What's the difference between fertile and fissile?



  • (a.) Producing fruit or vegetation in abundance; fruitful; able to produce abundantly; prolific; fecund; productive; rich; inventive; as, fertile land or fields; a fertile mind or imagination.
  • (a.) Capable of producing fruit; fruit-bearing; as, fertile flowers.
  • (a.) Containing pollen; -- said of anthers.
  • (a.) produced in abundance; plenteous; ample.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Here we report that sperm from psr males fertilizes eggs, but that the paternal chromosomes are subsequently condensed into a chromatin mass before the first mitotic division of the egg and do not participate in further divisions.
  • (2) Homozygotes have sparse greasy fur and lower viability and fertility than normal littermates.
  • (3) Sperm specimens were obtained from 13 men participating in our in vitro fertilization program.
  • (4) Since 1987, it has become possible to obtain immature ova from the living animal and to let them mature, fertilize and develop into embryos capable of transplantation outside the body.
  • (5) Patient or fetal cord serum is commonly used as a protein supplement to culture media used in in-vitro fertilization (IVF).
  • (6) From the biochemical markers in follicular fluid, cyclic adenosine monophosphate has a distinct predictive value in regard to pregnancy in in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer cycles.
  • (7) In the triploids, the 40 female chromosomes present (mouse, n = 20) were derived from a single diploid pronucleus formed after the extrusion of a first polar body, and following the monospermic fertilization of primary oocytes.
  • (8) If Cory Bernardi wasn’t currently in a period of radio silence as he contemplates his immediate political future he’d be all over this too, mining the Trumpocalypse – or in our domestic context, mining the fertile political fault line where Coalition support intersects with One Nation support.
  • (9) The objective of this study was to examine the effects of different culture media used for maturation of bovine oocytes on in vitro embryo development following in vitro fertilization.
  • (10) Major limitations of the conventional sperm penetration assay are the inability to assess several aspects of sperm function (zona binding and penetration) and the absence of human ovulatory products known to influence fertilization.
  • (11) Couples applying to in vitro fertilization were admitted into this project when the sperm concentration was greater than 20 million per mL and motility greater than 30 per cent.
  • (12) This procedure can quickly provide acrosome-reacted bull sperm for use with various in vitro fertilization procedures and for assessment of male fertility.
  • (13) Plakoglobin is present in the fertilized egg, increases in abundance by neurula stage, then declines at the tailbud and tadpole stages.
  • (14) Fertilization of golden hamster eggs was blocked both in vitro and in vivo by antibodies produced in rabbits against specific hamster ovarian antigens (HOA).
  • (15) 97 measurements in 54 pregnancies between day 39 and 80 after successful fertilization has been performed.
  • (16) These findings suggest that testicular vein ligation for varicoceles does not improve fertility.
  • (17) After 37 days of treatment with (-)-gossypol, only 2 out of 5 males were fertile, and a further loss of fertility was apparent during the next cohabitation period.
  • (18) Higher enrollment rates were associated with lower fertility in every model in which prior fertility was controlled.
  • (19) A comparative evaluation of these data suggest that hormone independent cells are present in the cervical crypts of late menopause women and that a cyclic change of hormone dependent cells may occur in fertile women, analogous to the cyclic changes of endometrial mucosa.
  • (20) In study III the effect on fertility of nutrition, weight and body condition was studied.



  • (a.) Capable of being split, cleft, or divided in the direction of the grain, like wood, or along natural planes of cleavage, like crystals.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Not only was an alarming amount of fissile material going missing at the company, Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation (Numec), but it had been visited by a veritable who's-who of Israeli intelligence, including Rafael Eitan, described by the firm as an Israeli defence ministry "chemist", but, in fact, a top Mossad operative who went on to head Lakam.
  • (2) Progress on treaties underpinning nuclear disarmament – which have too long been stalled – has also recently begun to look more hopeful, with renewed prospects for achieving the entry into force of the comprehensive test ban treaty and for starting negotiations on a treaty to ban the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive purposes.
  • (3) Let us suppose that the outlines of the divorce settlement can be agreed and in a way that doesn’t collapse this fragile and fissile government.
  • (4) The use of highly enriched uranium is significant because North Korea’s plutonium supply is limited, perhaps enough for fewer than 10 bombs If its nuclear and missile programmes continue unchecked, the risk that Pyongyang sells fissile material to another country or to terrorists in exchange for much-needed hard currency could increase.
  • (5) Photograph: AP Meanwhile, Israeli agents charged with buying fissile material and state-of-the-art technology found their way into some of the most sensitive industrial establishments in the world.
  • (6) Though he has not previously detailed when Israel might be willing to go to war, Netanyahu has said Iran could have enough low-enriched uranium by early 2013 to refine to a high level of fissile purity for a first nuclear device The most recent IAEA report on Iran's nuclear program found the regime had installed 2,100 centrifuges at an underground facility known as Fordow, although only a fraction of those were online.
  • (7) But instead of threatening to kick them out of the G-8, we need to work with Russia to take U.S. and Russian ballistic missiles off hair-trigger alert; to dramatically reduce the stockpiles of our nuclear weapons and material; to seek a global ban on the production of fissile material for weapons; and to expand the U.S.-Russian ban on intermediate-range missiles so that the agreement is global.
  • (8) Uranium enriched for power has a very much lower content of fissile material, Uranium 235, than that used for weapons.
  • (9) The Washington-based US-Korea Institute said in a 2015 report that the regime had enough fissile material to build anywhere from six to about 30 nuclear weapons, depending largely on how much highly enriched uranium it has produced.
  • (10) North Korea is known to have enough fissile material from its plutonium-based programme to make six to 12 nuclear bombs, but has not proved it has a working nuclear weapon.
  • (11) Using several combinations of 232Th or 237Np as fissile materials, and organic and inorganic track detectors, it was established that both automatic spark counting and visual track counting techniques can be developed to cover the desirable dose range (approximately 50-500 rad) with sufficient accuracy (sigma less than or equal to 5%).
  • (12) But they would in any case not cut the whole hedge, perhaps about 50% of it.” Zia Mian , from the programme on science and global security at Princeton University, said fissile material stocks could also be cut.
  • (13) Well, what is it saying ‘yes’ to?” “We all share the so-called realistic practical agenda they identify with respect to the fissile material cut-off treaty and comprehensive test ban treaty.
  • (14) He detailed the substance of what was clearly intended to be a reassuring exchange with the often fissile media mogul.
  • (15) Photograph: space imaging Israel's nuclear reactor also required deuterium oxide, also known as heavy water, to moderate the fissile reaction.
  • (16) Diplomats from delegations who met with Iran during the December talks in Geneva said Tehran had made no commitments to talk about security council demands that it freezes uranium enrichment – which can turn out both fuel and fissile warhead material.
  • (17) As former National Security Council official Philip Gordon has pointed out , if this deal is rejected, Iran’s nuclear program will be unconstrained: “Kill that deal, and tomorrow Iran can resume enrichment including to higher levels, keep its fissile material stockpile, finish building its heavy water reactor and do unlimited R&D, all without transparency or international supervision.” It should be noted that this agreement does not only belong to the United States or Iran, but to the entire international community.
  • (18) Enrichment of uranium is a dual-use technology which can produce weapons-grade fissile material for warheads as well as fuel for nuclear power stations.
  • (19) The reason why the Ukip leadership contest seems so fissile is that it is not actually a party at all.
  • (20) Facebook Twitter Pinterest ‘It isn’t about a lie’: Tony Blair on Iraq from 2001 to 2016 There was no imminent threat from Saddam Iran, North Korea and Libya were considered greater threats in terms of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons proliferation, and the UK joint intelligence committee believed it would take Iraq five years, after the lifting of sanctions, to produce enough fissile material for a weapon, Chilcot finds.

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