(a.) Not belonging to, or dependent upon, a thing; without or beyond a thing; not essential or intrinsic; foreign; as, to separate gold from extraneous matter.
Example Sentences:
(1) To evaluate threshold estimates under these conditions, computer simulations of experiments with small numbers of trials were performed by using psychometric functions based on a model of two types of noise: stimulus-related noise (affecting slope) and extraneous noise (affecting upper asymptote).
(2) Decisions concerning appropriate treatment are often made by patients, attorneys, the disability determination system, employers, and judges for extraneous reasons, which include financial gain or personal bias and often reflect lack of current information.
(3) In Experiment 1, subjects exposed to a sound representing their heartbeat made greater self-attributions for hypothetical outcomes than did subjects exposed to the same sound identified as an extraneous noise.
(4) A simple method of affinity purification, using antigen bound to nitrocellulose, is employed to remove the reactivity with these extraneous bands from immune sera.
(5) An inverse Fourier transform is then used to recreate the new time domain representation, which has been appropriately filtered for extraneous noise.
(6) He cites the shockingly ugly examples of "predict" and "extraneous".
(7) The chelating approach provides a powerful means for removing a single class of unwanted, random crosslinkages, i.e., those due to extraneous polyvalent metals such as lead, cadmium and aluminum.
(8) The results indicated that FF procedures are easily detected; therefore, difference found between the FF and CF groups may be influenced by extraneous variables.
(9) Phoneme identification responses collected in the same experiments, as well as informal observations about the quality of the restored phoneme, suggested that restoration of a fricative phone distinct from the extraneous noise did not occur; rather, the spectrum of the extraneous noise itself influenced phoneme identification.
(10) The surface activity of the normally surface-active subtypes, when purified free of extraneous material, was close to those of normal controls.
(11) Using buffalo serum, first extraneous proteins were precipitated by making the serum 2.26 M saturated with ammonium sulphate at pH 7.0 and then albumin was precipitated from the supernatant at 1.9 M ammonium sulphate concentration at pH 4.2.
(12) Histologically and histochemically, a total denervation state was observed in the aganglionic segment, in contrast to findings in narrow segments of Hirschsprung's disease, in which intramural extraneous nerves are known to be increased.
(13) The trapped [beta-32P]NANDP X SF1 complex, like the comparable ADP X SF1 complex, was stable for days at 0 degree C and could be purified free of extraneous analogue by ammonium sulfate precipitation and gel filtration.
(14) As with the plant ferredoxins the adrenodoxin for these measurements was enriched with (57)Fe by reconstitution of the apo-protein, and subsequently was carefully purified and checked by a number of methods to ensure that it was in the same conformation as the native protein and contained no extraneous iron.
(15) The results showed that quality of care seemed to be related more to the orientation and perception of the ward sister than to any number of extraneous variables such as medical and paramedical input, ward facilities and ancillary staff support.
(16) Signal is useful variability, potentially relatable to explanatory variables, and noise is extraneous.
(17) In particular, studies are needed that employ prospective designs and that deliberately measure or control for the extraneous prognostic variables that may affect adjustment.
(18) Then by "phase-switching" on the same cartridge, 1,25(OH)2D is sufficiently resolved from other vitamin D metabolites and extraneous lipophilic compounds to allow its quantification by radioreceptor assay according to an established procedure.
(19) The percentage distributions obtained from the CDC data have been adjested to remove the influence of extraneous year-to-year changes in the data.
(20) The endogenous mono- and bipolar subtypes of major depressive disorders showed intimate connections between the various neuroendocrine functional systems and the above mentioned extraneous factors resulting in a narrowed variability and a stronger coupling in the reactivity of these hormonal functional systems, a condition which can be seen as analogous to experimental results at the psychophysiological level in these nuclear groups of depressed patients, whose psychopathological state is also characterized by similar limitations in their "degree of freedom" (Heimann).
(a.) Inward; internal; hence, true; genuine; real; essential; inherent; not merely apparent or accidental; -- opposed to extrinsic; as, the intrinsic value of gold or silver; the intrinsic merit of an action; the intrinsic worth or goodness of a person.
(a.) Included wholly within an organ or limb, as certain groups of muscles; -- opposed to extrinsic.
(n.) A genuine quality.
Example Sentences:
(1) Although each of palate and limb is concurrently susceptible to epigenetic regulation, their differential intrinsic genomic capabilities appear to have been uncoupled.
(2) For enrolled nurses an increase in "Intrinsic Job Satisfaction" was less well maintained and no differences were found over time on "Patient Focus".
(3) The data indicate that adult neurons with an intrinsic ability to regenerate axons can respond to substances with neurotrophic or neurite-promoting activities in tissue cultures.
(4) Relative to the perceived severity of their asthma, both Maoris and Pacific Islanders lost more time from work or school and used hospital services more than European asthmatics using A & E. The increased use of A & E by Maori and Pacific Island asthmatics seemed not attributable to the intrinsic severity of their asthma and was better explained by ethnic, socioeconomic and sociocultural factors.
(5) On the other hand, the injection of minute quantities of endotoxin into PbAc(2)-sensitized rats invariably resulted in disseminated intravascular coagulation, apparently via a complete activation of the intrinsic pathway.
(6) Pathological changes may, thus, be initially confined to projecting and intrinsic neurons localized in cortical and subcortical olfactory structures; arguments are advanced which favor the view that excitotoxic phenomena could be mainly responsible for the overall degenerative picture.
(7) DL 071 IT, a new potent non-selective beta-adrenergic blocking drug with intrinsic sympathomimetic activity and weak membrane stabilizing activity, was evaluated alone and in comparison with oxprenolol, in six volunteers, at rest and during an exercise test.
(8) These results suggest that the majority of D1 and D2 receptors in prefrontal and anterior cingulate cortices are located postsynaptically on neurons intrinsic to the cortex.
(9) Intrinsic bending of the 527-bp fragment (bend center approximately at bp 240) was represented as a composite of at least two components located near bp 170 and near bp 260.
(10) This technique is sensitive to the optical anisotropy within the muscle, including that due to intrinsic properties of the protein molecules as well as that due to the regular arrangement of proteins in the surrounding medium.
(11) Using the results of a first evaluation made in 1989, a series of recommendations were made to reduce the prescription of drugs with a low intrinsic value (LIV).
(12) Urinary excretion of (60)Co radioactivity in pernicious anemia patients after oral administration of (60)Co-vitamin B(12) bound to freshly prepared (125)I-labeled IF was similar to that obtained with noniodinated intrinsic factor.
(13) A plantar approach, implanting into the deep layer of intrinsics, was used.
(14) These data suggest that in terms of prolactin release, prolactin producing tumour cells are intrinsically refractory to hypo thalamic dopaminergic signals.
(15) Its isoelectric point is at pH 11.1 and intrinsic viscosity is 0.038 dl g-1 in 0.2 M NaCl.
(16) Within the restriction provided by surface area and volume, the intrinsic properties of the membrane and cytoplasm determine the deformability characteristics of the red cell.
(17) Quenching of intrinsic fluorescence of (Ca2+-Mg2+)-ATPase by acrylamide, performed in the presence of Ca2+, gave evidence for a single class of tryptophan residues with Stern-Volmer constant (KSV) of 10 M-1.
(18) This formalism allows resolution of the intrinsic protein folding-unfolding parameters (enthalpy, entropy, and heat capacity changes) as well as the ligand interaction parameters (binding stoichiometry, enthalpy, entropy, and heat capacity changes).
(19) This provides a compelling argument that the protein kinase function of p37mos is an intrinsic property of the protein.
(20) These data support the conclusion that there are mechanisms intrinsic to each tissue which exert a degree of control during growth over its chemical composition; therefore, growth itself can be considered an intrinsic regulatory mechanism.