What's the difference between fauces and throat?



  • (n.pl.) The narrow passage from the mouth to the pharynx, situated between the soft palate and the base of the tongue; -- called also the isthmus of the fauces. On either side of the passage two membranous folds, called the pillars of the fauces, inclose the tonsils.
  • (n.pl.) The throat of a calyx, corolla, etc.
  • (n.pl.) That portion of the interior of a spiral shell which can be seen by looking into the aperture.
  • (pl. ) of Faux

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The lesions of acute feline calicivirus infection are of a transient vesiculo-ulcerative nature and involve, to varying degrees, the palate, tongue, gingiva, lips, nasal philtrum, and oral fauces.
  • (2) Frequently occurring colonization of hemolytic streptococcus in the fauces and the rise of the ASL-O titer in the blood serum seen in patients with the hematuric form of glomerulonephritis, its dependence on the disease activity suggest the streptococcal etiology in patients with that form in contrast to those with the nephrotic form.
  • (3) The carriage of opportunistic microorganisms in the fauces and nose of the neonates had decreased substantially by the time of the discharge from the maternity home, while the incidence of pyo-inflammatory diseases had also reduced among them.
  • (4) Simple algorithms and a computer program are provided for estimating Fcomp, FAUC, td, Fmax, and other parameters relevant to DDA for drugs that exhibit a linear polyexponential bolus response.
  • (5) Material obtained from the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract (the anterior section of the nasal cavity, the fauces) in young children, both healthy and suffering with different forms of acute pneumonia, has been analyzed with due regard to the structure of the microflora, its specific composition and the size of populations formed by different species constituting the microflora.
  • (6) The existence of naturally infected Akodon azarae, both within and outside the endemic area, as well as the finding that other species, ecologically and phylogenetically related to the main reservoirs, such as Akodon molinae and Calomys callidus, can experimentally develop persistent infections with virus shedding through fauces, suggest a potential role for these cricetids as alternative reservoirs.
  • (7) In 16 persons, Yersinia might be cultivated from the different biological media: blood, feces, urine, fauces, and synovial fluid.
  • (8) Estimates of Ecomp, FAUC, td, and Fmax are presented for several drugs.
  • (9) The carriership of Staphylococcus aureus in the fauces occurring in the presence of the decreased characteristics of local defence and phagocytic system of the newborn favours an increase of the disease incidence in the babies as well as the formation of the chronic foci of infection in the future.
  • (10) Changes in microflora of the urine, feces, blood, fauces, vagina, and resected tissues in the course of antituberculous therapy were studied.
  • (11) associated with neurovegetal symptomatology ascribable to the active principles contained in the preparation used: mydriasis, disturbances in visual accomodation, dryness of the fauces.
  • (12) The compounded peripheral bioavailability, F comp, is the ratio between the total compounded amount of drug transferred to the peripheral system and the injected dose, D. The AUC peripheral bioavailability, FAUC, is the ratio between the area under the amount vs. time curves for the peripheral system and the sampling compartment.
  • (13) Clinical, microbiological and immunological examinations were made of ailing children with localized (fauces) and spread (fauces, skin, intestine) staphylococcal lesions.
  • (14) Toxic patterns of diphtheria of the fauces in adults are characterized by laryngeal lesions which considerably deteriorate the disease prognosis.
  • (15) Pseudosarcoma is a malignant, polypoid tumour which has been described in the oesophagus, mouth, fauces and larynx.
  • (16) Over 60 percent of the neonates were discharged from the maternity home with a normally formed intestinal microflora, 60 percent had normal microflora in the fauces, 80 percent in the nose, and 70 percent of the neonates demonstrated normal skin microflora.
  • (17) Group B streptococci were found to colonize different loci in newborns (the fauces, the nose, the umbilical cord, the ears, feces) and their mothers (the fauces, the vagina, the perianal fold, milk, the skin around the nipples, amniotic fluid, the umbilical cord).
  • (18) In 1902, Polya and von Navratil published a paper in German describing lymphatic drainage of buccal mucosa, alveolus, fauces, and lips.
  • (19) The pigs used a second pump mechanism at the base of the tongue to transport liquid through the pillars of the fauces into the valleculae.
  • (20) The normal organs appear as a pair of small oval protrusions at the upper lateral sites of the fauces, and consist of a single lymph nodule with a germinal center and a crypt-like epithelium with prominent lymphoid cell infiltration.



  • (n.) The part of the neck in front of, or ventral to, the vertebral column.
  • (n.) Hence, the passage through it to the stomach and lungs; the pharynx; -- sometimes restricted to the fauces.
  • (n.) A contracted portion of a vessel, or of a passage way; as, the throat of a pitcher or vase.
  • (n.) The part of a chimney between the gathering, or portion of the funnel which contracts in ascending, and the flue.
  • (n.) The upper fore corner of a boom-and-gaff sail, or of a staysail.
  • (n.) That end of a gaff which is next the mast.
  • (n.) The angle where the arm of an anchor is joined to the shank.
  • (n.) The inside of a timber knee.
  • (n.) The orifice of a tubular organ; the outer end of the tube of a monopetalous corolla; the faux, or fauces.
  • (v. t.) To utter in the throat; to mutter; as, to throat threats.
  • (v. t.) To mow, as beans, in a direction against their bending.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) A throat swab from one patient grew group A, beta haemolytic streptococci, and in each case unequivocal evidence of seroreaction to streptococcal antigens was present.
  • (2) During the couple's 30-year marriage she had twice reported him to the police for grabbing her by the throat, before they divorced in 2005.
  • (3) Epstein-Barr Virus was found in throat, lungs and blood, whereas the specific antibodies production was delayed.
  • (4) A 27-year-old lady presented with history of discomfort in the throat and difficulty in swallowing for two weeks.
  • (5) The tinsel coiled around a jug of squash and bauble in the strip lighting made a golf-ball size knot of guilt burn in my throat.
  • (6) S. epidermidis was isolated from the throat in a very small percentage of all the people examined.
  • (7) Most infections have flu-like symptoms including fever, coughing, sore throat, runny nose, and aches and pains.
  • (8) The results of numerous microbiological investigations of sputa, nose and throat swabs before and during the long-term study are interpreted under certain aspects and questioning.
  • (9) A 50-year-old woman with a 27-year history of ankylosing spondylitis developed cricoarytenoid joint arthritis that was indicated by hoarseness, sore throat, and vocal cord fixation.
  • (10) Fifty-nine infants (45%) had at least one culture site positive for U. urealyticum (eye, 4%; nasopharynx 24%; throat, 16%; vagina, 53%; and rectum, 9%).
  • (11) Our semiquantitative methods for the culture of H. influenzae type b, consisting of inoculation of 0.001 ml of throat swab fluid on antiserum agar plates and division of the results into three grades of intensity, showed agreement as to intensity of colonization in over 80% of repeat throat cultures.
  • (12) It may be feasible to use the direct fluorometric test in a diagnostic laboratory as described or possibly to adapt it for automatic processing of throat swab cultures.
  • (13) Since 8 of 18 patients with streptococcal throat infection had normal NBT test results, the NBT test apparently is of limited value in the early recognition of these infections.
  • (14) Two middle-aged subjects, a male and female, with spastic dysphonia (hoarseness, stammering) were treated with both frontalis and throat muscle electromyographic (EMG) biofeedback.
  • (15) It’s good to hear a full-throated defence of social security as a basic principle of civilisation, and a reiteration of the madness of renewing Trident; pleasing too to behold how much Burnham and Cooper have had to belatedly frame their arguments in terms of fundamental principle.
  • (16) For routine grouping, extracts were prepared from the first one-half-plate subculture of the initial throat culture.
  • (17) A lot, without it being thrust down their throats.” The app will add more stories over time, with Moore saying American narrators will be included, and ultimately translations into other languages too.
  • (18) One day, a man she had interviewed held a knife to her throat, holding her captive for 10 days and only releasing her when the French embassy came looking for her.
  • (19) The proportion of culture sore-throat patients returned to the original 55% level after an initial period of enthusiasm.
  • (20) These symptoms include eye, nose, and throat irritation; headache; mental fatigue; and respiratory distress.

Words possibly related to "fauces"