(v. t.) To judge and form an opinion of the value of, from imperfect data, -- either the extrinsic (money), or intrinsic (moral), value; to fix the worth of roughly or in a general way; as, to estimate the value of goods or land; to estimate the worth or talents of a person.
(v. t.) To from an opinion of, as to amount,, number, etc., from imperfect data, comparison, or experience; to make an estimate of; to calculate roughly; to rate; as, to estimate the cost of a trip, the number of feet in a piece of land.
(n.) A valuing or rating by the mind, without actually measuring, weighing, or the like; rough or approximate calculation; as, an estimate of the cost of a building, or of the quantity of water in a pond.
Example Sentences:
(1) Changes in cardiac adenosine triphosphate (ATP), phosphocreatine (PCr) and inorganic phosphate (Pi) were followed and intracellular pH (pHi) was estimated from the chemical shift of Pi.
(2) Estimations of the degree of incorporation of 14C from the radioactive labeled carbohydrate into the glycerol and fatty acid moieties were carried out.
(3) We conclude that the SHBG concentration strongly affects this estimation.
(4) In this review, we demonstrate that serum creatinine does not provide an adequate estimate of glomerular filtration rate (GFR), and contrary to recent teachings, that the slope of the reciprocal of serum creatinine vs time does not permit an accurate assessment of the rate of progression of renal disease.
(5) The models are applied to estimate the demand for tobacco products in Finland.
(6) Estimates of the risk probability for each dose level and sacrifice time are found utilizing the sample likelihood as the posterior density.
(7) Estimates of potential for gastrointestinal side effects using the rat enteropooling assay and in vivo monkey effects indicate that diarrhea will be substantially reduced with retention of uterine stimulating potency.
(8) The ED50 and ED95 of mivacurium in each group were estimated from linear regression plots of log dose vs probit of maximum percentage depression of neuromuscular function.
(9) We are pursuing legal action because there are still so many unanswered questions about the viability of Shenhua’s proposed koala plan and it seems at this point the plan does not guarantee the survival of the estimated 262 koalas currently living where Shenhua wants to put its mine,” said Ranclaud.
(10) To estimate the age of onset of these differences, and to assess their relationship to abdominal and gluteal adipocyte size, we measured adiposity, adipocyte size, and glucose and insulin concentrations during a glucose tolerance test in lean (less than 20% body fat), prepubertal children from each race.
(11) The level of significance of the statistical estimate of the change in the number of phonoreactive units (its increase due to deprivation) amounts to 92%.
(12) Variables included an ego-delay measure obtained from temporal estimations, perceptions of temporal dominance and relatedness obtained from Cottle's Circles Test, Ss' ages, and a measure of long-term posthospital adjustment.
(13) The molecular weight of antigen RFB2 was estimated to be approximately 85,000 daltons based on the results of gel filtration on Sepharose CL-6B.
(14) The radius is estimated to be around 1.7 nm, which shows a moderate degree of hydration.
(15) Another important factor, however, seems to be that patients, their families, doctors and employers estimate capacity of performance on account of the specific illness, thus calling for intensified efforts toward rehabilitation.
(16) The estimated DNA compaction ratio (approximately 3-fold) is consistent with a significant degree of nucleosome unfolding in the hyperstimulated BR genes.
(17) The Pan American Health Organization, the Americas arm of the World Health Organization, estimated the deaths from Tuesday's magnitude 7 quake at between 50,000 and 100,000, but said that was a "huge guess".
(18) The risk of recurrence and progression in 170 patients presenting with pTa urothelial tumours of the bladder has been estimated so that follow-up can be rationalised.
(19) Serum gamma glutamyl transferase (gammaGT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activities have been estimated in 49 epileptic patients taking anticonvulsant drugs.
(20) The effect of these drugs was estimated from the cell growth curve and DNA histogram determined by flow cytometry.
(a.) Suceeding next in order to the first; of second place, origin, rank, rank, etc.; not primary; subordinate; not of the first order or rate.
(a.) Acting by deputation or delegated authority; as, the work of secondary hands.
(a.) Possessing some quality, or having been subject to some operation (as substitution), in the second degree; as, a secondary salt, a secondary amine, etc. Cf. primary.
(a.) Subsequent in origin; -- said of minerals produced by alteertion or deposition subsequent to the formation of the original rocks mass; also of characters of minerals (as secondary cleavage, etc.) developed by pressure or other causes.
(a.) Pertaining to the second joint of the wing of a bird.
(a.) Dependent or consequent upon another disease; as, Bright's disease is often secondary to scarlet fever. (b) Occuring in the second stage of a disease; as, the secondary symptoms of syphilis.
(n.) One who occupies a subordinate, inferior, or auxiliary place; a delegate deputy; one who is second or next to the chief officer; as, the secondary, or undersheriff of the city of London.
(n.) A secondary circle.
(n.) A satellite.
(n.) A secondary quill.
Example Sentences:
(1) This difference is probably secondary to the different rates of delivery of furosemide into urine.
(2) A total of 555 caries lesions were registered on proximal surfaces, 49.1% being primary lesions in the enamel, 21.4% primary lesions into the dentin and 29.5% secondary lesions.
(3) The secondary leukemia that occurred in these patients could be distinguished from the secondary leukemia that occurs after treatment with alkylating agents by the following: a shorter latency period; a predominance of monocytic or myelomonocytic features; and frequent cytogenetic abnormalities involving 11q23.
(4) Results in May 89 emphasizes: the relevance and urgency of the prevention of AIDS in secondary schools; the importance of the institutional aspect for the continuity of the project; the involvement of the pupils and the trainers for the processus; the feasibility of an intervention using only local resources.
(5) Implantation of the mouse embryo involves the invasion of the secondary trophoblast giant cells of the ectoplacental cone (EPC) into the uterine decidua.
(6) The blockade of H2 receptors is the primary action of these drugs; however, they possess also secondary actions which may represent untoward effects but in some cases may be actually useful (increase in prostaglandin synthesis, inhibition of LTB4 synthesis, etc.)
(7) The move would require some secondary legislation; higher fines for employers paying less than the minimum wage would require new primary legislation.
(8) Therefore, the measurement of the alpha-antitrypsin content plays the crucial part in differential diagnosis of primary (hereditary determined) and secondary (obstructive) emphysema.
(9) As many girls as boys receive primary and secondary education, maternal mortality is lower and the birth rate is falling .
(10) It was concluded that B. pertussis infection-induced hypoglycaemia was secondary to hyperinsulinaemia, possibly caused by an exaggerated insulin secretory response to food intake.
(11) A large, calcified paratracheal mass was identified in a patient with secondary hyperparathyroidism.
(12) In contrast, castration during pseudopregnancy did not abolish the secondary peaks.
(13) These results suggest that changes in pituitary and testicular function in rats made diabetic by STZ treatment are secondary to changes in hypothalamic catecholamine metabolism.
(14) In contrast, newly formed secondary myotubes are short cells which insert solely into the primary myotubes by a series of complex interdigitating folds along which adhering junctions occur.
(15) On the other hand, the compound was more potent on secondary or late stage than on primary stage of inflammation, and to some extent showed the mode of action seen with steroid antiinflammatory drugs.
(16) Four had partial simple seizures with secondary generalisation and 3 had cortical excisions (2 frontal, 1 occipital lobe) surgery.
(17) Slides and short films were used in primary and secondary schools.
(18) It is not known whether the deposits are primary or secondary events, but they may be of importance in initiating or maintaining derangement in heart function.
(19) The LSCC-H32 cells were demonstrated to be as susceptible for most of the tested viruses as were secondary chicken embryo cells.
(20) From a clinical standpoint, it is clear that psychiatrists caring for anxious patients must be aware of the possibility of secondary alcohol abuse.