(n.) Space or degree to which a thing is extended; hence, superficies; compass; bulk; size; length; as, an extent of country or of line; extent of information or of charity.
(n.) Degree; measure; proportion.
(n.) A peculiar species of execution upon debts due to the crown, under which the lands and goods of the debtor may be seized to secure payment.
(n.) A process of execution by which the lands and goods of a debtor are valued and delivered to the creditor.
Example Sentences:
(1) The extents of phospholipid hydrolysis were relatively low in brain homogenates, synaptic plasma membranes and heart ventricular muscle.
(2) The second amino acid residue influences not only the rate of reaction but also the extent of formation of the product of the Amadori rearrangement, the ketoamine.
(3) The extent of the infectious process was limited, however, because the life span of the cultures was not significantly shortened, the yields of infectious virus per immunofluorescent cell were at all times low, and most infected cells contained only a few well-delineated small masses of antigen, suggestive of an abortive infection.
(4) Complementarity determining regions (CDR) are conserved to different extents, with the first CDR region in all family members being among the most conserved segments of the molecule.
(5) Unlike Milo, he appears to be – to some extent – convinced of the truth of what he’s saying.
(6) In order to determine the extent of this similarity, I have developed a panel of probes for many of the Pacl restriction fragments and have shown that most of the Pacl and Notl fragments found in MBa are also present in MBb.
(7) Even if it were not the case that police use a variety of tricks to keep recorded crime figures low, this data would still represent an almost meaningless measure of the extent of crime in society, for the simple reason that a huge proportion of crimes (of almost all sorts) have always gone unreported.
(8) The study of cellular cyclic AMP level in response to extracellular adenosine stimulation in dividing cells and quiescent cells showed that cells in defined medium had a lower extent of response to adenosine compared to cells cultured in serum-containing medium.
(9) Their receptive fields comprise a temporally and spatially linear mechanism (center plus antagonistic surround) that responds to relatively low spatial frequency stimuli, and a temporally nonlinear mechanism, coextensive with the linear mechanism, that--though broad in extent--responds best to high spatial-frequency stimuli.
(10) Perhaps they can laugh it all off more easily, but only to the extent that the show doesn’t instill terror for how this country’s greatness will be inflicted on them next.
(11) TNBS reacts to an extremely small extend with hemoglobin over the concentration range 0.4 to 4 mM whereas FDNB reacts with hemoglobin to a very large extent (50 fold more than TNBS).
(12) The analysis of blood lead concentration revealed an evident biological response to this environmental change: there was a decrease in blood lead level between 1977 and 1987, in both the countryside (control group) and, to a lesser extent, in the city.
(13) Human growth hormone stimulated the casein secretion to the same extent as prolactin.
(14) This study examines the extent to which changes in smoking can account for the decrease in CHD mortality for men and women aged 35-64 years.
(15) While the heaviest anterogradely labeled ascending projections were observed to the contralateral ventral posterolateral nucleus of the thalamus, pars oralis (VPLo), efferent projections were also observed to the contralateral ventrolateral thalamic nucleus (VLc) and central lateral (CL) nucleus of the thalamic intralaminar complex, magnocellular (and to a lesser extent parvicellular) red nucleus, nucleus of Darkschewitsch, zona incerta, nucleus of the posterior commissure, lateral intermediate layer and deep layer of the superior colliculus, dorsolateral periaqueductal gray, contralateral nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis and basilar pontine nuclei (especially dorsal and peduncular), and dorsal (DAO) and medial (MAO) accessory olivary nuclei, ipsilateral lateral (external) cuneate nucleus (LCN) and lateral reticular nucleus (LRN), and to a lesser extent the caudal medial vestibular nucleus (MVN) and caudal nucleus prepositus hypoglossi (NPH), and dorsal medullary raphe.
(16) Ernst Reissner studied the formation of the inner ear initially using the embryos of fowls, then the embryos of mammals, mainly cows and pigs, and to a less extent the embryos of man.
(17) Higher anxiety, depression and psychiatric morbidity scores were reported by all patients at 6 and, to a lesser extent, at 12 weeks with greater differences in women.
(18) Calbindin-D9K (immunoassay) was decreased in SHR vs WKY rats by 27%, 64%, and 67% in segments A1, B1, and C1, respectively (P < 0.01); its mRNA was decreased to a similar extent (69%, 82%, and 80%, respectively; P < 0.002 by analysis of variance).
(19) This investigation examined the extent to which attitudes of doctors who participated in a one-year training programme for general practice changed in intended directions by training.
(20) Transcription studies in vitro on repression of the tryptophan operon of Escherichia coli show that partially purified trp repressor binds specifically to DNA containing the trp operator with a repressor-operator dissociation constant of about 0.2 nM in 0.12 M salt at 37 degrees , a value consistent with the extent of trp operon regulation in vivo.
(a.) Extreme; utmost; being; in the farthest, greatest, or highest degree; as, the uttermost extent or end.
(n.) The utmost; the highest or greatest degree; the farthest extent.
Example Sentences:
(1) It is insight in its uttermost distinction that leads to secondary stages.
(2) From the frozen reaches of Alaska and the Canadian Arctic, across the high grassland plains of North America, through the equatorial tropics and down the spine of the Andes to Patagonia at the uttermost end of the earth, the Americas boast an extraordinary range of landscapes and climates.
(3) By going to the uttermost physical and electronic lengths, sensitivity values of more than 10(-5) degrees can be reached.