What's the difference between exemplar and theme?



  • (n.) A model, original, or pattern, to be copied or imitated; a specimen; sometimes; an ideal model or type, as that which an artist conceives.
  • (n.) A copy of a book or writing.
  • (a.) Exemplary.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Encephalitis lethargica is presented as an exemplaric neuropsychiatric illness.
  • (2) Two individuals with severe mental retardation, employed by a janitorial supply company, were taught to use self-instruction in combination with multiple exemplar training to solve work-related problems.
  • (3) Implications for the contact hypothesis, category-exemplar relations, and belief stability are discussed.
  • (4) For their exemplar role, physicians and teachers are on the front line of antismoking action: convincing them to stop smoking is, thus, an obvious priority.
  • (5) Generalization and maintenance of trained sentence types to novel exemplars and novel stimulus conditions served as dependent measures.
  • (6) Results of the study suggest that the CCNs surveyed were not fulfilling their roles as health exemplars.
  • (7) The results of Experiments 1 and 2 provide clear support for this prediction in contradistinction to predictions from probability matching, exemplar retrieval, or simple prototype learning models.
  • (8) Multiple exemplars may be necessary for other criteria.
  • (9) The production frequency of exemplars for 16 categories was obtained from institutionalized mentally retarded adults and compared with those of nonretarded children, adolescents, and adults and with typicality ratings given by the same retarded subjects previously.
  • (10) It is argued that natural selection was for Darwin a paradigmatic case of a natural law of change -- an exemplar of what Ghiselin (1969) has called selective retention laws.
  • (11) The items included normal adult foods and exemplars of different adult rejection categories: disgust (e.g.
  • (12) Specific MHF exemplars, the problem-solutions, were constructed from extant scientific literature; two models of health guiding MHF research were generated from these exemplars.
  • (13) In addition to membership in the same category, preoperational subjects required that both exemplars be typical before categorizing them together on the Sample-Match Task.
  • (14) Pathfinder was New Labour at its worst, an exemplar of its authoritarianism, its arrogant assumption that the core vote can be screwed over indefinitely, and its blind faith in the market.
  • (15) Differential-approach tendencies of individual incubator-hatched chickens and Japanese quail were assayed using one exemplar of each of the species maternal calls in a simultaneous-choice paradigm.
  • (16) The findings are interpreted within the framework of a general array model that yields both exemplar-similarity and feature-frequency models as special cases and provides quantitative accounts of the course of learning in each of the categorization tasks studied.
  • (17) Infants 7 to 8.5 months of age were tested for their discrimination of timbre or sound quality differences in the context of variable exemplars.
  • (18) Until there is genuine political leadership on this issue the system will remain failing.” The prime minister courted what he called the “visionary” Kids Company during his mission to detoxify the Tory party while in opposition, and cited it in his infamous “hug a hoodie” speech in 2006 as an exemplar of the type of public service he wanted to see – one which concentrated on “emotional quality” rather than hitting bureaucratic targets.
  • (19) The effectiveness of the category-specific retrieval cue was a function of its physical similarity to the individual exemplars encountered during training, not testing.
  • (20) If we did this, many of our current policies simply could not continue – mandatory detention, turnbacks without proper screening, offshore processing without rigorous oversight and durable solutions in place.” McAdam said, historically, Australia had had one of the best refugee status determination systems in the world, and could be an exemplar again.



  • (n.) A subject or topic on which a person writes or speaks; a proposition for discussion or argument; a text.
  • (n.) Discourse on a certain subject.
  • (n.) A composition or essay required of a pupil.
  • (n.) A noun or verb, not modified by inflections; also, that part of a noun or verb which remains unchanged (except by euphonic variations) in declension or conjugation; stem.
  • (n.) That by means of which a thing is done; means; instrument.
  • (n.) The leading subject of a composition or a movement.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) A world conference in Edinburgh during August 1988 will have the theme.
  • (2) That, roughly, was the theme of the Wednesday Play, Cathy Come Home, (BBC1) directed by Kenneth Loach, produced by Tony Garnett.
  • (3) as well as nauseatingly hipster titbits – "They came up with the perfect theme (and coined a new term!
  • (4) Sometimes it can seem as if the history of the City is the history of its crises and disasters, from the banking crisis of 1825 (which saw undercapitalised banks collapse – perhaps the closest historic parallel to the contemporary credit crunch), through the Spanish panic of 1835, the railway bust of 1837, the crash of Overend Gurney, the Kaffir boom, the Westralian boom, the Marconi scandal, and so on and on – a theme with endless variations.
  • (5) By no means is this a new theme, but it has taken on an added sharpness and urgency after the conferences.
  • (6) An obsessional artist who was an enemy of all institutions, cinematic as well as social, and whose principal theme was intolerance, he invariably gets delivered to us today by institutions - most recently the National Film Theatre, which starts a Dreyer retrospective this month - that can't always be counted on to represent him in all his complexity.
  • (7) Read more Clinton spoke before more than a thousand supporters on Saturday at a launch event for “Women for Hillary” in New Hampshire, touching upon many of the familiar themes of her presidential campaign – equal pay for women, paid family leave, raising the minimum wage.
  • (8) The Christmas theme doesn't end there; "America's Christmas Hometown" also has Santa's Candy Castle, a red-brick building with turrets that was built by the Curtiss Candy Company in the 1930s and sells gourmet candy canes in abundance.
  • (9) Similar paradoxes bedevilled all the other chief themes.
  • (10) Synthesis and discussion is focused on five major areas in which gerontological continuity and change are evidenced: 1) transformation of basic themes over time; 2) gerontology's identity crisis; 3) the social ideology of gerontology; 4) evolution and refinement of gerontological ideas and methods; and 5) temporal frameworks.
  • (11) A key theme is expected to be that early intervention at every stage of life can prevent society having to continue "paying for the costs of failure".
  • (12) One constant theme is the wish for the Dalai Lama to return."
  • (13) The national anthems Nothing to say about the Indian anthem, but the New Zealand one sounds like the theme tune for an 1960s ATV variety spectacular.
  • (14) Ever since the ex-PD leader Walter Veltroni started praising President Kennedy as a way to jettison communism, this has been an abiding theme, manifesting itself institutionally in the desperate attempt to engineer a US-style two-party system through breathtakingly inept electoral reforms – the latest one, the " Porcellum " (after porcello, swine), was behind the impasse earlier this year.
  • (15) Ladybird: I’m Ready to Spell has a space theme, and is based on the phonics that kids will be learning in their first years at school.
  • (16) Bleak jokes and cartoons have been circulating for weeks in the anti-Assad camp on the theme of barrel bombs serving as ballot boxes.
  • (17) Redesigning the dream was identified as the integrative theme in the substantive theory that described how family members gradually modify their beliefs about organ transplantation and develop attitudes and beliefs to meet the challenge of living with continual unpredictability.
  • (18) Oil operators, large and small, are very keen to address the key themes of the waste hierarchy.
  • (19) And they kept coming … the hilarious Octodad: Dadliest Catch , the chilling psychological horror game Daylight , which again, uses procedural generation to create new environments (procedural content is another next-gen theme); and Galak-Z from 17bit Studios, described as an AI and physics-driven open-world action game.
  • (20) Cross-sectional as well as longitudinal comparisons indicated that the subjective sexual arousal elicited during fantasy depicting specific themes was stable across the menstrual cycle.