(n.) The act of exhibiting for inspection, or of holding forth to view; manifestation; display.
(n.) That which is exhibited, held forth, or displayed; also, any public show; a display of works of art, or of feats of skill, or of oratorical or dramatic ability; as, an exhibition of animals; an exhibition of pictures, statues, etc.; an industrial exhibition.
(n.) Sustenance; maintenance; allowance, esp. for meat and drink; pension. Specifically: (Eng. Univ.) Private benefaction for the maintenance of scholars.
(n.) The act of administering a remedy.
Example Sentences:
(1) The microsomal preparations from untreated Syrian golden hamster livers exhibited higher activities of N-demethylation towards the macrolide antibiotics, erythromycin and troleandomycin, than those from untreated and phenobarbital-treated rats.
(2) In spite of dense lymphocytic infiltration only 3% of the tumor infiltrating lymphocytes exhibit the activation marker CD 25.
(3) [Ca2+]i exhibited a sigmoidal dependence on [Na+]o. Mg2+, a competitive inhibitor of Na2+-Ca2+ antiport in these cells, antagonized the increase in [Ca2+]i produced by lowering [Na+]o.
(4) Similar to intact crayfish, animals with an isolated protocerebrum-eyestalk complex, exhibit competent circadian rhythms in the electroretinogram (ERG).
(5) The enzyme, when assayed as either a phospholipase A2 or lysophospholipase, exhibited nonlinear kinetics beyond 1-2 min despite low substrate conversion.
(6) We report on a patient, with a CT-verified low density lesion in the right parietal area, who exhibited not only deficits in left conceptual space, but also in reading, writing, and the production of speech.
(7) Intact rams exhibited GH secretory episodes of greater (P less than 0.01) amplitude than did castrated lambs.
(8) However, none of the nerve terminals making synaptic contacts with glomus cells exhibited SP-like immunoreactivity.
(9) Normal and tumor cell cultures exhibited increased sensitivity toward TNF in the presence of mifepristone.
(10) Of the sampled population, 6.3 per cent exhibited some degree of hypodontia (third molar agenesis excluded).
(11) Instead of later renal failure and, of course, mental retardation, it was the histological features of the fetus eyes which permit to diagnose and exhibit both congenital cataract and irido-corneal angle dysgenesis.
(12) Simple cells that are nearly equally dominated by each eye always exhibit strong phase-specific interaction.
(13) The axons of A5, RPoOl and RaD neurons exhibit no lateral predominance in their spinal projections.
(14) Patients with MID, but not those with DAT, exhibited correlations between enlargement of the third and lateral ventricles and severity of cognitive impairment.
(15) While concentrations of fully glycosylated 35S-Cysteine rhEPO did not exhibit any detectable decrease during perfusion, desialo-35S-Cysteine rhEPO was rapidly cleared from the perfusate.
(16) Simple interconversion cannot account for the changes in binding that occur upon adding GMP-PNP or removing magnesium, since the increase in [R2]t exceeds the decrease in [R1]t. Moreover, the apparent amount of high-affinity complex exhibits a biphasic dependence on the concentration of [3H]histamine; an increase at low concentrations is offset by a decrease that occurs at higher concentrations.
(17) This enzyme was purified to homogeneity and exhibited an apparent molecular weight of 36,000 on sodium dodecyl sulfate gels and 180,000 on a TSK G-3000SW column in the presence of Triton X-100.
(18) Of the N-acetyl cysteamine derivatives tested, S-acetyl-N-acetyl cysteamine (at 10 mM) gives almost complete protection against inactivation whereas S-acetoacetyl-, S-beta-hydroxybutyryl-, and S-crotonyl-N-acetyl cysteamine thioesters exhibit either slight or no protection.
(19) Carcinomas exhibiting atypical behavior are characteristically undifferentiated and aggressive.
(20) Snakes did not only exhibit the major cell- and humoral-mediated immune functions, but these functions appeared to be linked with the degree of MLR disparity.
(n.) Exhibition of colors like those of the rainbow; the quality or state of being iridescent; a prismatic play of color; as, the iridescence of mother-of-pearl.
Example Sentences:
(1) We demonstrate in this paper that two viruses: iridescent (CIV) and herpetic (Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis) can enter by viropexis and be uncoated in several lines of mosquito cells.
(2) The iridescence from the cornea of the sand goby (Pomatoschistus minutus) occurs because of thin layer interference from the platelet-like cells in the stroma.
(3) The eye is well camouflaged by an iridescent cornea and a differentially coloured spectacle.
(4) One strain had mucoid colonies, fermented few carbohydrates and was serotype A:5, whereas, the other strain had smooth iridescent colonies, non-typeable capsular antigen, type 3 somatic antigen and fermented more than twice as many carbohydrates.
(5) Objective evidence of lens abnormality (opacities, vacuoles, or posterior subcapsular iridescence) was recorded and a comparison made between the two groups on the basis of that evidence.
(6) Salmon patches (6.4%), iridescent spots (10.3%), mottled brown areas (16.7%) and black sunbursts (7.7%) were seen as early as 10 years of age but showed an upward trend with age.
(7) The pathognomonic ocular manifestations of cystinosis are the presence of distinctive iridescent crystals within ocular tissue and a pigmentary retinopathy.
(8) Evidence of base-sequence homology between nucleic acids of different viruses was found within, but not between, the poxvirus and iridescent virus groups.
(9) The sensitivities of bilateral iridescent lens opacities, posterior cortical lens opacities, orbicularis oculi weakness, low intraocular pressure, ptosis, and ocular myotonia were 46.7, 50.0, 60.6, 59.3, 51.5, and 3.0%, while their specificities were 100.0, 100.0, 98.0, 94.1, 96.1, and 100.0%, respectively.
(10) Don't expect sandy beaches, do expect iridescent turquoise seas (especially in the Blue Grotto sea cave), fresh seafood, and a laid-back, unhurried lifestyle that would seduce even the nerviest banker into blissful lethargy.
(11) In addition to the widely recognized iridescent, blue, and watery mucoid (circular) colonies, punctiform colonies were observed.
(12) The origins of DNA replication of the genome (209 kbp) of Chilo iridescent virus (CIV), which is circularly permuted and terminally redundant, were identified.
(13) The genome was found to hybridize with the genome of another iridescent virus, type 9 (WIV), in DNA-DNA hybridization experiments.
(14) The iridescence was also found to be sensitive to pH, and the buffer HEPES was detrimental to the cornea compared to controls.
(15) Encapsulated strain forming iridescent colony type of both serotypes 1 and 2 had at least three antigens: heat-labile and trypsin-sensitive (L), heat-labile and trypsin-resistant (HL), and heat-stable and trypsin-resistant (HS).
(16) In vivo observations indicate the expression of iridescence to be linked to agonistic or reproductive behavior.
(17) Pili were found on the capsulated iridescent type, P-1059I, and on two non-capsulated variants, the blue, P-1059B, and the gray, P-1059G.
(18) In Gobius fluviatilis (Pallas), Gobius (Proterorhinus) marmoratus (Pallas), glossa Platichthys flesus (L) the cornea is double and there is an iridescent layer.
(19) An iridovirus, Apis iridescent virus (AIV), isolated from sick adult specimens of Apis cerana (Hymenoptera) from Kashmir, closely resembles iridescent viruses from Tipula and Sericesthis spp.
(20) The capsule was identified by precipitation against hexadecyl trimethylammonium bromide (Cetavlon), by demonstration of iridescence, and by means of a capsule-staining method.