What's the difference between example and weary?



  • (n.) One or a portion taken to show the character or quality of the whole; a sample; a specimen.
  • (n.) That which is to be followed or imitated as a model; a pattern or copy.
  • (n.) That which resembles or corresponds with something else; a precedent; a model.
  • (n.) That which is to be avoided; one selected for punishment and to serve as a warning; a warning.
  • (n.) An instance serving for illustration of a rule or precept, especially a problem to be solved, or a case to be determined, as an exercise in the application of the rules of any study or branch of science; as, in trigonometry and grammar, the principles and rules are illustrated by examples.
  • (v. t.) To set an example for; to give a precedent for; to exemplify; to give an instance of; to instance.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Two of the largest markets are Germany and South Korea, often held up as shining examples of export-led economies.
  • (2) These same molecules may be equally responsible for the pathologic characteristics of the immune response seen, for example, in inflammatory bowel diseases.
  • (3) Because of the short detachment interval, and the absence of underlying pathology or trauma, the recovery process described here probably represents an example of optimum recovery after retinal reattachment.
  • (4) Practical examples are given of the concepts presented using data from several drugs.
  • (5) New indications are still being investigated, for example in focal tremors and spasticity.
  • (6) In a Bloomberg article last week, for example, one Stanford student compared women who get raped to unlocked bicycles : ‘Do I deserve to have my bike stolen if I leave it unlocked on the quad?’ [Chris] Herries, 22, said.
  • (7) There are widespread examples across the US of the police routinely neglecting crimes of sexual violence and refusing to believe victims.
  • (8) Trichostatin C is presumably the first example of a glucopyranosyl hydroxamate from nature.
  • (9) Increased iron levels in basal ganglia were generally associated with normal or elevated levels of ferritin immunoreactivity, for example, the substantia nigra in PSP and possibly MSA, and in putamen in MSA.
  • (10) This is the first clear example of activation of the K-ras gene by ethylating agents in a rodent lung tumor system.
  • (11) Many examples are given to demonstrate the applications of these programs, and special emphasis has been laid on the problem of treating a point in tissue with different doses per fraction on alternate treatment days.
  • (12) For example, lysine is preferably encoded by the AAA codon if guanosine is 3' to the lysine codon (AAA-G, P less than 10(-9)).
  • (13) For example, 75% of them were asked about their family life, marital status and children in interviews.
  • (14) History contains numerous examples of government secrecy breeding abuse.
  • (15) A good example is Apple TV: Can it possibly generate real money at $100 a puck?
  • (16) In one of Pruitt’s first official acts, for example, he overruled the recommendation of his own agency’s scientists, based on years of meticulous research, to ban a pesticide shown to cause nerve damage, one that poses a clear risk to children, farmworkers and rural drinking water supplies.
  • (17) Therefore, a mortality analysis of overall survival time alone may conceal important differences between the forces of mortality (hazard functions) associated with distinct states of active disease, for example pre-remission state and first relapse.
  • (18) Individual play techniques are explored, and two case histories are given as examples of how the occupational therapist works with the child, the family, and other practitioners.
  • (19) For example, stem pairing with a sequence other than wild-type resulted in normal protein binding in vitro but derepression of protein synthesis in vivo.
  • (20) One example of this increased data generation is the emergence of genomic selection, which uses statistical modeling to predict how a plant will perform before field testing.



  • (superl.) Having the strength exhausted by toil or exertion; worn out in respect to strength, endurance, etc.; tired; fatigued.
  • (superl.) Causing weariness; tiresome.
  • (superl.) Having one's patience, relish, or contentment exhausted; tired; sick; -- with of before the cause; as, weary of marching, or of confinement; weary of study.
  • (v. t.) To reduce or exhaust the physical strength or endurance of; to tire; to fatigue; as, to weary one's self with labor or traveling.
  • (v. t.) To make weary of anything; to exhaust the patience of, as by continuance.
  • (v. t.) To harass by anything irksome.
  • (v. i.) To grow tired; to become exhausted or impatient; as, to weary of an undertaking.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) All of this in the same tones of weary nonchalance you might use to stop the dog nosing around in the bin.
  • (2) Portugal's slide towards a Greek-style second bailout accelerated after its principal private lenders indicated that they were growing weary of assurances from Lisbon that it could get on top of the country's debts.
  • (3) SUNS 104, TIMBERWOLVES 95 In Phoenix, Grant Hill scored 15 of his season-best 20 points in the second half as Phoenix pulled away to beat weary Minnesota.
  • (4) Ectopic pregnancy on the vaginal portio in a 31-year-old woman weari ng and IUD is reported.
  • (5) The Coalition is appealing to the same change-weary voters with the message that Turnbull is a better bet to deliver economic and political stability and Shorten is untested, uninspiring and a risk.
  • (6) There is also world-weariness about such crackdowns.
  • (7) The now 8th Earl of Lucan has treated such sightings with weary equanimity, once saying: “I get a little tired when former Scotland Yard detectives at the end of their careers get commissions to write books which happen to send them to sunny destinations around the world.
  • (8) Facebook Twitter Pinterest War weary Syrian refugees plead to cross channel through Eurotunnel at Calais.
  • (9) They are weary of being marginalised and no longer being considered in decisions made by management, so they will support action even if they know that it is not over the real issues.
  • (10) He sighs, though whether this is out of weariness and regret, or impatience at my line of questioning, is difficult to tell.
  • (11) But senior administration officials, with a sense of weary resignation, also called on people to put the leaks into context and insisted they had not done serious damage to US relations.
  • (12) Both sides, wearied by decades of fruitless diplomacy, cautioned that an initial meeting – scheduled for the "next week or so" in Washington, according to Kerry – will not automatically lead to productive negotiations.
  • (13) It’s hard to understand the photo’s power in 1945 to Americans, who were weary of the war and horrified by the incredible number of deaths by servicemen, especially in Asian locations most had never heard of, Buell said.
  • (14) 'I couldn't imagine a worse scenario than not enjoying being Thor, because it's gonna consume a good 10 years of my life' Hemsworth, a gentle giant who seems both grateful and gracious, talks passionately about Thor, with no winking and no weariness.
  • (15) And weary opposition forces don’t like what they are seeing.
  • (16) Journalists and the public roll their eyes as he makes yet another passive-aggressive claim that referees are against him, directors tire of his constant hustling and players perhaps weary of his intensity.
  • (17) Despite the world-weary tone of a brutal review in the New York Times, which suggested that it added nothing new to the "groaning shelf" of homosexual literature, a story with an unashamedly gay protagonist unleashed a storm of protest in a country where sodomy was still illegal.
  • (18) His most celebrated aphorism was his response to a journalist who wondered whether Christian Democrats would ever be weary of wielding power: "Political power wears out only those who haven't got it."
  • (19) Obviously, there are some shops where fidgetty child fingers are more inappropriate than others, and I really am sorry to that off-licence, and I would have paid for the bottle of wine we smashed‚ except the weary young man on the till insisted I didn't have to, with the hardened air of a man who had mopped up a few rivers of glass and alcohol in his time.
  • (20) The final draft of the report from a panel of the world's top climate scientists paints a wild future for a world already weary of weather catastrophes costing billions of dollars.