(a.) Characterized by, or exhibiting, excess; overmuch.
Example Sentences:
(1) 5-Azacytidine (I) stability was increased approximately 10-fold over its stability in water or lactated Ringer injection by the addition of excess sodium bisulfite and the maintenance of pH approximately 2.5.
(2) Since the advance and return of sperm inside the tubes could facilitate the interaction of sperm with secretions participating in its maturation, the persistent infertility after vasectomy could be related to the contractile alteration that follows the excessive tubal distention.
(3) The following conclusions emerge: (i) when the 3' or the 3' penultimate base of the oligonucleotide mismatched an allele, no amplification product could be detected; (ii) when the mismatches were 3 and 4 bases from the 3' end of the primer, differential amplification was still observed, but only at certain concentrations of magnesium chloride; (iii) the mismatched allele can be detected in the presence of a 40-fold excess of the matched allele; (iv) primers as short as 13 nucleotides were effective; and (v) the specificity of the amplification could be overwhelmed by greatly increasing the concentration of target DNA.
(4) Excessive lip protrusion was eliminated, and arch leveled.
(5) Ten milliliters of the solution inappropriately came into contact with nasal mucous membranes, causing excessive drug absorption.
(6) Dietary factors affect intestinal P450s markedly--iron restriction rapidly decreased intestinal P450 to beneath detectable values; selenium deficiency acted similarly but was less effective; Brussels sprouts increased intestinal AHH activity 9.8-fold, ECOD activity 3.2-fold, and P450 1.9-fold; fried meat and dietary fat significantly increased intestinal EROD activity; a vitamin A-deficient diet increased, and a vitamin A-rich diet decreased intestinal P450 activities; and excess cholesterol in the diet increased intestinal P450 activity.
(7) Cigarette consumption has also been greater in urban areas, but it is difficult to estimate how much of the excess it can account for.
(8) Preliminary studies of different systems suggest several of them may have sensitivity to detect intraepithelial abnormalities in excess of 95%.
(9) Excessive accumulation of hydrogen ions in the brain may play a pivotal role in initiating the necrosis seen in infarction and following hyperglycemic augmentation of ischemic brain damage.
(10) Fifty-four cases were analysed, and a two-fold excess of clustering within one year was observed, both within single districts and between adjacent districts.
(11) The first one is a region with iodine insufficiency; the second one is a region where the people use table salt in excess.
(12) Addition of methacholine to the substance-P-treated cells caused a rapid increase in [3H]IP3, whereas a second addition of a 10-fold excess of substance P had no effect.
(13) It is possible that the marked elevations in obsessive-compulsive symptomatology and in interpersonal sensitivity may reflect in part a sensitization to excessive performance demands.
(14) Using the intersection point of these pH-logPCO2 lines as a point of equal hemoglobin-independent "base excess" for each condition, values for true base excess were plotted.
(15) This excess in diagnosis comprises, in particular, the ductal type, primarily its most aggressive forms.
(16) Attention is drawn to the desirability of differentiating between supra- and sub-gingival calculus in the CPITN scoring system and to the excessive treatment requirements that arise from classifying everyone with calculus as requiring prophylaxis and scaling.
(17) IgG-gold also adhered to M cells and excess unlabeled IgG inhibited IgA-gold binding; thus binding was not isotype-specific.
(18) The technique did not compromise cancer resection, excessively prolong operating time, or alter postoperative management.
(19) The temperature-activated 4 to 5 S EBP transformation is found to be highly reproducible without loss of [3H]estradiol-binding activity in a buffer containing an excess of [3H]estradiol, 40 mM Tris, 1 mM dithiothreitol, and 1 M urea at pH 7.4.
(20) The amount of cleavage products depends on the excess of H2O2 used.
(a.) Departing from an orbit or usual track; hence, deviating from the usual or due course; going beyond the appointed rules or established limits of right or propriety; excessive; extravagant; enormous; inordinate; as, exorbitant appetites and passions; exorbitant charges, demands, or claims.
(a.) Not comprehended in a settled rule or method; anomalous.
Example Sentences:
(1) This exorbitant incidence of monilial infections and infestations was associated with a high frequency of complications involving the homograft as well as the hosts' gastrointestinal tract during the post-transplantation period.
(2) Leonid Petrov, an expert on the North at the Australian National University, said of the North's statement: "It's a good sign, they are prepared to negotiate, but they are demanding an exorbitant and impermissibly high price … The game will continue."
(3) Talking this week to several, I heard the same story of exorbitant fees and shocking interest rates throttling real production, while Adair Turner's "socially useless" financial products attract limitless bubble credit.
(4) To identify a role for protein kinase C in lacrimal gland protein secretion, we incubated rat exorbital lacrimal gland acini in the ester 4-beta-phorbol 12, 13 dibutyrate (beta-phorbol dibutyrate), its inactive isomer 4-alpha-phorbol 12, 13 dibutyrate (alpha-phorbol dibutyrate), and the diacylglycerol analog 1,2-oleoyl acetylglycerol (OAG).
(5) Ultimately this will spell the end of America's "exorbitant privilege".
(6) In other words, European practice reflects the dollar's "exorbitant privilege" as the only true global currency, freely accepted by currency traders and investors in China and around the world.
(7) The authors believe the ability to isolate and analyze acinar preparations from the rabbit lacrimal gland will facilitate various studies of acinar cell biochemistry and physiology that would be impractical with the relatively smaller amounts of material that can be obtained from rat or mouse exorbital lacrimal glands.
(8) To begin with the central problem: the exorbitant length.
(9) Lord Myners, the City minister, warned bankers tonight that "exorbitant" bonuses would not be tolerated because profits were only being made on the back of the billions of pounds of taxpayers' money propping up the financial system.
(10) But the loans come with exorbitant rates of interest.
(11) The destruction of farms and markets, a de facto blockade on commercial imports, and a long-running fuel crisis have caused a drop in agricultural production, a scarcity of supplies and exorbitant food prices,” Oxfam said.
(12) The practice in question abused "standards-essential patents" to demand exorbitant license fees from companies that are required to must comply with a standard like 3G or Wi-Fi to make smartphones, game consoles and computers.
(13) The Italian club quoted an exorbitant loan fee when Liverpool made their initial approach on Wednesday and rejected a proposal that the temporary deal could be terminated should Balotelli step out of line.
(14) EACF caused initiation of DNA synthesis in the liver, submandibular gland, exorbital lacrimal gland and epithelium of the tongue of adult mice after i.p.
(15) These results suggest that, in the rat exorbital lacrimal gland, the Golgi saccules participate in the transport of secretory proteins, and that GERL is involved in the formation of secretory granules.
(16) Vast numbers of right-to-buy properties are now rented out by private landlords who enjoyed the hefty purchase discount, and now make even more money through exorbitant private rents.
(17) Capitalism meant exorbitant wealth at the top, but it also meant rapid technological progress and economic growth.
(18) Segments of mouse pancreatic or exorbital lacrimal gland were superfused with saline solutions.
(19) The muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (MAChR) is an important mediator of parasympathetic regulation of secretion by the rat exorbital lacrimal gland.
(20) He made a rare intervention to remind the Conservatives that they lose when they look heartless, that there is a silent phenomenon of " lace curtain poverty " in Britain and that exorbitant energy prices have left many choosing between eating and heating their homes.