What's the difference between explain and mention?



  • (a.) To flatten; to spread out; to unfold; to expand.
  • (a.) To make plain, manifest, or intelligible; to clear of obscurity; to expound; to unfold and illustrate the meaning of; as, to explain a chapter of the Bible.
  • (v. i.) To give an explanation.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) However, as other patients who lived at the periphery of the Valserine valley do not appear to be related to any patients living in the valley, and because there has been considerable immigration into the valley, a number of hypotheses to explain the distribution of the disease in the region remain possible.
  • (2) This effect was more marked in breast cancer patients which may explain our earlier finding that women with upper body fat localization are at increased risk for developing breast cancer.
  • (3) These results could be explained by altered tissue blood flow and a decreased metabolic capacity of the liver in obese subjects.
  • (4) These two types of transfer functions are appropriate to explain the transition to anaerobic metabolism (anaerobic threshold), with a hyperbolic transfer characteristic representing a graded transition; and a sigmoid transfer characteristic representing an abrupt transition.
  • (5) Blood pressure control was marginally improved during the study and it is thought possible that better patient compliance might explain this.
  • (6) They are best explained by interactions between central sympathetic activity, brainstem control of respiration and vasomotor activity, reflexes arising from around and within the respiratory tract, and the matching of ventilation to perfusion in the lungs.
  • (7) Muscle wasting in MYD may be explained by these abnormalities as well.
  • (8) She was not aware that it was an assassination attempt by alleged foreign agents.” If at least one of the women thought the killing was part of an elaborate prank, it might explain the “LOL” message emblazoned in large letters one of the killers t-shirts.
  • (9) Regression analysis on the 21 clinical or laboratory parameters studied showed that the only variable independently associated with CSF-FN was the total protein concentration in the CSF; this, however, explained only 14% of the observed variation in the CSF-FN concentration and did not show any correlation with CNS involvement.
  • (10) The approach was to determine the relative importance of predisposing, enabling, and medical need factors in explaining utilization rates among younger and older enrollees of an HMO.
  • (11) The results may help to explain the diversity in the multidrug-resistant phenotype.
  • (12) An efficient numerical algorithm based on the cyclic coordinate search method to solve the latter is explained.
  • (13) The reduction of such potentials can be explained in terms of collision between the antidromic volleys and those elicited orthodromically by chemical and thermic stimulation.
  • (14) Relative to the perceived severity of their asthma, both Maoris and Pacific Islanders lost more time from work or school and used hospital services more than European asthmatics using A & E. The increased use of A & E by Maori and Pacific Island asthmatics seemed not attributable to the intrinsic severity of their asthma and was better explained by ethnic, socioeconomic and sociocultural factors.
  • (15) Inhibition of local thrombin formation by warfarin therapy could explain the beneficial effects of warfarin therapy in treating small cell carcinoma of the lung.
  • (16) The American Red Cross said the aid organisation had already run out of medical supplies, with spokesman Eric Porterfield explaining that the small amount of medical equipment and medical supplies available in Haiti had been distributed.
  • (17) This system may serve as a model to explain the mechanisms by which cells accumulate in inflamed joints.
  • (18) These results might help to explain why only a minority of individuals with a susceptible HLA type develop uveitis, as well as the variable incidence of disease in HLA-identical populations of different ethnic backgrounds.
  • (19) The possibility that selective bias or unmeasured environmental differences might explain the difference in BP between the two groups is discussed.
  • (20) The total amount of variance explained in the frequency of utilization (47%) exceeded that explained by other studies of utilization of various health services by the elderly.



  • (n.) A speaking or notice of anything, -- usually in a brief or cursory manner. Used especially in the phrase to make mention of.
  • (v. t.) To make mention of; to speak briefly of; to name.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) There was no mention of remaining problems regarding 16 of the 28 omphalocoele patients and 10 of the 16 gastroschisis patients.
  • (2) Of the 622 people interviewed, a large proportion (30.5%) believed that the first deciduous tooth should erupt between the age of 5-7 months; the next commonly mentioned time of tooth eruption was 7-9 months of age; and 50.3% of the respondents claimed to have seen a case of prematurely erupted primary teeth.
  • (3) The increased muscular strength in due to a rise of calcaemia, improved muscle contraction and probably also due to the mentioned nutritional factors.
  • (4) Direct limiting effects of hypothermia on tissue O2 delivery and muscle oxidative metabolism as well as vasoconstriction and arteriovenous shunting associated with CPB procedures are likely to be involved in the above mentioned alterations of cell metabolism.
  • (5) In self-opinions on own appearance the children mentioned teeth as a feature which they would like to change as first.
  • (6) The authors suggest that the outstanding high sensitivity of the above mentioned two tests applied parallelly reveals that they highlights partially different aspects of coronary artery disease, and that is why the overlapping between the methods is relatively small.
  • (7) Taking into account the calculated volume and considering the triangular image as one face of the particle, it is suggested that eIF-3 has the shape of a flat triangular prism with a height of about 7 nm and the above-mentioned side-lengths.
  • (8) Subgingival plaque was sampled and the presence or absence of the above mentioned bacteria assessed with BANA reagent cards (Perio Scan).
  • (9) Four of the tumours, 2 adenomas and 2 intramucosal carcinomas, having a remarkable macroscopic appearance like a large mucosal fold are especially mentioned.
  • (10) The evaluation of the data of unknown test persons of a pilot study in 96% resulted in a correct classification in patients with heart and circulatory diseases or persons with healthy heart and circulation, the classification in the above mentioned groups of diagnosis was performed on an average to 57%.
  • (11) The use of UEBP-deficient female rat liver cytosol revealed that the afore-mentioned steroids are ineffective with respect to estrogen reception.
  • (12) The Guardian neglects to mention 150,000 privately owned guns or that Palestinians are banned from bearing arms.
  • (13) It is mentioned that the lack of a valuable status for industrial physicians may adversely affect the evolution of training programs in Switzerland.
  • (14) Essien, by the way, has been decent so far, other than the error just mentioned.
  • (15) In healthy persons the supernatant of lymphocytes preincubated with PHA and ALG was found to show a stimulating effect to clonogenic properties of marrow progenitors, the mentioned effect being not in proportion to the concentration value.
  • (16) But mention the words "eurozone crisis" to other Finns, and you could be rewarded with little more than a confused, albeit friendly, smile.
  • (17) Wimbledon said the world No1 Williams had been suffering from a viral illness and it was a sad and bizarre end to the American’s tournament, not to mention a worrying sight, seeing her hardly able to play.
  • (18) The essentials of standardizations of bronchial provocation tests from the clinical point of view are mentioned.
  • (19) However, there's been very little mention of what happened in Manchester today – shame on you.
  • (20) CoQ10 suppressed the mentioned phenomenon in regenerating liver.