What's the difference between extortion and strike?



  • (n.) The act of extorting; the act or practice of wresting anything from a person by force, by threats, or by any undue exercise of power; undue exaction; overcharge.
  • (n.) The offense committed by an officer who corruptly claims and takes, as his fee, money, or other thing of value, that is not due, or more than is due, or before it is due.
  • (n.) That which is extorted or exacted by force.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) But with a civil war raging and no one to protect them, most migrants are at risk of kidnap, extortion and forced labour.
  • (2) As the gangs fragmented, many increasingly focused on extortion, kidnapping and human trafficking.
  • (3) The prize catch was his sister, Patrizia Messina Denaro, 43, accused of running the effort to channel extorted cash to fuel her brother's life on the run.
  • (4) And with the cartels come other nightmares: kidnapping, extortion, contract killers and people trafficking.
  • (5) "There are no social programmes or prevention projects and, OK, there are fewer murders, but delinquency, extortion and kidnappings are up.
  • (6) The government will need to continue with extra-judicial killings, commonly called crossfire, until terrorist activities and extortion are uprooted."
  • (7) They prey on the population, kidnapping and extorting in cahoots with criminal gangs, according to multiple complaints filed to the human rights commission.
  • (8) Mexican drug cartels have been waging an increasingly bloody war to control smuggling routes, the local drug market and extortion rackets, including shakedowns of migrants seeking to reach the United States.
  • (9) The official, who refused to be quoted by name, said Barankov was accused of summoning random people to his office, telling them they were being investigated and extorting bribes to close non-existent cases.
  • (10) But they are also brutal killers and methamphetamine dealers who extort everyone from big corporations to street vendors throughout Michoácan, according to residents and government officials.
  • (11) The latest film sees Bond travel from Mexico to the Sahara desert, Italy and the Austrian Alps in pursuit of SPECTRE – an acronym for Special Executive for Counter-Intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion – the sinister organisation intent on world domination.
  • (12) Sumo wrestling , already suffering a tarnished reputation, is facing its greatest scandal in years amid revelations of extortion, illegal gambling and ties with the criminal underworld.
  • (13) Despite an increase in police crackdowns, yakuza membership is steadily rising amid richer pickings from extortion, prostitution, drug smuggling, property deals and even stock market deals as Japan's economy emerges from its "lost decade" of recession.
  • (14) Officials from the defence ministry, run by Rajapaksa's brother, Gotabhaya, have said many of the abductions since the end of the conflict were of "underworld characters involved in organised crime, drug trade, extortion, kidnapping and such antisocial activities".
  • (15) Meanwhile, at the top of the tree, managers of the maquiladoras – faced with recession and competition from Asia – needed fewer workers, spewing their surplus humanity (which flocked here from all over Mexico) into the new narco-economy of "opportunities" for murder, extortion and kidnapping.
  • (16) He told the New York Times : "How is this not extortion?
  • (17) "From what I know of the Nigerian police, they look for every opportunity to extort money.
  • (18) With time, the focus of Shaltai-Boltai’s activities shifted from political statement to straight extortion.
  • (19) Philip Alston, the UN special rapporteur on extrajudicial killings, warned in May last year that it risked simply creating better-trained criminals – or police who "would be able to extort more effectively".
  • (20) It said that some of the information that formed the basis of the allegations against it “has been gathered as a result of criminal activity including extortion”.



  • (v. t.) To touch or hit with some force, either with the hand or with an instrument; to smite; to give a blow to, either with the hand or with any instrument or missile.
  • (v. t.) To come in collision with; to strike against; as, a bullet struck him; the wave struck the boat amidships; the ship struck a reef.
  • (v. t.) To give, as a blow; to impel, as with a blow; to give a force to; to dash; to cast.
  • (v. t.) To stamp or impress with a stroke; to coin; as, to strike coin from metal: to strike dollars at the mint.
  • (v. t.) To thrust in; to cause to enter or penetrate; to set in the earth; as, a tree strikes its roots deep.
  • (v. t.) To punish; to afflict; to smite.
  • (v. t.) To cause to sound by one or more beats; to indicate or notify by audible strokes; as, the clock strikes twelve; the drums strike up a march.
  • (v. t.) To lower; to let or take down; to remove; as, to strike sail; to strike a flag or an ensign, as in token of surrender; to strike a yard or a topmast in a gale; to strike a tent; to strike the centering of an arch.
  • (v. t.) To make a sudden impression upon, as by a blow; to affect sensibly with some strong emotion; as, to strike the mind, with surprise; to strike one with wonder, alarm, dread, or horror.
  • (v. t.) To affect in some particular manner by a sudden impression or impulse; as, the plan proposed strikes me favorably; to strike one dead or blind.
  • (v. t.) To cause or produce by a stroke, or suddenly, as by a stroke; as, to strike a light.
  • (v. t.) To cause to ignite; as, to strike a match.
  • (v. t.) To make and ratify; as, to strike a bargain.
  • (v. t.) To take forcibly or fraudulently; as, to strike money.
  • (v. t.) To level, as a measure of grain, salt, or the like, by scraping off with a straight instrument what is above the level of the top.
  • (v. t.) To cut off, as a mortar joint, even with the face of the wall, or inward at a slight angle.
  • (v. t.) To hit upon, or light upon, suddenly; as, my eye struck a strange word; they soon struck the trail.
  • (v. t.) To borrow money of; to make a demand upon; as, he struck a friend for five dollars.
  • (v. t.) To lade into a cooler, as a liquor.
  • (v. t.) To stroke or pass lightly; to wave.
  • (v. t.) To advance; to cause to go forward; -- used only in past participle.
  • (v. i.) To move; to advance; to proceed; to take a course; as, to strike into the fields.
  • (v. i.) To deliver a quick blow or thrust; to give blows.
  • (v. i.) To hit; to collide; to dush; to clash; as, a hammer strikes against the bell of a clock.
  • (v. i.) To sound by percussion, with blows, or as with blows; to be struck; as, the clock strikes.
  • (v. i.) To make an attack; to aim a blow.
  • (v. i.) To touch; to act by appulse.
  • (v. i.) To run upon a rock or bank; to be stranded; as, the ship struck in the night.
  • (v. i.) To pass with a quick or strong effect; to dart; to penetrate.
  • (v. i.) To break forth; to commence suddenly; -- with into; as, to strike into reputation; to strike into a run.
  • (v. i.) To lower a flag, or colors, in token of respect, or to signify a surrender of a ship to an enemy.
  • (v. i.) To quit work in order to compel an increase, or prevent a reduction, of wages.
  • (v. i.) To become attached to something; -- said of the spat of oysters.
  • (v. i.) To steal money.
  • (n.) The act of striking.
  • (n.) An instrument with a straight edge for leveling a measure of grain, salt, and the like, scraping off what is above the level of the top; a strickle.
  • (n.) A bushel; four pecks.
  • (n.) An old measure of four bushels.
  • (n.) Fullness of measure; hence, excellence of quality.
  • (n.) An iron pale or standard in a gate or fence.
  • (n.) The act of quitting work; specifically, such an act by a body of workmen, done as a means of enforcing compliance with demands made on their employer.
  • (n.) A puddler's stirrer.
  • (n.) The horizontal direction of the outcropping edges of tilted rocks; or, the direction of a horizontal line supposed to be drawn on the surface of a tilted stratum. It is at right angles to the dip.
  • (n.) The extortion of money, or the attempt to extort money, by threat of injury; blackmailing.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Arda Turan's deflected long-range strike puts Atlético back in control.
  • (2) Although the mean values for all hemodynamic variables between the two placebo periods were minimally changed, the differences in individual patients were striking.
  • (3) The amplitudes of the a-wave and the 01 decreased in dose-dependent manners, but their changes were less striking than those of the 01 latency.
  • (4) A striking feature of BEN is the familial occurrence of the disease.
  • (5) What is striking is the comprehensive and strategic approach they have.
  • (6) The most striking feature of some industrialized countries is a dramatic reduction of the prevalence of dental caries among school-aged children.
  • (7) Confirmation of the striking correlation between increased urinary ammonia and lowered neonatal ponderal index may afford a simple test for the identification of nutrient-related growth retardation.
  • (8) All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.” Earlier, residents living near the Mosul dam told the Associated Press the area was being targeted by air strikes.
  • (9) It’s not to punish the public, it’s to save the NHS and its people.” Another commenter added: “Of course they should strike.
  • (10) If you want to become a summit celebrity be sure to strike a pose whenever you see the ENB photographer approaching.
  • (11) I believe that what we need is a nonviolent national general strike of the kind that has been more common in Europe than here.
  • (12) Striking and consistent differences were found in the levels of acceptor activity in different tissues from both groups; these levels corresponded to their sensitivity to tumorigenesis by alkylating agents.
  • (13) "It will strike consumers as unfair that whilst the company is still trading, they are unable to use gift cards and vouchers," he said.
  • (14) The results show that in both viral DNAs cleavage occurs at the origin and at one additional site which shows striking sequence homology with the origin region.
  • (15) He campaigned for a no vote and won handsomely, backed by more than 61%, before performing a striking U-turn on Thursday night, re-tabling the same austerity terms he had campaigned to defeat and which the voters rejected.
  • (16) The most striking homology was to yeast SEC7 in the central domain of the gene (57% identical over 466 bp) and also the protein level (42% identical amino acids; 39% conserved amino acids).
  • (17) Figures from 228 organisations, of which 154 are acute hospital trusts, show that 2,077 inpatient procedures have been cancelled due to the two-day strike alongside 3,187 day case operations and procedures.
  • (18) Striking features were non-atherosclerotic stenosis with negative Sudan III, seen in the ICA less than 200 mu in diameter of almost all the hearts of stages II and III rabbits.
  • (19) The military is not being honest about the number of men on strike: most of us are refusing to eat.
  • (20) The most striking differences were observed on the factors: Psychopathic deviation, Mania, Schizophrenia greater than controls and social introversion lower than controls.