(1) This, in turn, prompted an apology from the director, along with a (possibly facetious) denial that he was "a Nazi".
(2) He is very facetious and constantly observing the crowd… His character is very spontaneous, which I am but, at the same time, when I prepare a spectacle, I leave nothing to chance, I am very methodical.
(3) There are side-effects associated with inhaled steroids, which are the most commonly prescribed preventative treatment, but if standard doses are used these are usually mild.” For his part, Bush admitted his language may have been “facetious”.
(4) I obviously missed the point if they were horrified – it was funny and a little facetious."
(5) The tweet was "obviously facetious" and "a parody", he added.
(6) It was the first time that the men's and women's game had unified and instead we are talking about someone who we paid to come in as entertainment and be facetious about something we stand vehemently against so I apologise for that.
(7) "He looks permanently pink and facetious, as though life is one big public-school prank," writes the former Labour MP Chris Mullin, usually quite forgiving towards Tories, in his diaries for December 2010.
(8) Numerous articles have appeared in the English literature, but we have been able to find only two editorials in semi-facetious vein in the South African Medical Journal over the last 20 years.
(9) Heard’s barrister, Paula Morreau, said: “Obviously it’s foreshadowed and they wanted to attempt to … ” before White interjected to say she was “just being facetious”.
(10) Wodehouse was what Orwell called "a political innocent", someone whose essential stupidity about politics - "his mild facetiousness covering an unthinking acceptance [of the world he inhabited]" - rescued him from the charge of the worst sorts of hypocrisy.
(11) Sometimes …) If we follow the form, naturally there'll be the ritual feast, the haggis piped in, addressed, sacrificed and served, the traditional speeches, the Address to the Lassies, the Reply, the Immortal Memory, which is supposed to skip the facetiousness and meditate on some aspect of the poet's life and his work.
(12) Asked about the claim by the former Liberal MP Lord Alton that he had "facetiously" said Smith's behaviour was no different to conduct at public schools, Steel said: "You say it is a facetious remark.
(13) The facetiousness couldn't obscure the truism: five months after Chua's piece, Time magazine published an article titled " Why do we fear a rising China ?"
(14) (Parody and doggerel and facetiousness are big features of Burns suppers.
(15) "We have a very facetious Liverpool sense of humour, laughing at things which are stupid," says Wells.
(16) You can ask a facetious question too – just be sure to keep it respectful.
(17) When I say “know-nothing,” I’m not being facetious or hyperbolic.
(18) Twain understood publicity so well that he was merely amused when Huck Finn was banned by libraries across the US; when it was banned in Omaha, Nebraska, for example, he sent a telegram to the local newspaper, observing facetiously: "I am tearfully afraid this noise is doing much harm.
(19) A facetious comparison, maybe, but shouldn’t home crowds give Scottish comics an advantage?
(20) He said: “If the last few weeks tell us anything: it is rarely a help to mention Hitler in support of an argument by an ex-mayor of London.” Paddy Ashdown, the former Lib Dem leader, said Johnson was “yet another tuppenny tin-pot imitation Churchill promising to ‘fight them on the beaches’ while weakening our defences and wrecking our economy.” Owen Smith, a Labour shadow cabinet minister, said Johnson was “a cut-rate Donald Trump.” “It’s a ridiculous and facetious comment by a man who is apt to make ridiculous and facetious comments,” Smith told LBC.
(a.) Not instrument (to); not appropriate; unbecoming; unsuitable; not specially fitted; -- followed by to or for.
Example Sentences:
(1) However, each of the studies had numerous methodological flaws which biased their results against finding a relationship: either their outcome measures had questionable validity, their research designs were inappropriate, or the statistical analyses were poorly conceived.
(2) Ten milliliters of the solution inappropriately came into contact with nasal mucous membranes, causing excessive drug absorption.
(3) An official from Cafcass, the children and family court advisory service, tried to persuade the child in several interviews, but eventually the official told the court that further persuasion was inappropriate and essentially abusive.
(4) Conservative commentators responded with fury to what they believed was inappropriate meddling at a crucial moment in the town hall debate.
(5) Our studies suggest that the applicability of the HPRT gene probe strategy may be limited by (1) the low frequency of informative cases and (2) potential inappropriate methylation of the HPRT gene in a proportion of cases.
(6) The death of retinal ganglion cells during development thus seems to serve 2 purposes: It provides for the quantitative matching of the ganglion cell population to the needs of its central projection fields, and, at the same time, it serves to selectively eliminate those cells whose axons project to inappropriate targets or to inappropriate regions within the correct target fields.
(7) CNS excitation and seizures, manifestations of organochlorine intoxication, can occur following ingestion or inappropriate application of the 1 per cent topical formulation of lindane used to treat scabies and lice.
(8) In iron-overloaded patients with primary haemochromatosis, there was inappropriately high uptake of iron by the biopsy specimens.
(9) These changes in association with a total peripheral resistance considered inappropriately normal, are the main hemodynamic characteristics of obesity-related hypertension.
(10) The inappropriate placement of a patient's central venous catheter in the pleural space by the serendipitous injection of Tc-99m labeled red blood cells through the catheter during a GI bleeding study was discovered.
(11) Anergy is a crude measure of host resistance which may be due to malnutrition, but is probably more often due to inappropriate host responses to surgery and injury.
(12) Emergency indications to operate have become exceptional since the temporary control of inappropriate secretions by pharmacologic agents is available.
(13) And yes, some people on the internet found this inappropriate.
(14) And as for this job, well, not that I have a choice but … fuck it, I quit.” A stunned colleague then told viewers: “All right we apologise for that … we’ll, we’ll be right back.” The station later apologised to viewers on Twitter: KTVA 11 News (@ktva) Viewers, we sincerely apologize for the inappropriate language used by a KTVA reporter on the air tonight.
(15) The observed differences in Na excretion suggest that this aldosterone hypersecretion may be of pathophysiological importance as a protection against inappropriate renal waste of Na during the early phase of endotoxin-induced fever.
(16) The use of STA as a method for determining SMU tension in the human masseter muscle appears to be highly task-dependent and in the presence of co-activation may be inappropriate.
(17) A conclusion was made of inappropriateness of the use of iron combined with other preparations in view of numerous cases of side-effects and danger of the development of siderosis of internal organs as a result of erroneous drug administration.
(18) Already in 2014, Proofpoint found a 650% increase in social media spam compared to 2013, and 99% of malicious URLs in inappropriate content led to malware installation or credential phishing sites,” explains the company.
(19) The force added that it did not happen “inappropriately”.
(20) Forty-six percent of 962 EID were observed to be employed inappropriately.