(n.) The material of which felt is made; also, felted cloth; also, the process by which it is made.
(n.) The act of splitting timber by the felt grain.
Example Sentences:
(1) I'm not sure Tolstoy ever worked out how he actually felt about love and desire, or how he should feel about it.
(2) I remember talking to an investment banker about what it felt like in the City before the closure of Lehman Brothers.
(3) I felt a much stronger connection with the kids on my home block, who I rode bikes with nightly.
(4) There were 54 patients who had a family doctor, 38 felt he could assist in aftercare.
(5) It is felt that otologic surgery should be done before the pinna reconstruction as it is very important to try and introduce sound into these children at an early age.
(6) It felt like my very existence was being denied,” said Hahn Chae-yoon, executive director of Beyond the Rainbow Foundation.
(7) Polls indicated that anger over the government shutdown, which was sharply felt in parts of northern Virginia, as well as discomfort with Cuccinelli's deeply conservative views, handed the race to McAuliffe, a controversial Democratic fundraiser and close ally of Bill and Hillary Clinton.
(8) If we’re waiting around for the Democratic version to sail through here, or the Republican version to sail through here, all those victims who are waiting for us to do something will wait for days, months, years, forever and we won’t get anything done.” Senator Bill Nelson, whose home state of Florida is still reeling from the Orlando shooting, said he felt morally obligated to return to his constituents with results.
(9) I think of tattoos as art, but also, every time I look at mine, I relive the emotions I felt when I had them.
(10) Chadwick felt that Customs and Trading Standards needed to continue their war on illegal tobacco – if not, efforts to tackle smoking could be undermined.
(11) "I felt so relaxed today, I wasn't bouncing off the walls ready to race.
(12) The Cambridge-based couple felt ignored when tried to raise the alarm about the way their business – publisher Zenith – was treated by Lynden Scourfield, the former HBOS banker jailed last week, and David Mills’ Quayside Corporate Services.
(13) I personally felt grateful that British TV set itself apart from its international rivals in this way, not afraid to challenge, to stretch the mind and imagination.
(14) The percentage of those who felt they had successful results decreased with time: 82.8% felt their knees had improved immediately after postoperative rehabilitation; this decreased to 78.1% at 6 months, 73.5% at 1 year, 65.5% at 2 years, and 50.0% at 3 years.
(15) It is deeply moving hearing him talk now – as if from the grave – about a Christmas Day when he felt so frustrated and cut-off from his family that he had to go into the office to escape.
(16) The local MP, Rory Stewart, a mover and shaker on the broadband project, told me that he was desperate to get telehealth into Cumbria, but regretfully felt that it was not immediately doable, because the local council and healthcare community did not yet have the necessary expertise.
(17) We felt that this relatively high redislocation rate was due to failure to immobilize these shoulders for 3 weeks postoperatively.
(18) Last year, statistics showed that 95% of recipients felt more confident after getting a hearing dog.
(19) I felt like he was a little bit inexperienced and the race got away from him a little bit at the third-last.
(20) It is felt that the use of quinidine was causally related to the development of nephrotic syndrome in this patient.
(n.) A broad piece of sawed timber, differing from a board only in being thicker. See Board.
(n.) Fig.: That which supports or upholds, as a board does a swimmer.
(n.) One of the separate articles in a declaration of the principles of a party or cause; as, a plank in the national platform.
(v. t.) To cover or lay with planks; as, to plank a floor or a ship.
(v. t.) To lay down, as on a plank or table; to stake or pay cash; as, to plank money in a wager.
(v. t.) To harden, as hat bodies, by felting.
(v. t.) To splice together the ends of slivers of wool, for subsequent drawing.
Example Sentences:
(1) Therefore, gene diffusion in energy space is described by the Focker--Plank's equation.
(2) They didn’t want to think of themselves as having a kind of reliance on the state … It became a fundamental plank of the kind of ‘British values’ culture.” Between 1979 and 2013, 1.6m council homes were sold, numbers of new homes plummeted and council housing went from an inbuilt part of the post-war settlement to something pushed to the social margins.
(3) However, the policy is not being replaced and it suggests that Cameron has lost interest in what was once a key plank of his attempt to modernise the Conservative party and is quietly “ getting rid of the green crap ”, as he once called the extra costs attached to heating bills to subsidise energy efficiency.
(4) Tsipras, who made an official visit to Moscow in April to discuss the project, has made improved ties with the fellow Orthodox state a central plank of his two-party coalition’s foreign policy – much to the consternation of the EU.
(5) The Ukip leader said he was making immigration the central plank of his campaign and wants the the chance to grill David Cameron on the issue at the leaders’ television debates later this week.
(6) In the small, echoing gym of a primary school, Rodríguez and García Sánchez took turns at a makeshift podium, outlining the key planks of the party’s platform, detailing agrarian reform to a moratorium on evictions.
(7) We drive to the seafront, where two fishermen are toiling to the rear of the beach, turning cogs that wind a rope attached to their boat to tug it in from the sea over wooden planks.
(8) A central plank of the Conservative campaign for the local elections later this month – that its councils guarantee lower levels of council tax – has been challenged by new figures which show that the Tories are responsible for the highest increases.
(9) In a central plank of plans to cut the deficit, the government is capping the annual bill for tax credits and housing benefit to £119.5bn this year – despite forecasts that millions of people face rocketing rent charges and low wage rises.
(10) The tactic is a key plank of police planning to ensure the Games are not disrupted.
(11) The results provide two planks of support for Woodworth's hypothesis.
(12) That means shaking up the mutual's board, which is made up of 20 members elected from all corners of the co-operative empire and regarded as a key plank of the group's claim to be a democratic organisation.
(13) Zinke also differed from many in his own party by insisting: “I’m absolutely against transfer or sale of public lands.” Many Republicans have long pushed for the federal government to transfer ownership of public lands to the states, and this was included as a plank in the party’s platform.
(14) The houses were built on stilts and connected by thin wooden planks.
(15) You can build your own with a few planks of wood, or cut the bottom off an old bin.
(16) The decision quashed a key plank of UK asylum policy.
(17) In collaboration with other leading economists, he has championed a state-backed investment bank to boost lending to small and medium-sized businesses as a major plank of a growth package.
(18) The notion that sterling is a shared asset has been a key plank in Salmond's case that Scotland has a clear moral and legal case to have a formal currency zone, but it has been challenged by senior economists, who say a currency is only a system of exchange or a liability.
(19) Will Middlebrooks walks the plank, waving at a slider inside to become K-X.
(20) Unlike many crony capitalists who troll the halls of Congress looking for favors, the Kochs have consistently lobbied against special-interest politics.” Touching on a key plank of his attempted appeal to liberal voters , Paul continues: “[The Kochs] have always stood for freedom, equality and opportunity.