(n.) Good news; announcement of glad tidings; especially, the gospel, or a gospel.
Example Sentences:
(1) The evangelical pastor knew he faced an almighty task.
(2) But somewhere along the way, his passion for good, fresh food – admirable and infectious in every respect – appears to have transformed into evangelical life-coaching.
(3) The plot departs from the good book in big ways, small ways, in fact any way the makers (evangelical husband and wife Mark Burnett and Roma Downey) fancy.
(4) This enduring strain of belief has found more recent echoes in both Islamism and the US evangelical right.
(5) But Nick Loening, owner of Ecoyoga in the Scottish Highlands, is evangelical about the benefits of a good soak and gently insistent that his guests make the most of the various bathing options at his retreat – regardless of the weather.
(6) No true evangelical ought to be tempted to give such tales any credence whatsoever, no matter how popular they become,” Johnson wrote.
(7) A lot of clubs, Boro included, take increasing notice of such data these days but few are quite as evangelical as Brentford.
(8) Jim Gianopulos, the chairman of Fox Filmed Entertainment, went on a Singularity University course, and has since become evangelical about it.
(9) Santorum, a social conservative much further to the right than Romney and endorsed by Christian evangelical leaders, hopes to turn himself into a magnet for the substantial number of anti-Romney conservatives.
(10) • Lord Anderson of Swansea sponsored a pass for Lyndon Bowring, executive chairman of Care, the evangelical Christian group.
(11) Michel claimed that God had deserted Shenouda's congregation and that more than a million Copts had become Muslims or evangelical Christians.
(12) Brin and Page remain joint presidents, Brin in charge of technology, Page responsible for product launches, but the rapid growth of recent years has been steered by chief executive Eric Schmidt, 53, who came on board in 2001 as the commercial 'brain', negotiating the founders' evangelism and the shareholders' thirst for profits.
(13) I think it’s okay as a Catholic to get my guidance as a Catholic from the Pope but certainly not economic policy or environmental policy.” Trump has previously questioned the faith of another adversary, Ted Cruz, saying: “You gotta remember, in all fairness, to the best of my knowledge, not too many evangelicals come out of Cuba, OK?” Cruz’s father is an evangelical pastor who emigrated from Cuba, and the senator has pursued extremely religious voters throughout his campaign.
(14) Trump did seem to recognize that no one would mistake him for a devout evangelical.
(15) I am a Protestant and I am very proud of it,” Donald Trump told Liberty University, the largest evangelical institution of higher education in the United States, on Monday, as he attempted to appeal to this key demographic in the Republican primary.
(16) Conservative evangelicals often quote a verse in Leviticus which describes sexual relations between men as an “abomination”.
(17) But the paper was also canny enough to say the school would be run by evangelical Christian sponsors."
(18) Had they but known, Robinson, from a poor Southern share-cropping background, was one of the most evangelical of American bishops.
(19) Mission's films aren't evangelical tools, part of a grand crusade – they're designed to plug a gap in the market.
(20) Evangelicals, wherever they come from the US and elsewhere, should bring good news of inclusion and love of God rather than sowing seeds of discrimination and hate,” he tells me before adding: “The Gospel is supposed to be liberating to marginalised people.
(v.) Glad tidings; especially, the good news concerning Christ, the Kingdom of God, and salvation.
(v.) One of the four narratives of the life and death of Jesus Christ, written by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
(v.) A selection from one of the gospels, for use in a religious service; as, the gospel for the day.
(v.) Any system of religious doctrine; sometimes, any system of political doctrine or social philosophy; as, this political gospel.
(v.) Anything propounded or accepted as infallibly true; as, they took his words for gospel.
(a.) Accordant with, or relating to, the gospel; evangelical; as, gospel righteousness.
(v. t.) To instruct in the gospel.
Example Sentences:
(1) And of course, as the articles are shared far and wide across the apparently much-hated web, they become gospel to those who read them and unfortunately become quasi-religious texts to musicians of all stripes who blame the internet for everything that is wrong with their careers.
(2) He called for care for the environment to be added to the seven spiritual works of mercy outlined in the Gospel that the faithful are asked to perform throughout the pope’s year of mercy in 2016.
(3) Archbishop Eliud Wabukala of Kenya said the “truth [of the Gospel] continues to be called into question in the Anglican communion” and warned against “the global ambitions of a secular culture”.
(4) The gay Ugandan church seeks to spread an alternative gospel of love and acceptance for all.
(5) Bono then serenaded the archbishop with the U2 hit Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For, backed by the gospel choir.
(6) It just sort of clicked, because to me it was my version of gospel, but it wasn't about Jesus.
(7) Evangelicals, wherever they come from the US and elsewhere, should bring good news of inclusion and love of God rather than sowing seeds of discrimination and hate,” he tells me before adding: “The Gospel is supposed to be liberating to marginalised people.
(8) Wesley had consulted some sources, common sense, and his own experience, tempering those with the general principle of "doing good to all men," particularly "those who desire to live according to the gospel...." Thus, the Methodist patriarch's own formula for life had as much to do with the spread of Primitive Physick throughout eighteenth-century Britain and America as did all of the remedies and suggestions imprinted upon its pages.
(9) The Christian news website Gospel+ noted that Macedo had called for "media fasts" twice in the past.
(10) "He loved his work, loved his music, loved his guitar, loved gospel music and loved his mother."
(11) Their loss has been our gain as the longlist casts a wide net in terms of both geography and tone, ranging from the slimmest of novels – Colm Tóibín's stark, surprising The Testament of Mary conjures the gospel according to Jesus's mother in a mere 100-odd pages – to vast doorstops, playful with genre and form.
(12) His pervasive influence within the field of philanthropy stems more than anything from his treatise on 'wealth' , known as 'The Gospel of Wealth' , where he concludes: "the problem of our age is the proper administration of wealth, so that the ties of brotherhood may still bind together the rich and the poor in harmonious relationship."
(13) Soon he would be helping to found the People's Songs organisation , with the aim of spreading the gospel of songs dealing with the lives of real people in the real America, the miners and mill workers and sharecroppers on southern plantations, a world away from the sophisticated classes celebrated in the songs of Broadway and Tin Pan Alley.
(14) "She was his favourite gospel singer, and he would ask her to sing The Old Rugged Cross or Jesus Met The Woman At The Well down the phone," Jones explains.
(15) Photograph: AAP In her famous 1913 pamphlet, Round about a pound a week , Maud Pember Reeves wrote contemptuously about “the gospel of porridge” – the idea, still common among the wealthy, that the destitute wouldn’t be so wretched if only they invested their money wisely.
(16) The scene is based on the account of Jesus' birth in the gospel of Matthew, though Matthew does not record a mishap whereby the magi accidentally bestow their gifts on Terry Jones in a dress.
(17) "This is the first time we've been able to throw out an idea like, 'Dude, it'd be cool to have a gospel choir', and it wouldn't get shot down."
(18) Since 2000, Ray Lewis has developed the persona of the wayward youth turned gospel preacher, a big reason why he has been able to end his career as a respected, at least in the game, 17-year-veteran who ended his career with a Super Bowl win with the only team he's ever played for, a team that very few people thought was good enough to get this far.
(19) The spread of the new gospel was a historic necessity.
(20) He washed volunteers’ feet on the steps of the capitol building in an allusion to the gospel of John, in which Jesus washes the disciples in what Cato said was an act of love “with no caveat”.