(1) Nor is this political fantasy: at the European elections in May, across 51 authorities in the north-west and north-east, Ukip finished ahead of Labour in 18 and as its main rival in 30.
(2) He said: "While the strike on 30 November will obviously cause disruption, the figures suggested by ministers are fantasy economics.
(3) In traumatized patients, Rorschach responses draw from a variety of sources, including the traumatic event itself, past and current experiences, and internal fantasy.
(4) The importance of both the hypnoid state and the accompanying imagery (fantasy) formation for aiding in discharging the excitement of the overstimulated state was commented upon.
(5) Within the primitive maternal transference, borborygmi are often accompaniments to the fantasy or the hallucination of being fed by the analyst.
(6) I suspect McInerney's right, after Ellis tells me about a scene he has just written in which two women discuss rape fantasies.
(7) The psychological-interpersonal movement into triangulated oedipal object relations is mediated by the elaboration of mature forms of primal scene fantasies in conjunction with the development of a "transitional oedipal relationship" to the mother.
(8) You will have to offer leadership and a sense of belonging to the civil service's lowly clerks and frontline staff in the Department for Work and Pensions, struggling not just with Iain Duncan Smith's fantasies of benefit rationalisation, but sharp contractors snapping at their heels.
(9) Incest offenders were higher on experience and satisfaction and lower on fantasy.
(10) Cross-sectional as well as longitudinal comparisons indicated that the subjective sexual arousal elicited during fantasy depicting specific themes was stable across the menstrual cycle.
(11) This component of a more comprehensive study of Houdini focuses on the unusual reification of his family romance fantasies, their endurance well beyond the usual boundaries in time, their kinship with mythological themes, and their infusion with the ambivalence that is often addressed toward the true parents.
(12) The Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS) offers a reliable method to measure alexithymia, a personality construct describing individuals endorsing the inability to identify and report emotions, processing a minimal fantasy life, utilizing an analytic cognitive style, and tending to somatize.
(13) The results obtained show that the androgen blockade ended his exhibitionistic behaviour and markedly decreased his sexual fantasies and activities, especially masturbation, without significant side effects.
(14) One purpose of this study was to examine the validity of the Make A Picture Story (MAPS) for assessment of children's fantasies.
(15) Williams said: "There is no doubt in my mind that you are a paedophile who has for some time harboured sexual and morbid fantasies about young girls, storing on your laptop not only images of pre-pubescent and pubescent girls, but foul pornography of the gross sexual abuse of young children."
(16) The whole proves his introversion, ambivalence, hypersensitivity, obstinancy, anxieties, behavioral anomalies, a life rich in fantasies and his underestimation of his own literary work.
(17) The present research experimentally tested the hypotheses that physical aggression and fantasy aggression would lead to a preference for viewing violence.
(18) Some officers close to the case believe George and Allen may have always harboured paedophilic thoughts but Blanchard provided a "catalyst" which encouraged them to act out their fantasies.
(19) A comparative study of the syndrome of fantasy-making was carred out in 65 juvenile delinquents (psychopathy, early organic lesions of the brain, schizophrenia).
(20) Ninety-nine college undergraduates responded to a questionnaire consisting of subscales from the Singer-Antrobus Imaginal Processes Inventory and scales measuring extent of sleep disturbance; measures of response bias and samples of volitional waking fantasy were also obtained.
(n.) Any one of numerous species of passerine birds of the family Hirundinidae, especially one of those species in which the tail is deeply forked. They have long, pointed wings, and are noted for the swiftness and gracefulness of their flight.
(n.) Any one of numerous species of swifts which resemble the true swallows in form and habits, as the common American chimney swallow, or swift.
(n.) The aperture in a block through which the rope reeves.
(v. t.) To take into the stomach; to receive through the gullet, or esophagus, into the stomach; as, to swallow food or drink.
(v. t.) To draw into an abyss or gulf; to ingulf; to absorb -- usually followed by up.
(v. t.) To receive or embrace, as opinions or belief, without examination or scruple; to receive implicitly.
(v. t.) To engross; to appropriate; -- usually with up.
(v. t.) To occupy; to take up; to employ.
(v. t.) To seize and waste; to exhaust; to consume.
(v. t.) To retract; to recant; as, to swallow one's opinions.
(v. t.) To put up with; to bear patiently or without retaliation; as, to swallow an affront or insult.
(v. i.) To perform the act of swallowing; as, his cold is so severe he is unable to swallow.
(n.) The act of swallowing.
(n.) The gullet, or esophagus; the throat.
(n.) Taste; relish; inclination; liking.
(n.) Capacity for swallowing; voracity.
(n.) As much as is, or can be, swallowed at once; as, a swallow of water.
(n.) That which ingulfs; a whirlpool.
Example Sentences:
(1) Mild swallowing difficulties occurred in 18 patients (39%), moderate dysfunction in 23 (50%), and severe dysfunction in five (11%).
(2) The mother in Arthur Ransome's children's classic, Swallows and Amazons, is something of a cipher, but her inability to make basic decisions does mean she receives one of the finest telegrams in all literature.
(3) It was shown that gradual recovery of spike wave patterns occurred from initial water swallowing to successive dry swalllowing.
(4) All patients received an X-ray study of swallow at 3 months after the operation.
(5) A 27-year-old lady presented with history of discomfort in the throat and difficulty in swallowing for two weeks.
(6) The patients with SS produced swallowing durations significantly longer (p less than 0.05) than those of the controls for each of the two conditions.
(7) The anesthesiologist assessed the degree of neuromuscular blockade intraoperatively prior to pharmacologic reversal either by the standard method of visually counting the number of evoked thumb twitches elicited by supramaximal train-of-four stimulation of the ulnar nerve (i.e., thumb train-of-four count), or by an alternative method such as 1) visually counting the number of evoked orbicularis oculi muscle twitches elicited by supramaximal train-of-four stimulation of the facial nerve, or 2) observing the patient for clinical evidence of partial recovery (e.g., swallowing or attempts to breathe).
(8) The parameters of LES relaxation for both wet and dry swallows were similar using either a carefully placed single recording orifice or a Dent sleeve.
(9) Advisable in a first time for the feeding of patients with palliative treatment, we propose PEG for patients in position to have a long and difficult rehabilitation of swallowing.
(10) Do get yourself elected as a governor If you’re lucky, your school hasn’t yet been swallowed up by a private academy chain, and so its governing body still has ultimate power, and the headteacher is accountable to it.
(11) Contrast esophagography and swallow in the lateral projection will confirm the diagnosis.
(12) We therefore surveyed patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) regarding early adult consumption of fruits and vegetables usually eaten raw, with seeds that are swallowed or scraped with the teeth.
(13) We conclude that retained gastric peristaltic function is not a prerequisite for a good clinical outcome for swallowing and that despite vagotomy, the stomach continues to produce enough acid to maintain an acidic pH.
(14) When Hayley Cropper swallows poison on Coronation Street on Monday night, taking her own life to escape inoperable pancreatic cancer, with her beloved husband, Roy, in pieces at her bedside, it will be the end of a character who, thanks to Hesmondhalgh's performance, has captivated and challenged British TV viewers for 16 years.
(15) An example is given illustrating 10D movements due to swallowing, speech and respiration.
(16) Swallowing of foreign bodies in elder patients is often explained by a decrease in psychological or neurological function, which undoubtedly may occur.
(17) A chronological subdivision of the swallowing act is needed for a step-by-step analysis.
(18) Information provided by postlaryngectomy barium swallow appeared to predict, but not prevent salivary fistula formation.
(19) It is especially suitable for patients having compliance problems or difficulty in swallowing tablets.
(20) Stockman said much of the $1.6tn spent by the Federal Reserve as part of its QE policy was swallowed by Wall Street and simply made bankers richer.