What's the difference between evadible and evasible?



  • (a.) Capable of being evaded.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Virtually every developed country has some form of property tax, so the idea that valuing residential property is uniquely difficult, or that it would be widely evaded, is nonsense.
  • (2) Trypanosoma brucei) has the ability to express on its cell surface a repertoire of variant surface glycoproteins (VSGs) and in so doing, evades the immune response of the host (antigenic variation).
  • (3) "For tax evaders, she should turn to Pasok and New Democracy to explain to her why they haven't touched the big money and have been chasing the simple worker for two years."
  • (4) "It's also very hard to evade a question that comes from a town hall person," she said during a discussion of the format and how the candidates will respond.
  • (5) But pollsters said that even if the president's worst failing was to have been naively taken in, being hoodwinked by a tax-evader he appointed to one of the country's most important jobs would be hugely damaging for his presidential standing and authority.
  • (6) In a submission to a House of Lords EU subcommittee , it said: "Most of the stakeholders consulted believe that opting out of this and relying on alternative arrangements would result in fewer extraditions, longer delays, higher costs, more offenders evading justice and increased risk to public safety."
  • (7) He cut in and provided a pass for Sneijder, whose shot squirmed wide off Rodríguez; he then clipped a ball in that just evaded Sneijder; and soon after that he appealed for another penalty.
  • (8) The model also lends itself to studies of the immunologic interrelationships between innate and acquired resistance to infection with schistosomes, as well as the mechanisms by which these parasites evade the host immune response.
  • (9) Here's Messi playing in Adriano, but his cross evades Villa in the middle.
  • (10) According to unedited training videos seen by Sky News captured from an Isis trainer by the remnants of the Free Syrian Army, an research and development team may have produced fully working remote-controlled cars to act as mobile bombs, which they have fitted with mannequins rigged to give off heat to suggest they are human and so to evade bomb-scanning machines.
  • (11) As long as the requirements of the law are there, if you try to evade arrest, refuse arrest... and you put up a good fight or resist violently, I will say: ‘Kill them’.” Duterte also vowed to introduce a 2am curfew on drinking in public places, and ban children from walking on the streets alone late at night.
  • (12) The authors found, almost as an aside to their central examination of tax evasion, that the occupations represented in parliament "are very much those that evade tax, even beyond lawyers".
  • (13) He also said tax evaders using Liechtenstein had been offered "amnesty-lite" deals.
  • (14) His deputy, Dokuchayev, is believed to be a well-known Russian hacker who went by the nickname Forb, and began working for the FSB some years ago to evade jail for his hacking activities.
  • (15) Two ways to alter the perception that health professionals evade or ignore the problem are discussed.
  • (16) But the next real opportunity would fall to USA , Jozy Altidore running onto an Fabian Johnson cross that had evaded its intended target, Michael Bradley, in the middle of the box.
  • (17) Her worries were confirmed hours later, when Manuel Delgado, another lawyer emerged from the courtroom during a recess and declared "the princess came very prepared to evade any questions".
  • (18) The present study was performed to determine whether the propensity of the type b organism to cause invasive infections is due to a unique ability to evade complement-mediated host defenses.
  • (19) The prosecution in the trial had alleged that the two men had evaded tax on payments totalling £189,000 that were made by Mandaric into Redknapp's offshore bank account while the two men were at Portsmouth football club.
  • (20) could be due to a Leishmania-induced mechanism by means of which this organism may evade the immune response.



  • (a.) That may be evaded.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Nicholas Shaxson – the author of Treasure Islands, a book about the world of tax evasion – described the demands as "incredibly powerful".
  • (2) The NYT article further shines further light into this murky affair, in which both News International and the Metropolitan Police have so far been evasive, to say the least."
  • (3) Hollande ended up defending until to the bitter end Jérôme Cahuzac , a finance minister responsible for fighting tax evasion who turned out to have used a secret Swiss bank account to avoid paying taxes in France.
  • (4) It is suggested that this may contribute to parasite evasion of the host immune response.
  • (5) According to research and advocacy organisation Global Financial Integrity , nearly $1tn in illicit financial flows—the proceeds of crime, corruption, and tax evasion—flows illicitly out of developing countries every year.
  • (6) In the test-group animals evasion showed a decrease compared with the untreated control animals, but there was no evidence of a relation to the timing of the bleedings.
  • (7) But it was also a portrait of an England charged with secrets - and, as Michael Billington put it, the work of an accomplished playwright who understood the English curse of 'emotional evasion.'
  • (8) I believe in wealth creation and company profits, and for the government to play its part, and we have been working closely with business to shape that agenda.” Specifically, Miliband pointed out David Cameron, during his chairmanship of the G8 in 2013, had promised to make a crackdown on tax evasion one of his central goals.
  • (9) The complex immunological relationships between schistosomes and their vertebrate hosts are considered to be conveniently divisible into four distinct, though interrelated categories: the parasite's vulnerability to, its evasion of, and its exploitation of the host's immune response, and its stimulation of the host's immune response to produce immunopathology.
  • (10) What we need is international action now, and that’s precisely what we are doing today with real concrete action in the war against tax evasion.” He said the transparency rules on beneficial ownership showed that Britain and other governments were working to shine a spotlight on “those hiding spaces, those dark corners of the global financial system”.
  • (11) Here's more details and reaction: Marco Incerti (@MarcoInBxl) #Berlusconi more than 50 trials.. blabla... etc, judges have drawn my name in the mud, took up my time, my patience, huge economic resources September 18, 2013 Marco Incerti (@MarcoInBxl) #Berlusconi , ridicolous sentence to 4 years, for tax evasion that I didn't commit, and even if I did would be minor.
  • (12) Cellino was initially disqualified in December when the League ruled a first-grade conviction for tax evasion on a yacht in Sardinia was a “dishonest offence” and that he was therefore in breach of the organisation’s owners’ and directors’ test.
  • (13) Jeremy Hunt has serious questions to answer, especially his deliberately evasive statement to parliament.
  • (14) This procedure is manifested in the region of system-immanent weak spots of the positional and locomotor system and, in the pelvic girdle region by tipping of the pelvis in ventral direction, with consecutive evasive shifts of the vertebral column and extremities.
  • (15) The authors found, almost as an aside to their central examination of tax evasion, that the occupations represented in parliament "are very much those that evade tax, even beyond lawyers".
  • (16) When, in the course of studying this behavior, moths are removed by stages from the natural circumstances of this interaction their evasion responses become much less invariant; that is, more evitable.
  • (17) The report of the inquiry, which helped bring down the Irish government of the day, found fraud and serious illegality in Goodman's companies in the 1980s that had involved not just the faking of documents, but also the commissioning of bogus official stamps, including those of other countries, to misclassify carcasses; passing off of inferior beef trimmings as higher-grade meat; cheating of customs officers; and institutionalised tax evasion.
  • (18) Meanwhile, the editor of an investigative magazine went on trial on Monday for publishing a list of some 2,000 wealthy Greeks with Swiss bank accounts who the government has yet to investigate for possible tax evasion.
  • (19) Abbott’s few remaining apologists in the domestic media have vaingloriously announced today that our prime minister is putting the mighty US “on notice” about tax evasion.
  • (20) The model described here might represent a useful tool to further analyze the mechanisms involved in immune evasion of Leishmania parasites.

Words possibly related to "evadible"

Words possibly related to "evasible"