(adv.) In an excellent manner; well in a high degree.
(adv.) In a high or superior degree; -- in this literal use, not implying worthiness.
Example Sentences:
(1) This excellent prognosis supports a regimen of conservative therapy for these patients.
(2) It was concluded that metoclopramide and dexamethasone showed an excellent antiemetic effect on acute drug-induced emesis, as well as on delayed emesis, induced by cisplatin.
(3) Our experience indicates that lateral rhinotomy is a safe, repeatable and cosmetically sound procedure that provides and excellent surgical approach to the nasal cavity and sinuses.
(4) Excellent correlations were observed between computer and manual methods for both systems.
(5) GlaxoSmithKline was unusually critical of the decision by Nice, the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, and also the Scottish Medicines Consortium, to reject its drug belimumab (brand name Benlysta) in final draft guidance.
(6) Although there was already satisfaction in the development of dementia-friendly pharmacies and Pride in Practice, a new standard of excellence in healthcare for gay, lesbian and bisexual patients, the biggest achievement so far was the bringing together of a strategic partnership of 37 NHS, local government and social organisations.
(7) Nice (the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence) has also published new guidance on good patient experience that provides a strong framework on which to build good engagement practice.
(8) Grafts of intermediate thickness (M III) showed excellent clinical healing of the donor and the recipient site.
(9) "If you look at the price HP paid, it was an excellent deal for the Autonomy shareholders.
(10) An excellent correlation was found between pulmonary artery systolic pressure measured by CW Doppler and catheterization (r = 0.98).
(11) Among patients in whom the neuroma had been operated on once previously (first recurrence group), 88% achieved good to excellent pain relief with the technique described in this article.
(12) The diagnosis of an arterial injury may be readily apparent, but the excellent upper-extremity collateral circulation may create palpable distal pulses despite a significant proximal arterial injury.
(13) All 4 patients subsequently had excellent subjective responses to MPA treatment, lasting for several months.
(14) The prognosis of meningococcal arthritis is excellent and joint sequelae are rare.
(15) These lesions had an excellent prognosis with a control rate of 100%.
(16) Patients treated with ciprofloxacin may need added coverage for anaerobes, but the drug's excellent activity against nosocomial pathogens and its availability in oral form allow for an early change to oral therapy without compromising effectiveness coupled with added savings and convenience.
(17) This procedure yields excellent precision and accuracy, as demonstrated by the analysis of a known amino acid mixture and of neonatal plasma.
(18) Thus, in spite of its excellent activity and unquestionable effectiveness, rifampicin should be used with caution in severe staphylococcal infections.
(19) This study was designed to compare these levels in hirsute women, normal premenopausal and postmenopausal women, and in men and to correlate each measurement with skin 5 alpha-reductase activity (5 alpha-RA), an excellent correlate of androgenicity.
(20) Computed tomography gave excellent visualization of prostate morphology and pelvic anatomic relationships.
(adv.) In a rare manner or degree; seldom; not often; as, things rarely seen.
(adv.) Finely; excellently; with rare skill. See 3d Rare, 2.
(2) Hypothyroidism complicated by spontaneous hyperthyroidism is an interesting but rare occurrence in the spectrum of autoimmune thyroid disorders.
(3) Oculomotor paresis with cyclic spasms is a rare syndrome, usually noticeable at birth or developing during the first year of life.
(4) The frequency of rare fragile sites was studied among 240 children in special schools for subnormal intelligence (IQ 52-85).
(5) Surgical repair of the rheumatologic should however, is performed rarely, and should be reserved for the infrequent cases that do not respond to medical therapy.
(6) Cor triatriatum (CT) is a rare congenital defect, surgically correctable, and sometimes difficult to diagnose by cardiac catheterization.
(7) During this period he developed autoimmune haemolytic anaemia, a rare complication of myelofibrosis.
(8) One rare case of blind-ending branch originating in the upper third of the ureter are described.
(9) This analysis demonstrated that more than 75% of cosmids containing a rare restriction site also contained a second rare restriction site, suggesting a high degree of CpG-rich restriction site clustering.
(10) These are rare tumours comparable to abdominal desmoid tumours.
(11) They can rarely be detected spontaneously but most often are provoked.
(12) A rare case of an extradural brucellosis granuloma in the thoracic region is presented.
(13) Massive osteoplastic bone tumor in hepatocellular carcinoma is very rare.
(14) Aneurysmal bone cyst is an uncommon benign lesion that rarely presents in the craniofacial region.
(15) Axons emerge from proximal dendrites within 50 microns of the soma, and more rarely from the soma, in a tapering initial segment, commonly interrupted by one or two large swellings.
(16) Useful studies on the relationship between these acute lesions and peptic ulceration are rare.
(18) Spontaneous reports of suspected adverse reactions may be the only way of revealing very rare events but they present great difficulties of rational interpretation.
(19) Metastatic tumors of the small bowel from extra-abdominal sites are rare.
(20) Perinephric abscess is a rare condition; it may be acute, but can take a chronic and atypical course as a result of incomplete treatment with antibiotics.