(1) Peak Expiratory Flow and Forced Expiratory Mean Flows in the ranges 0-25%, 25-50% and 50-75% of Forced Vital Capacity were significantly reduced in animals exposed to gasoline exhaust fumes, whereas the group exposed to ethanol exhaust fumes did not differ from the control group.
(2) The use of functional test with the ACTH administration demonstrated organic affection of the CNS to sharply aggravate the weakening and even the exhaustion of the functional reserves of the glomerular and the reticular zones of the adrenal cortex developing during thyrotoxicosis, and also the reserve possibilities of the sympathico-adrenal system.
(3) Administration of one of the precursors of noradrenaline l-DOPA not only prevented the decrease in tissue noradrenaline content in myocardium, but restored completely its reserves, exhausted by electrostimulation of the aortic arch.
(4) Respiratory muscle endurance at a given level of load was assessed from the time of exhaustion and from the time course of the change in the power spectrum (centroid frequency) of the diaphragm electromyogram (EMG).
(5) 9 Women performed plantarflexion and dorsalflexion with maximum strength and at constant load of 60% MVC to exhaustion.
(6) The results suggest that, in PMA-stimulated neutrophils, cytosolic activation factors may be consumed or exhausted with an increasing period of time after the stimulation of neutrophils, and that the affinity of PMA-stimulated neutrophil NADPH oxidase to NADPH may almost be the same as that of control neutrophil oxidase.
(7) During heavy exercise at 65-75% of VO2 max, time till exhaustion correlates with the pre-exercise muscle glycogen concentration and exhaustion coincides with empty glycogen stores.
(8) Glycogen content of the rabbit vastus lateralis muscle was also significantly depleted after exhaustive, intermittent exercise.
(9) Currently, entitlement to CTC for families with one to three children is fully exhausted when gross household earnings reach about £26,000 and £40,000 a year respectively.
(10) Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO and 15 other strains of this species synthesized a polyester with 3-hydroxydecanoate as the main constituent (55 to 76 mol%) if the cells were cultivated in the presence of gluconate and if the nitrogen source was exhausted; 3-hydroxyhexanoate, 3-hydroxyoctanoate, and 3-hydroxydodecanoate were minor constituents of the polymer.
(11) It is concluded that acute intravenous injections of AVT augment the LH-releasing activity of LRH; chronic treatment for 48 h, however, with LRH + AVT leads to a significant depression of plasma LH perhaps due to an exhaustion of the releasable pool of LH in the anterior pituitary.
(12) On exhaustion of NADH, with residual oxygen, decay occurs in two phases to give a form in which haem b and flavin are oxidized.
(13) Their lipid metabolism did not seem to be affected at least partially by NO3- exhaustion.
(14) She was so exhausted from her trip to London she said she might stay there for 48 hours.
(15) Are we moving from a culture where MPs stayed in parliament until booted out, to one where many do five years and move on, frustrated and exhausted?
(16) The effect of various fuel additives on the ability of platinum-palladium catalytic converters to remove the carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon components of automotive exhaust has been examined.
(17) Regional functional recovery following 2-minute CO was examined under two different conditions in eight dogs: patent coronary artery stenosis and fixed CSS that exhausted coronary reserve but did not cause a deficit in resting coronary flow or regional function.
(18) The reduction in the mechanical clearance in adult humans caused by exposure to high concentrations of diesel exhaust was found to be much less than that observed in rats.
(19) A timed sprint to exhaustion was performed after 45 min of exercise at 70% of VO2max, and a Wingate anaerobic test was used to measure total work and peak power.
(20) Oxygenator exhaust capnographic measurements systematically underestimated PaCO2 measured by a bench blood gas analyzer.
(n.) A tier, row, or rank. See Tier.
(n.) Attire; apparel.
(n.) A covering for the head; a headdress.
(n.) A child's apron, covering the breast and having no sleeves; a pinafore; a tier.
(n.) Furniture; apparatus; equipment.
(n.) A hoop or band, as of metal, on the circumference of the wheel of a vehicle, to impart strength and receive the wear.
(v. t.) To adorn; to attire; to dress.
(v. i.) To seize, pull, and tear prey, as a hawk does.
(v. i.) To seize, rend, or tear something as prey; to be fixed upon, or engaged with, anything.
(v. i.) To become weary; to be fatigued; to have the strength fail; to have the patience exhausted; as, a feeble person soon tires.
(v. t.) To exhaust the strength of, as by toil or labor; to exhaust the patience of; to wear out (one's interest, attention, or the like); to weary; to fatigue; to jade.
Example Sentences:
(1) As he sits in Athens wondering when the International Monetary Fund is going to deliver another bailout, George Papandreou might be tempted to hum a few lines of Tired of Waiting for You.
(2) I was so tired I just used to fall asleep on my feet.
(3) According to articles presented by Breitbart, Clinton is tired and ailing.
(4) That may sound familiar to Tottenham fans, who grew tired with their team’s aimless, sideways passing under André Villas-Boas.
(5) I’m personally sick and tired of Pristina and Belgrade, because we’ve been victimised by high politicians.” Facebook Twitter Pinterest The bridge connecting the Albanian and Serb parts of Mitrovica.
(6) An example calculation of rolling resistance for a polyurethane tire is given in detail.
(7) The extent of inadequate rest has prompted fears that many people are too tired to do their jobs properly, with some so sleep-deprived their brains are as confused as if they had consumed too much alcohol.
(8) Do you not get tired of the mass surveillance in this country?” Finicum told reporters.
(9) We’re tired of answering these questions,” one woman said.
(10) I’m tired, man.” But he hopes that it might be done quickly.
(11) I, along with many others, am tired of this toxic propaganda.
(12) Further the diabetics claimed to be more tired and diabetic males had more sexual concerns.
(13) Apart from that, it’s becoming increasingly tiring to see people posing about how there is no point voting because it’s all rigged, the politicians are all the same and the rest.
(14) In any case, people had tired of combative rhetoric and wanted softer platitudes.
(15) There is no guarantee of surgical success with such an injury but Murray was tiring of the constant reliance on pain killers to get through tough matches.
(16) The concentrations of 1-NP and airborne particulates changed significantly in all examined areas in parallel with the rise and fall of the frequencies of studded tire use.
(17) Transposable and interspersed repetitive elements (TIREs) are ubiquitous features of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes.
(18) The players come to Australia tired and exhausted already because they’ve been going since mid-November.” Another issue is the way the women treat their practice time.
(19) But when you're tired, you've played in 94 or 95 minutes, players choose power rather than technique, rather than placing it.
(20) On the return journey, the tired passengers exchange smuggling anecdotes and safety tips.