What's the difference between extroverted and rude?



Example Sentences:

  • (1) How do you tell the difference between a Finnish introvert and a Finnish extrovert?
  • (2) For all Rossi's extroverted stage image, he has a reputation for avoiding most offstage drama – parties, for example.
  • (3) Condition 3 subjects were less extrovert (socially oriented) than the other subjects.
  • (4) The influence of personality (types A-B and extrovert-introvert) was also studied.
  • (5) Andrew is an extrovert, a cheerful lovely soul, a cheeky guy,” says Morrissey.
  • (6) --I. Introverts (FPI-E) performed selfexaminations with only half the frequency of extroverts (p less than 0,01).
  • (7) The extroverted and rapid treatment has implied that the geriatric department has become much more significant in the hospital.
  • (8) We assess the hierarchical relations between traits differing in breadth, using a task in which subjects select the most meaningful of two statements, such as "To be talkative is a way of being extroverted" versus "To be extroverted is a way of being talkative."
  • (9) The volunteers were more extrovert (P less than 0.001), more flexible (P less than 0.001), more tolerant or less impulsive (P less than 0.001), had more self-confidence and initiative (P less than 0.001), and were more satisfied and optimistic (P less than 0.01) when compared with the general norm.
  • (10) In general myopes exhibited a personality pattern of introversion, whereas hypermetropes maintained a pattern described as extroverted.
  • (11) It is not so much, then, a fact--correcting Jung, for instance--that we are to be dichotomized into extroverts and introverts, but rather that we all begin by aspiring toward human communion and affection and friendship but that, unfortunately, many of us fail; we who fail are the frustrated extroverts, the retreating introverts; if we cannot enjoy the company of others and command from them the recognition we (abnormally) feel for ourselves, well, then we shall cultivate our own company.
  • (12) Jones sometimes gives the impression that he profoundly regrets having to relinquish his hard-won anonymity, but Styler insists he can be quite an extrovert.
  • (13) The results of the Cattell Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire showed that the smokers were significantly more extroverted and self-reliant than the non-smokers.5.
  • (14) These results are consistent with some previous studies showing a positive relationship between EEG alpha activity and extroverted personality traits.
  • (15) There is a significant differences in power of the frontal areas between extrovert and introvert subjects.
  • (16) (a) 3 subjects who on the personality tests were identified as introverted, reserved, and trusting preferred to work in the machine-paced condition, while 9 subjects who were identified as extroverted, outgoing and suspicious preferred the self-paced condition, (b) the performance errors in machine-paced operation were 372% higher than for self-paced work, and (c) there were no differences between machine-paced and self-paced work on physiological variables, except for sinus arrhythmia for the task with high perceptual load, and quantity of production.
  • (17) Which is possibly why we "onlies" have such a bad rep. We're either spoilt brash extroverts or loner introverts, selfish to the core.
  • (18) Such extroverted symptoms as behavioral problems and loss of temper were significantly more frequent in patients assigned to the latent organic class, whereas symptoms of phobia and depressive mood were more often present in patients belonging to the nonorganic class.
  • (19) In the first, pig oocytes were fertilized in vitro immediately after collection (immature oocytes) or after being cultured for 44 hr with cumulus cells connected to the whole wall of the extroverted follicle (follicle oocytes) or without cumulus cells (denuded oocytes) (Mattioli et al.
  • (20) The superiority of recall for introverts was replicated, and a reminiscence effect was found for the extroverts.



  • (superl.) Characterized by roughness; umpolished; raw; lacking delicacy or refinement; coarse.
  • (superl.) Unformed by taste or skill; not nicely finished; not smoothed or polished; -- said especially of material things; as, rude workmanship.
  • (superl.) Of untaught manners; unpolished; of low rank; uncivil; clownish; ignorant; raw; unskillful; -- said of persons, or of conduct, skill, and the like.
  • (superl.) Violent; tumultuous; boisterous; inclement; harsh; severe; -- said of the weather, of storms, and the like; as, the rude winter.
  • (superl.) Barbarous; fierce; bloody; impetuous; -- said of war, conflict, and the like; as, the rude shock of armies.
  • (superl.) Not finished or complete; inelegant; lacking chasteness or elegance; not in good taste; unsatisfactory in mode of treatment; -- said of literature, language, style, and the like.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) You need a little moleskine, to write rude ideas... Mel No, I’ve just started recycling them.
  • (2) I categorically never said that ‘Britain has so many paedophiles because it has so many Asian men’.” She added that it was “totally untrue” that she had threatened to “take this inquiry down with me”, and absolutely rejected being rude and abusive to junior staff.
  • (3) For a while yesterday, Hazel Blears's selfishly-timed resignation with her rude "rock the boat" brooch send shudders of revulsion through some in the party.
  • (4) Like low blood pressure after a heart attack, then, cheap oil should arguably be regarded not as a sign of rude health, but rather as a consequence of malaise.
  • (5) This country has had a free press for the last 300 years, that has been irreverent and rude as my website is and holding public officials to account.
  • (6) We had some memorable encounters and he was very rude to me.
  • (7) He privately told the privy counsellors' committee of inquiry set up to review the events leading up to the invasion: "If I may be very frank and rather rude, you had to keep the ball in the air with the Argentines.
  • (8) There will be dialogue and discussions about what works, rather than rude surprises that backfire.
  • (9) As Google states, it is definitely in the company’s best interest to get its first smartglass customers to behave, as “breaking the rules or being rude will not get businesses excited about Glass and will ruin it for other Explorers”.
  • (10) I think, in all honestly, if I could be Bradley Whitford I would be very, very happy.” He becomes almost drawlingly dreamy, rolling his “r”s as he leans against the warm oolite cliffs of this Jurassic Coast, until rudely interrupted by me, asking whether there’s talk of a Broadchurch 3 .
  • (11) If someone was rude to you, you were rude back to them.
  • (12) Brexiters face rude awakening on immigration, says ex-minister Read more The problem is, there is nothing on the horizon to suggest that achieving any significant reduction in immigration is achievable or even desirable.
  • (13) He repeatedly argued that his south London upbringing meant he was rude to people who were rude to him and said Jones needed to “get over it”, although he said that he was unaware of his colleague’s history of illness.
  • (14) When he sees what he's inherited, he may get a rude awakening.
  • (15) Having reassured ourselves that we’re justified in “holding them to account” and “having robust debates” and “speaking truth to power”, we’re now just flat-out rude to their faces?
  • (16) But the fact that there is a serious disagreement between Zimbabwe and the United Kingdom does not mean that you should then be discourteous or rude."
  • (17) I said to them afterwards: ‘If you’re not on it 100% in this league, you’ll get a rude awakening.’’” Albion must be sick of the sight of QPR and Charlie Austin in particular.
  • (18) I can think of hordes of politicians who look worse and "weirder", with wet little pouty-mouths, strange shiny skin, mad glaring eyes, deathly pale demeanour, blank gaze and an unhealthy quantity of fat (I can't name them, because it's rude to make personal remarks), and I don't hear anyone calling them "weird", or mocking their looks, except for the odd bold cartoonist, but when it comes to Miliband , it's be-as-rude-as-you-like time.
  • (19) She said something rude, and I picked up her arm and I bit it!
  • (20) So instead of asking for anything on her birthday, she gives her friends presents, and she regularly sticks bullies and rude policemen in trees.

Words possibly related to "extroverted"