front.
(n.) The ordinary language of men in speaking or writing; language not cast in poetical measure or rhythm; -- contradistinguished from verse, or metrical composition.
(n.) Hence, language which evinces little imagination or animation; dull and commonplace discourse.
(n.) A hymn with no regular meter, sometimes introduced into the Mass. See Sequence.
(a.) Pertaining to, or composed of, prose; not in verse; as, prose composition.
(a.) Possessing or exhibiting unpoetical characteristics; plain; dull; prosaic; as, the prose duties of life.
(v. t.) To write in prose.
(v. t.) To write or repeat in a dull, tedious, or prosy way.
(v. i.) To write prose.
Example Sentences:
(1) Comic writing can be a brutal, unforgiving business, yet it can produce great and multi-layered prose, combining comedy, pathos and satire.
(2) The prose rhythm and colloquial diction here work against exaggeration, but allow for humour.
(3) In the first, span and free-recall measures were obtained for 24 subjects, each tested with four types of spoken material (nonsense syllables, random words, fourth-order approximations to English, and normal prose).
(4) But his magnificent, exact rendering of the world, in his mordant, civilised and generous prose, has no comparison.
(5) With prose that takes the English language and infuses it with inflections and a history that is uniquely Igbo, discernibly Nigerian and unmistakably African, Achebe's is a realism that ensures the enduring relevance of his fiction.
(6) It was concluded that CAs are more effective and more efficient than prose for teaching clinical decisionmaking.
(7) Young and old adults were tested for recall of ideas presented in a 641 word prose passage.
(8) "The inauguration address was poetry, and now people are looking for some prose," said Alden Meyer, policy director at the Union of Concerned Scientists.
(9) Louise Glück’s prose-poem collection, Faithful and Virtuous Night , won for poetry.
(10) He writes poetry and prose, he writes news reports and short stories.
(11) Pinter adores poetry, would perhaps have preferred his poetry to have taken precedence over his plays, and his prose often has the compression and musicality of poetry, what he calls the "question of rhythm".
(12) These models account for a broad range of memory-related processes, including word recognition, sentence verification, prose comprehension, and sentence production.
(13) Various Voices: Prose, Poetry and Politics 1948-98 is published by Faber (£9.99).To order it at the special price of £7.99 plus 99p p&p, freephone 0500 600 102 or send a cheque payable to The Guardian CultureShop to 250 Western Avenue, London, W3 6EE.
(14) His narrative has the simple directness of the finest English prose: the overall effect is both intimate and majestic Perhaps he was lucky.
(15) Featuring handwritten lyrics and prose drawn from his notebooks and scraps of paper he kept in ringbinders, the selection was put together with the help of journalist Jon Savage .
(16) Ada banyak prakarsa dari bawah ke atas, mulai dari usaha pengelolaan sampah hingga tingkat nol sampai proses pengelolaan air kotor secara komunal.
(17) Subjects suffering from persecutory delusions, psychiatric controls and normal subjects were required to recall immediately six passages of prose, half of which contained mildly threatening propositions.
(18) But given how addictive the prose was in Constellation, where Marra was lyrical but also drover quickly, those who loved the John Leonard Prize winner a couple of years back are certainly hungering for more.