(a.) Characterized by, or exhibiting, excess; overmuch.
Example Sentences:
(1) 5-Azacytidine (I) stability was increased approximately 10-fold over its stability in water or lactated Ringer injection by the addition of excess sodium bisulfite and the maintenance of pH approximately 2.5.
(2) Since the advance and return of sperm inside the tubes could facilitate the interaction of sperm with secretions participating in its maturation, the persistent infertility after vasectomy could be related to the contractile alteration that follows the excessive tubal distention.
(3) The following conclusions emerge: (i) when the 3' or the 3' penultimate base of the oligonucleotide mismatched an allele, no amplification product could be detected; (ii) when the mismatches were 3 and 4 bases from the 3' end of the primer, differential amplification was still observed, but only at certain concentrations of magnesium chloride; (iii) the mismatched allele can be detected in the presence of a 40-fold excess of the matched allele; (iv) primers as short as 13 nucleotides were effective; and (v) the specificity of the amplification could be overwhelmed by greatly increasing the concentration of target DNA.
(4) Excessive lip protrusion was eliminated, and arch leveled.
(5) Ten milliliters of the solution inappropriately came into contact with nasal mucous membranes, causing excessive drug absorption.
(6) Dietary factors affect intestinal P450s markedly--iron restriction rapidly decreased intestinal P450 to beneath detectable values; selenium deficiency acted similarly but was less effective; Brussels sprouts increased intestinal AHH activity 9.8-fold, ECOD activity 3.2-fold, and P450 1.9-fold; fried meat and dietary fat significantly increased intestinal EROD activity; a vitamin A-deficient diet increased, and a vitamin A-rich diet decreased intestinal P450 activities; and excess cholesterol in the diet increased intestinal P450 activity.
(7) Cigarette consumption has also been greater in urban areas, but it is difficult to estimate how much of the excess it can account for.
(8) Preliminary studies of different systems suggest several of them may have sensitivity to detect intraepithelial abnormalities in excess of 95%.
(9) Excessive accumulation of hydrogen ions in the brain may play a pivotal role in initiating the necrosis seen in infarction and following hyperglycemic augmentation of ischemic brain damage.
(10) Fifty-four cases were analysed, and a two-fold excess of clustering within one year was observed, both within single districts and between adjacent districts.
(11) The first one is a region with iodine insufficiency; the second one is a region where the people use table salt in excess.
(12) Addition of methacholine to the substance-P-treated cells caused a rapid increase in [3H]IP3, whereas a second addition of a 10-fold excess of substance P had no effect.
(13) It is possible that the marked elevations in obsessive-compulsive symptomatology and in interpersonal sensitivity may reflect in part a sensitization to excessive performance demands.
(14) Using the intersection point of these pH-logPCO2 lines as a point of equal hemoglobin-independent "base excess" for each condition, values for true base excess were plotted.
(15) This excess in diagnosis comprises, in particular, the ductal type, primarily its most aggressive forms.
(16) Attention is drawn to the desirability of differentiating between supra- and sub-gingival calculus in the CPITN scoring system and to the excessive treatment requirements that arise from classifying everyone with calculus as requiring prophylaxis and scaling.
(17) IgG-gold also adhered to M cells and excess unlabeled IgG inhibited IgA-gold binding; thus binding was not isotype-specific.
(18) The technique did not compromise cancer resection, excessively prolong operating time, or alter postoperative management.
(19) The temperature-activated 4 to 5 S EBP transformation is found to be highly reproducible without loss of [3H]estradiol-binding activity in a buffer containing an excess of [3H]estradiol, 40 mM Tris, 1 mM dithiothreitol, and 1 M urea at pH 7.4.
(20) The amount of cleavage products depends on the excess of H2O2 used.
(a.) Careless; negligent; inattentive; superfical; not thorough.
(a.) Excessive; too much.
(adv.) In an overly manner.
Example Sentences:
(1) Irradiation of the skin overlying the median nerve at the wrist in humans with a low power (1 mW; 632.5 nm) helium-neon laser produced a somatosensory evoked potential obtained at Erb's point.
(2) Moreover, the mucoid substances of the sensillum lymph are probably involved in water conservation, since sensilla are prone to water loss, because the overlying cuticle must be permeable to the chemical stimuli.
(3) These injections led to epidermal hyperplasia in areas overlying the irritant and the effect was most significant when the irritant was placed in the upper dermis.
(4) Eight of 47 LSNs overlying the posterior superior iliac spines (PSIS) were tender.
(5) We conclude that: (1) two of the previously proposed criteria for diagnosis of entrainment (fixed fusion on the surface electrocardiogram and a first postpacing interval equal to the paced cycle length) are overly restrictive criteria for definition of "entrainment" of VT, (2) analysis of endocardial recordings from the site of origin of tachycardia during attempted entrainment of VT is useful for documenting the presence of entrainment, and (3) such analysis provides a basis for the understanding of surface electrocardiographic phenomenon associated with entrainment.
(6) The rapidity of obtaining the results (within one hour), the complete absence of untoward reactions to the radiopharmaceuticals, the much lower frequency of subtle or indeterminate results, the ability to render useful information in the presence of moderate jaundice and the lack of interference from overlying intestinal contents establishes these radionuclide agents as superior to both radiographic oral and intravenous cholangiography in the investigation of the acute abdomen.
(7) Rather, the two participated in a clever spoof of the show’s overly serious and die-hard tone.
(8) At the former site the membrane overlying the bud showed an electron opaque thickening which imparted to the mature particle an asymmetrical appearance.
(9) An autopsy case of a 62-year-old woman with a poorly differentiated, aggressive form of adenoid squamous cell carcinoma arising in the skin overlying the right breast was studied.
(10) Porous polyethylene was thus better incorporated into the soft tissues than silicone rubber as long as the overlying soft tissues were not stressed by an oversized implant or inadequate soft tissue coverage.
(11) The interconnected central lacteals in the villi overlying the interfollicular area were connected with the lymphatic plexus in the area.
(12) The overally mortality in the first 24 hrs after the cardiac catheterisation for the first year of life was 1.83%.
(13) An overly bureaucratic approach to midwifery is not just letting mothers down – it's putting the whole profession under strain.
(14) In the latter case, the movement of lectin-receptor complexes occurs from membrane overlying peripheral microtubules into filament-rich pseudopods that exclude microtubules.
(15) Four grades of pressure can be recognized on the basis of pathophysiology of soft tissue breakdown overlying bony prominences.
(16) Sebum excretion rate measurements overlying an open comedone (blackhead) were significantly lower than those obtained from normal skin.
(17) It occurred when granular pneumocytes re-epithelialized along the luminal surface of intra-alveolar debris overlying denuded alveolar epithelial basal laminae.
(18) An antepartum diagnosis of vasa previa was considered in a patient in whom ultrasound revealed pulsatile loops of cord overlying the cervical os.
(19) A high proportion of these sebaceous tumors (69%) exhibited specifically-associated hyperplasia of the overlying epidermis.
(20) Histochemical methods disclose that the enzyme is originally located at the tip of the head but subsequently remains with the surface overlying the mitochondrion during translocation.