What's the difference between fadge and fidge?



  • (a.) To fit; to suit; to agree.
  • (n.) A small flat loaf or thick cake; also, a fagot.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) They are part of a family of Irish potato breads and pancakes which include boxty, potato fadge and stampy.



  • (n. & i.) See Fidget.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Apolipoproteins A-IV, A-I and E from rat high-density lipoprotein (HDL) were successfully purified by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC), using a method which we have previously developed for the separation of apolipoproteins A-IV, A-I and E from human lymph chylomicrons [T. Tetaz, E. Kecorius, B. Grego and N. Fidge, J.
  • (2) These findings are in agreement with our recent work using isolated CNBr fragments of apoA-I (Morrison, J., Fidge, N. H., and Tozuka, M. (1991) J. Biol.

Words possibly related to "fidge"