What's the difference between fear and rear?



  • (n.) A variant of Fere, a mate, a companion.
  • (n.) A painful emotion or passion excited by the expectation of evil, or the apprehension of impending danger; apprehension; anxiety; solicitude; alarm; dread.
  • (n.) Apprehension of incurring, or solicitude to avoid, God's wrath; the trembling and awful reverence felt toward the Supreme Belng.
  • (n.) Respectful reverence for men of authority or worth.
  • (n.) That which causes, or which is the object of, apprehension or alarm; source or occasion of terror; danger; dreadfulness.
  • (n.) To feel a painful apprehension of; to be afraid of; to consider or expect with emotion of alarm or solicitude.
  • (n.) To have a reverential awe of; to solicitous to avoid the displeasure of.
  • (n.) To be anxious or solicitous for.
  • (n.) To suspect; to doubt.
  • (n.) To affright; to terrify; to drive away or prevent approach of by fear.
  • (v. i.) To be in apprehension of evil; to be afraid; to feel anxiety on account of some expected evil.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Mike Ashley told Lee Charnley that maybe he could talk with me last week but I said: ‘Listen, we cannot say too much so I think it’s better if we wait.’ The message Mike Ashley is sending is quite positive, but it was better to talk after we play Tottenham.” Benítez will ask Ashley for written assurances over his transfer budget, control of transfers and other spheres of club autonomy, but can also reassure the owner that the prospect of managing in the second tier holds few fears for him.
  • (2) Since the start of this week, markets have been more cautious, with bond yields in Spain reaching their highest levels in four months on Tuesday amid concern about the scale of the austerity measures being imposed by the government and fears that the country might need a bailout.
  • (3) S&P – the only one of the three major agencies not to have stripped the UK of its coveted AAA status – said it had been surprised at the pick-up in activity during 2013 – a year that began with fears of a triple-dip recession.
  • (4) On Friday, a spokesperson for China’s foreign ministry appeared to confirm those fears, telling reporters that the joint declaration, a deal negotiated by London and Beijing guaranteeing Hong Kong’s way of life for 50 years, “was a historical document that no longer had any practical significance”.
  • (5) I fear that I will have to go through another witch-hunt in order to apply for this benefit."
  • (6) And adding to this toxic mix, was the fear that the hung parliament would lead to a weak government.
  • (7) Ex-patients of a dental fear clinic were found to have significantly reduced, yet still high, dental anxiety scores in comparison with the pre-intervention scores.
  • (8) The hypothesis that the standard acoustic startle habituation paradigm contains the elements of Pavlovian fear conditioning was tested.
  • (9) Wharton feared that if his bill had not cleared the Commons on this occasion, it would have failed as there are only three sitting Fridays in the Commons next year when the legislation could be heard again should peers in the House of Lords successfully pass amendments.
  • (10) In a recent study, Orr and Lanzetta (1984) showed that the excitatory properties of fear facial expressions previously described (Lanzetta & Orr, 1981; Orr & Lanzetta, 1980) do not depend on associative mechanisms; even in the absence of reinforcement, fear faces intensify the emotional reaction to a previously conditioned stimulus and disrupt extinction of an acquired fear response.
  • (11) But that promise was beginning to startle the markets, which admire Monti’s appetite for austerity and fear the free spending and anti-European views of some Italian politicians.
  • (12) First, Dr Collins is fear-mongering when he says that ‘lives will be lost’ as a result of our calculations.
  • (13) Whether out of fear, indifference or a sense of impotence, the general population has learned to turn away, like commuters speeding by on the freeways to the suburbs, unseeingly passing over the squalor.
  • (14) Under pressure from many backbenchers, he has tightened planning controls on windfarms and pledged to "roll back" green subsidies on bills, leading to fears of dwindling support for the renewables industry.
  • (15) The countries have accused each other of cross-border attacks and there are fears the current tension could spark a wider war with Nkunda at its centre.
  • (16) They have not remotely done this so far, largely from fear of domestic political consequences that cannot be simply dismissed.
  • (17) Likud warned: “Peres will divide Jerusalem.” Arab states feared that his dream of a borderless Middle East spelled Israeli economic colonialism by stealth.
  • (18) One of the reasons for doing this study is to give a voice to women trapped in this epidemic,” said Dr Catherine Aiken, academic clinical lecturer in the department of obstetrics and gynaecology of the University of Cambridge, “and to bring to light that with all the virology, the vaccination and containment strategy and all the great things that people are doing, there is no voice for those women on the ground.” In a supplement to the study, the researchers have published some of the emails to Women on Web which reveal their fears.
  • (19) Some have been threatened and assaulted, while others’ homes have been ransacked, their families living in constant fear.
  • (20) The population prevalence of high dental fear was 115 fearful children per 1000 population (SE = 0.02).



  • (adv.) Early; soon.
  • (n.) The back or hindmost part; that which is behind, or last in order; -- opposed to front.
  • (n.) Specifically, the part of an army or fleet which comes last, or is stationed behind the rest.
  • (a.) Being behind, or in the hindmost part; hindmost; as, the rear rank of a company.
  • (v. t.) To place in the rear; to secure the rear of.
  • (v. t.) To raise; to lift up; to cause to rise, become erect, etc.; to elevate; as, to rear a monolith.
  • (v. t.) To erect by building; to set up; to construct; as, to rear defenses or houses; to rear one government on the ruins of another.
  • (v. t.) To lift and take up.
  • (v. t.) To bring up to maturity, as young; to educate; to instruct; to foster; as, to rear offspring.
  • (v. t.) To breed and raise; as, to rear cattle.
  • (v. t.) To rouse; to stir up.
  • (v. i.) To rise up on the hind legs, as a horse; to become erect.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The first group was reared in complete darkness while the second one was subjected to permanent noise.
  • (2) Laboratory-reared Ixodes scapularis Say, Amblyomma americanum (L.), and Dermacentor variabilis (Say) were fed on New Zealand white rabbits experimentally infected with Borrelia burgdorferi (JDI strain).
  • (3) Heavy death losses (59%) occurred in adult Mystromys 3--14 days after muscle biopsies were taken from their rear legs.
  • (4) Maternal age had a significant effect (P less than .05) on live body weights of broilers reared either separately or intermingled.
  • (5) Slight but significant shortening of the latency of initial positivity in the evoked potential was observed after rearing in the enriched condition as compared to the data obtained from the littermates that were reared in the standard or impoverished conditions.
  • (6) Here we show that the subsequent survival and reproductive success of subordinate female red deer is depressed more by rearing sons than by rearing daughters, whereas the subsequent fitness of dominant females is unaffected by the sex of their present offspring.
  • (7) Infected ticks were reared from larvae feeding on each of 11 rabbits taken from the same site.
  • (8) But in each party there are major issues to be dealt with as the primary phase of the contests slips gradually into the rear-view mirror.
  • (9) The external and internal rear-view mirrors of automobiles should be positioned within the binocular field of vision.
  • (10) This time, the syndrome was observed on adult cattle reared in the Accra Plains (Ghana) and infected by S. typhimurium.
  • (11) Serum somatomedin A was significantly reduced in the growth-retarded rats as compared to those whose growth was enhanced by rearing in small litters.
  • (12) This measure was significantly greater by 17.2% in chicks trained for 140 min than in dark-reared controls.
  • (13) It was caused at the frequency close to 100% in dysgenic offsprings reared above 25 degrees C, of which gonads were morphologically clearly different from those of usual GD sterility, whereas there was no indication of GD-3 sterility at temperatures below 24 degrees C. Temperature sensitive period of GD-3 sterility was estimated to the prepupal stage by shift-down experiment.
  • (14) a 45-mg pellet every 45 s) induces considerable locomotion, rearing and other motor activities in food-deprived rats.
  • (15) In contrast, when hamsters reared under LD conditions at 25 degrees C for 12 weeks were transferred to SD, testicular regression was associated with a decrease in plasma testosterone and the total LH binding per two testes and an increase in LH binding per unit testicular weight.
  • (16) Nevertheless, there are farms on which satisfactory results are obtained in rearing calves with low Ig levels.
  • (17) Littermate pigs were reared artificially or on the sow.
  • (18) There were no significant differences in the adrenal weights of males or females, but females reared by bisexual pairs had larger absolute and relative adrenals than females reared in populations.
  • (19) sp., described from wild-caught and laboratory-reared females, males, nymphs, and larvae parasitizing the Humboldt Penguin, Spheniscus humboldti Meyen, is the fifth species of the Ornithodoros (Alectorobius) capensis group to be recognized in the Neotropical Region.
  • (20) In cats that viewed lines of the same orientation with both eyes during rearing, a substantially smaller proportion of units were selective for orientation; the preferred orientations of these units also tended to match the orientation to which the cats had been exposed.

Words possibly related to "fear"