(1) 7 right-handed male university students stood behind a large Plexiglas screen and spatially matched a ball projected over a distance of 20 feet.
(2) The Vatican spokesman said two of the 12 whose feet were washed were Muslim inmates.
(3) The present study includes six patients, (involving ten feet), who developed hallux varus and great toe clawing after McBride procedures were performed by various orthopedic surgeons.
(4) Often they were 3-0 up by then, but that is unlikely to be the case in the World Cup , and in 30 degrees we could be out on our feet after 20 minutes.
(5) The area occupied by parenchymal cells, in sections comprising the entire half of the surface of the carotid body, is significantly greater in people born and living at 14,350 feet than in those at sea level.
(6) Deformities of the foot were common, and twelve feet had been operated on for correction.
(7) Nonmetallic foreign bodies were embedded in cadaver feet.
(8) I was so tired I just used to fall asleep on my feet.
(9) Callosities under at least one metatarsophalangeal joint were noted in fifty (69 per cent) of the feet that had a physical examination.
(10) Although the majority of pigs had lesions in feet, or had dyschondroplastic changes typical of osteochondrosis in many growth cartilages, particularly physes, there were no significant differences in frequency of pigs with lesions between groups.
(11) A matter of minutes after his appointment was announced on Thursday, the newly minted minister for Portsmouth was on his feet answering questions in the Commons.
(12) His balancing pole swayed uncontrollably, nearly tapping the sides of his feet.
(13) Cabin altitudes ranged from sea level to 8,915 feet (2717 m).
(14) The authors have presented a forensic anthropology case that established positive identification by comparison of antemortem and postmortem x-rays of the legs and feet.
(15) This is a team who have found their feet after that winless group section, a side who have already seen off the much admired Croatia and who can ruffle the feathers of the hosts or the reigning world champions.
(16) He was looking down at his feet - and she realised he felt the shame, too.
(17) The presence of flat feet and excessive laxity of the joints, associated with the characteristic facies, macro-orchidism, and behavior, justifies a referral for developmental and genetic evaluation.
(18) Fifteen feet had a good and two had a poor correction of the deformity of the hind part of the foot, the result being directly related to the intraoperative correction of the equinus deformity.
(19) The findings showed that flat feet are usual in infants, common in children, and within the normal range of the observations made in adult feet.
(20) A case is presented where the bones of both hands and both feet exhibited bone metastases.
(p. p.) Skimmed.
Example Sentences:
(1) Four patients with phenotypes intermediate between Hurler and Scheie syndromes are flet to represent genetic compounds of this type.
(2) No electrogenerated chemiluminescence is observed on the electrochemical recycling of FlEt+----FlEt2+ and FlEt2+----FlEt+.