(1) The weight and size of the eyeballs were almost the same as those in normal NC pups.
(2) You can also blast individual eyeballs from their sockets, or – if you're particularly skilful – make their testicles explode like a pair of microwaved eggs.
(3) I think the heart of good comedy really lives in truth and reacting to the absurdities, hypocrisies, abuses of power in the world.” Late night television is a no longer a glass of warm milk before bed, it’s a lunch buffet And as TV viewership declines and internet virality becomes as important as real-time eyeballs, cable networks might find that topical comedy is a smart, cost-effective way to grab cross-platform attention.
(4) It is emphasized that eyeball deformation can be used as an independent tool in transmitter studies of the retina.
(5) The optic nerve of 2 adult male Macaca fuscata was exposed and lysophosphatidylcholine dissolved in saline at 2% was slowly injected into the nerve at about 5 mm posteriorly from the eyeball.
(6) This larger operation appears justified in selected cases by the reduced risks to an already compromised eyeball or optic nerve.
(7) Absorbable polydioxanone (PDS; Ethicon) threads were used for cerclage of the eyeball.
(8) Bovine eyeballs were immersed in fluids including sea water for variable intervals of time, and magnesium concentrations and those of other electrolytes were determined in the aqueous and vitreous humor.
(9) Authors have presented treatment results of severe eye injuries with double perforation of the anterior and posterior wall of the eyeball.
(10) The Wildervanck syndrome consists of the Klippel-Feil deformity of the spine, eyeball retraction, lateral gaze weakness, and hearing loss.
(11) In this strain of rat, the eyeball is reduced to about one-third in diameter, and there is no optic nerve.
(12) I lifted my patient's eyelid to check she was dead – and her eyeball came out Read more After some deft manoeuvring with the forceps and a prophylactic course of antibiotics, the offending item was deposited in the medical waste bin.
(13) A 6-year old girl, the 3rd case, developed episodes of opisthotonous, upward rolling of the eyeballs, protrusions of the tongue, intermittent writhing movements of the upper limbs, and drowsiness following the ingestion of 6 tablets of chloroquine sulfate for suspected diagnosis of malaria.
(14) Squeaky-clean Leona Lewis has covered Trent Reznor's hara-kiri-themed treatise Hurt, Beyoncé pre-empted Ke$ha on last year's Rather Die Young, and the Lynchian pretend-we're-dead poise of Lana "Born To Die" Del Rey couldn't be more cadaver chic if she started shaking with rigor mortis, maggots spilling from her eyeballs.
(15) Chronic trophic uveitis was encountered in some patients after the operation, which led to subatrophy of the eyeball.
(16) Specific antigens were detected in the lens of the eyeball by immunofluorescence test with sera from mice in which ophthalmitis had been induced and the antigens were lenticular proteins with molecular weights (MW) of 15,000 (15K) to 25K, and 45K.
(17) The effect of eyeball pressure on the heart rate was measured in 65 babies and was found to cause a brisk drop in heart rate in 32 babies.
(18) In nine cases of severe injury in the anterior segment with little light perception, reconstructive keratoplasty was performed to keep the eyeballs successfully in seven cases, among whom five cases obtained transparent grafts.
(19) For comparison, the responses of retinal ganglion cells to eyeball deformation in a hydrostatically open system and to a sudden increase in the intraocular pressure (closed system) are described.
(20) The degree of redox processes and oxygen tension in the tissues was studied by the polarographic technique, the character of microcirculatory processes with the aid of biomicroscopy of the eyeball conjunctiva, the intensity of immunologic shifts by means of precipitation with polyethylene glycol at different dilutions.
(v. t.) To examine closely; to inspect or observe with critical attention; to regard narrowly; as, to scrutinize the measures of administration; to scrutinize the conduct or motives of individuals.
(v. i.) To make scrutiny.
Example Sentences:
(1) Peter Schweizer – whose book scrutinizing donations to the Clinton Foundation has earned sharp rebukes from Hillary Clinton’s campaign and liberally aligned groups – confirmed on Thursday plans to investigate Bush’s past financial dealings.
(2) He scrutinizes the credentials of these candidates and discusses the problem of using autoantibodies to identify causative antigens in a T-cell-mediated disease.
(3) The general late sequelae and the functional and aesthetic repercussions of circatrization were scrutinized and compared with the method of treatment and the postoperative course.
(4) The FECGs were recorded on magnetic tape and later analysed by scrutinizing each QRS complex prior to the trigger of a rate meter.
(5) The protein sequence searching program Scrutineer has been modified to search for targets from a file.
(6) The radiologic and clinical records were scrutinized to determine the actual effect of the radiologic examination on management of the patient.
(7) The primary care physician should recognize that: the natural history of this disease is variable and unpredictable; symptomatic disease in the elderly patient may be easily overlooked; and therefore, older patients who have vague and varied nonspecific neuromuscular, GI, and constitutional complaints or acquired behavior disturbances should be carefully scrutinized.
(8) The authors scrutinize in details the structural scheme of organization of patient's search-and-rescue work and suggest, that main principles of planning and management of search-and-rescue operations in aviation could be applied in a decision of problems, which arise in medical assistance to the victims of the natural disasters and accidents.
(9) Eighteen studies (13 equivocal, 5 misinterpretations) were scrutinized to determine the limitations of venous duplex scanning compared to phlebography and are the focus of this analysis.
(10) Studies of culture-specific disorders, service utilization and patient population studies, psychiatric epidemiological studies, and studies designed to test the validity of certain diagnostic instruments are scrutinized for evidence of the nature of the role of indigenous cultures in the manifestations of psychiatric disorders among these populations.
(11) In addition, Scrutineer still accepts targets typed in interactively but can now write them out in the format required as input.
(12) To scrutinize the fidelity of this stoichiometric form of chromatin reconstitution, we use circular dichroism, nuclease digestion, thermal denaturation and the sensitive electric birefringence method.
(13) The procedural skills of internists have been scrutinized recently because of concern for quality of care and because of economic and liability issues.
(14) In 100 consecutive deaths from a coronary care unit, the coronary arteries were examined microscopically in longitudinal sections (serial and semi-serial) so that the entire extramural part of each artery was scrutinized.
(15) The inclusions are typically near vacuoles and a minimum of three vacuolated fibres must be scrutinized to detect them with confidence.
(16) It is suggested that all known methods of integrated worm control should be scrutinized and the most promising methods be tested under practical farming conditions in the country to reduce our dependence on anthelmintic compounds for worm control.
(17) Physicians have been advised to scrutinize these patients carefully with a variety of diagnostic tests and to treat their conditions vigorously if bacteremia is seriously considered or proved.
(18) Hospital records were scrutinized and 179 of 180 (99 per cent) were included in the evaluation.
(19) Scrutinized statistical analysis revealed not only the well-known predictive value of the number of myeloblasts, but also a significant prognostic impact for the percentages of polymorpho-nuclear granulocytes, eosinophils and basophils.
(20) Pacemaker therapy, though widely accepted, currently is being scrutinized to determine its impact on cost as well as quality.