(n.) One of the divisions or parties of charioteers (distinguished by their colors) in the games of the circus.
(n.) A party, in political society, combined or acting in union, in opposition to the government, or state; -- usually applied to a minority, but it may be applied to a majority; a combination or clique of partisans of any kind, acting for their own interests, especially if greedy, clamorous, and reckless of the common good.
(n.) Tumult; discord; dissension.
Example Sentences:
(1) Labor’s left faction is yet to settle its position on the politically controversial issue of turning back asylum-seeker boats , ahead of the party’s national conference at the end of the month.
(2) For US allies, trying to follow Washington’s lead over the past four months has been akin to trying to drive in convoy behind a car swerving violently at high speed, as the competing factions inside lunge for the steering wheel.
(3) On Thursday, conservative analyst Ross Douthat wrote: “A party whose leading factions often seemed incapable of budging from 1980s-era dogma suddenly caved completely.” On Friday, former top Barack Obama strategist David Axelrod tweeted : “The Day After: seems as if @GOP establishment is measuring @realDonaldTrump as a moldable vessel.
(4) We intend to treat claims from the most powerful factions with skepticism, not reverence.
(5) The time to hand over the reins came and went, Keating challenged and lost, before heading to the backbench to lick his wounds and shore up the factional numbers needed for a successful spill.
(6) The strongly pro-EU and vocal Alistair Burt was whipped back into the Foreign Office where he had been before, while Steve Baker of the ultra-hardline anti-EU faction was made a minister in Davis’s department.
(7) The dramatic reconciliation of the warring factions comes as the credit crunch and worsening newspaper advertising market has left INM facing a funding crisis.
(8) Despite his advocacy on behalf of leftists and nationalists, there were those who believed he connived to ensure that the left faction did not get the upper hand in the PAP.
(9) The more the president rules by decree – and one faction in the Brotherhood argues that he should issue a constitutional decree of his own, annulling the content of the decree Scaf issued within hours of the closing of the presidential polls – the more he risks alienating his future political partners in the broad-tent political coalition he intends to set up both under him as president, and under the prime minister he intends to nominate.
(10) "There is a huge media campaign to distort the real image of the Iraqi revolution, by claiming that it is led by the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIS)," Salim tells Mona: ...but the truth is that all the Iraqi resistance factions have taken part in the revolution including Islamic factions.
(11) The latest drone strike in Yemen, on 20 January , demonstrated that the strikes can occur despite the chaos of the US-allied Saudi Arabian war on the ruling Houthi faction.
(12) With the July conference emerging as the tightest numbers game in recent memory, the right faction has made it known that it wants Young Labor’s three-person delegation to be comprised of three rightwing delegates.
(13) Sheridan accused them of a conspiracy: many were members of an internal SSP grouping, the United Left, which he accused of being an "anti-Sheridan faction".
(14) A day after making a personal appeal to the US and Cuban leaders to end their half-century of estrangement , Francis issued his plea to Colombia’s warring factions from Revolution Plaza at the end of his Sunday mass.
(15) Meanwhile, Qatar and Turkey provide funding and weapons to Islamists and other factions in the west.
(16) It is debauched ethos of mateship and factional solidarity linked to fundraising on both sides,” he said.
(17) But, according to Ruddick, the state council is a “gerrymander”, with factional leaders creating new “on-paper” branches that meet at most once a year in order to elect a delegate to state council and keep hold of “the numbers” – presenting Liberal reformers with exactly the same structural impediment to change as is faced by Labor.
(18) Despite their crimes, Sharif’s faction of the Pakistan Muslim League has been accused of striking electoral pacts with them in his heartlands of Punjab province.
(19) There is no future in the politics of faction or deselection any more than there is in the politics of splits.
(20) Kiir and Machar fought for different factions within the country’s liberation movement – and represent the country’s two largest ethnic groups, respectively the Dinka and the Nuer.
(n.) Learning; acquaintance with letters or books.
(n.) The collective body of literary productions, embracing the entire results of knowledge and fancy preserved in writing; also, the whole body of literary productions or writings upon a given subject, or in reference to a particular science or branch of knowledge, or of a given country or period; as, the literature of Biblical criticism; the literature of chemistry.
(n.) The class of writings distinguished for beauty of style or expression, as poetry, essays, or history, in distinction from scientific treatises and works which contain positive knowledge; belles-lettres.
(n.) The occupation, profession, or business of doing literary work.
Example Sentences:
(1) Only 81 cases are reported in the international literature.
(2) The analysis is based on the personal experience of the authors with 117 cases and the review of 223 cases published in the literature.
(3) Because of the small number of patients reported in the world literature and lack of controlled studies, the treatment of small cell carcinoma of the larynx remains controversial; this retrospective analysis suggests that combination chemotherapy plus radiation offers the best chance for cure.
(4) The effects of glucagon-induced insulin secretion upon this lipid regulation are discussed that may resolve conflicting reports in the literature are resolved.
(5) Mutational mosaicism was used as a developmental model to analyze 1,500 sporadic and 179 familial cases of retinoblastoma from the world literature.
(6) A re-examination of the literature indicates that many phagocytes previously unidentified or considered to be microglial cells are probably beta astrocytes.
(7) A review is made from literature and an inventory of psychological and organic factors implicated in this pathology.
(8) The literature on depression and immunity is reviewed and the clinical implications of our findings are discussed.
(9) The pathogenicity of Mycoplasma pneumoniae in atypical pneumonias can be considered confirmed according to the availabile literature; its importance for other inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, particularly for chronic bronchitis, is not yet sufficiently clear.
(10) Based upon our clinical experience and this review of the literature, a suggested management protocol is presented.
(11) These data, compared with literature findings, support the idea that intratumoral BCG instillation of bladder cancer permits a longer disease-free period than other therapeutical approaches.
(12) In agreement with the data in the literature, melanocytes incubated with IFN-gamma acquire HLA-DR, -DQ, and -DP antigens.
(13) The literature is reviewed to define the role of the different treatment modalities.
(14) Therefore, we performed meta-analysis of literature reports in Japan (n = 3), the USA (n = 4), and Europe (n = 20) on the risk of postgastrectomy cancer.
(15) The mother in Arthur Ransome's children's classic, Swallows and Amazons, is something of a cipher, but her inability to make basic decisions does mean she receives one of the finest telegrams in all literature.
(16) A review of the literature reveals no similar case.
(17) Short-forms of Wechsler intelligence tests have abounded in the literature and have been recommended for use as screening instruments in clinical and research settings.
(18) After examining the cases reported in literature (Sacks, Barabas, Beighton Sykes), they point out that, contrary to what is generally believed, the syndrome is not rare and cases, sporadic or familial, of recurrent episodes of spontaneous rupture of the intestine and large vessels or peripheral arteries are frequent.
(19) On the basis of reports in the literature and of our own clinical experience it appears that melanocyte inhibiting factor (MIF) is a very promising therapeutic agent in the management of Parkinson's disease.
(20) Her novels have an enduring and universal appeal and she is recognised as one of the greatest writers in English literature.