(n.) A band, sash, or fillet; especially, in surgery, a bandage or roller.
(n.) A flat member of an order or building, like a flat band or broad fillet; especially, one of the three bands which make up the architrave, in the Ionic order. See Illust. of Column.
(n.) The layer of loose tissue, often containing fat, immediately beneath the skin; the stronger layer of connective tissue covering and investing all muscles; an aponeurosis.
(n.) A broad well-defined band of color.
Example Sentences:
(1) Blocks of hippocampal tissue containing the fascia dentata were taken from late embryonic and newborn rats and transplanted to the hippocampal region of other newborn and young adult rats.
(2) Fascia TM grafts atrophied in 35 of 43 ears (80%), and perichondrium atrophied in 8 of 20 ears (40%).
(3) One month after unilateral transection of the fimbria-fornix an almost complete lack of cholinergic fibers persists in all layers of the dorsal hippocampus and fascia dentata ipsilateral to the lesion when compared to the contralateral hippocampus or to unlesioned control rats.
(4) The authors tested their own technique, using transplants or implants of corium, fascia, dura mater and polyester net, internally in the tendons, fastening them with an external cross suture.
(5) At surgery, upon incision of the paravertebral muscle fascia, viscous pale fluid was encountered emanating from a foramen in the thoracic lamina.
(6) Findings, supported also by direct observations on humans, demonstrated that a parotid fascia proper does not exist.
(7) The transversalis fascia of the floor of the femoral canal turns down to form the medial wall of the venous compartment of the femoral sheath, and has the support of the curved edge of the lacunar ligament which effectively bars the femoral canal from entering the thigh.
(8) In sixty-two (73 per cent) of the legs, the nerve coursed within the lateral muscle compartment from its origin to its exit through the crural fascia.
(9) The fibrous layer corresponds to the connective tissue layer, formerly described as fascia trunci superficialis.
(10) The most significant factor affecting the elasticity was the state of hydration of the fascia.
(11) Histologic examination of biopsy specimens from the involved area of skin revealed the presence of inflammatory cell infiltrates and various degrees of collagen accumulation in the dermis, subcutis, fascia, and underlying muscle.
(12) Parapharyngeal space can be defined as a potential space surrounded by deglutitional and masticator muscles and their covering, superficial and middle layer of deep cervical fascia.
(13) Inductive influence of the fascial transplant has been measured in two patients; a tenfold increase in net collagen synthesis and deposition occurs for at least one year following transplantation of fascia to an imbricated scar recipient area.
(14) The abdomen should be temporarily closed with skin flaps, skin grafts, or absorbable mesh, and definitive reconstruction of the fascia should be done at a later operation.
(15) The present study has shown a hitherto unknown axo-axonic cell in the rat fascia dentata.
(16) The results of ongoing prospective randomized studies will clarify the role of fascia removal, resection margins and prophylactic lymphadenectomy in the treatment of malignant melanoma.
(17) Although their numbers are greatest in the polymorph region of the fascia dentata (FD) and in the principal cell layers stratum pyramidale (SP) and stratum granulosum (SG), GAD immunoreactive (GAD-IR) cells are numerous in other strata that contain mostly dendrites and scattered cells.
(18) The anterior renal fascia has been recognized in 71% of cases on the right side and in 88% on the left.
(19) The fascia was inflamed and fibrotic, and adjacent skeletal muscle often showed perifascicular inflammation.
(20) On high-resolution CT scans in the normal subjects, a 1-2-mm-thick line of soft-tissue attenuation at the point of contact between lung and chest wall represents the visceral and parietal pleura, pleural contents, endothoracic fascia, and innermost intercostal muscle.
(n.) The art of healing by manual operation; that branch of medical science which treats of manual operations for the healing of diseases or injuries of the body; that branch of medical science which has for its object the cure of local injuries or diseases, as wounds or fractures, tumors, etc., whether by manual operation or by medicines and constitutional treatment.
(n.) A surgeon's operating room or laboratory.
Example Sentences:
(1) Seventeen patients (Group 1) had had no previous surgery, while 13 (Group 2) had had multiple previous operations.
(2) Peripheral vascular surgery has become an increasingly common mode of treatment in non-university, community hospitals in Sweden during the last decade.
(3) The article describes an unusual case with development of a right anterior mediastinal mass after bypass surgery with internal mammary artery grafts.
(4) The sequential histopathologic alterations in femorotibial joints of partial meniscectomized male and female guinea pigs were evaluated at 1, 2, 3, 6, and 12 weeks post-surgery.
(5) However, low dose heparin prophylasix is relatively ineffective in patients having hip surgery, and has not been evaluated in patients having other types of orthopaidic surgery.
(6) All patients were discharged home from two to six days after surgery (mean (SD) 3.7 (1.2) days).
(7) Patients had improved sitting balance and endurance after surgery.
(8) This mode of treatment remains appropriate for cases where antibiotics are ineffective and surgery impracticable.
(9) Breast conserving surgery in patients with small tumors combined with radiation therapy has gained wide popularity due to better cosmetic results without significant changes in survival.
(10) The present retrospective study reports the results of a survey conducted on 130 patients given elective abdominal and urinary surgery together with the cultivation of routine intraperitoneal drainage material.
(11) Gastro-intestinal surgery is only indicated if haemorrhage persists after a period of observation.
(12) An additional 1.3% of the persons studied needed this operation, but were unfit for surgery.
(13) After a review of the technical development and application of staplers from their introduction to the present day, the indications to the use of this instrument in all gastroenterological areas from the oesophagus to the rectum as well as in chest, gynaecological and urological surgery specified.
(14) In hypertensive patients, intravenous nicardipine in doses of 1 to 2 micrograms.kg-1.min-1 produced normotensive state during surgery accompanied by significant diuresis.
(15) On embryonic day 3.5 (E3.5), 1 day after surgery, there is a 42% average increase in volume of the polyganglia compared with the corresponding DRG on the unoperated side.
(16) Renal arteriography is therefore alone capable of answering two primordial questions: "Must surgery be undertaken and when operating, what surgical tactics to adopt".
(17) For this purpose, five queries may contribute to programming the most suitable surgery.
(18) Eighty four colorectal cancer patients who underwent presumably curative surgery were considered as candidates for control recurrence study.
(19) It is felt that otologic surgery should be done before the pinna reconstruction as it is very important to try and introduce sound into these children at an early age.
(20) It was considered worthwhile to report this case due to the problems which arose concerning the choice of a thoracic rather than abdominal route owing to the impossibility of associating cardiomyotomy with anti-reflux plastica surgery because of the reduced dimensions of the stomach.