What's the difference between fever and scarlet?



  • (n.) A diseased state of the system, marked by increased heat, acceleration of the pulse, and a general derangement of the functions, including usually, thirst and loss of appetite. Many diseases, of which fever is the most prominent symptom, are denominated fevers; as, typhoid fever; yellow fever.
  • (n.) Excessive excitement of the passions in consequence of strong emotion; a condition of great excitement; as, this quarrel has set my blood in a fever.
  • (v. t.) To put into a fever; to affect with fever; as, a fevered lip.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The simultaneous administration of the yellow fever vaccine did not influence the titre of agglutinins induced by the classic cholera vaccine.
  • (2) It has also been reported in a severe form with fever and systemic symptoms both in children and adults.
  • (3) This paper analyzes the nucleotide sequences of three viruses: Kunjin, west Nile, and yellow fever.
  • (4) Twelve strains of the Crimean hemorrhagic fever (CHF)-Congo group of viruses the Bunyaviridae family were investigated with respect to sensitivity to lipid solvents and temperature, pathogenicity for animals, interactions with cell cultures and antigenic relationships.
  • (5) A 45-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital with complaints of fever and lumbago.
  • (6) Although the incidence of acute rheumatic fever has declined in the last decades, a few outbreaks have recently been reported.
  • (7) The clinical features were fever, anemia, and pulmonary embolism.
  • (8) No cases of rheumatic fever and no acute nephritis appeared in spite of the vigorous immune response to both cellular and extracellular antigens of group A streptococci documented in 50% to 80% of patients, suggesting that strain variation may be a feature of rheumatogenicity as well as nephritogenicity of group A streptococcal pharyngitis.
  • (9) imbalance between production and elimination of heat, or to fever, i.e.
  • (10) Early diagnosis (fever, increase of leucocytes and toxic signs in differential blood count, thrombocythemia, decrease of anorganic phosphate), prophylaxis, and treatment are discussed.
  • (11) All of them had fever, jaundice, abdominal pain, leucocytosis and deranged liver function while 26.6% were in shock, 13.3% in coma and 40% in azotaemia.
  • (12) On land, the pits' stagnant pools of water become breeding grounds for dengue fever and malaria.
  • (13) Most cases of typhoid fever in the United States occur in international travelers, with the greatest risk associated with travel to Peru, India, Pakistan, and Chile.
  • (14) Thirty-six per cent of 972 patients developed fever (temperature exceeding 38 degrees C).
  • (15) Fever was also associated with a higher incidence of lymphopenia, hyponatraemia, hypoalbuminaemia and many acid-fast bacilli on sputum smear.
  • (16) --The frequency of common clinical manifestations (eg, headache, fever, and rash) and laboratory findings (eg, leukocyte and platelet counts and serum chemistry abnormalities) of patients with infectious diseases was tabulated.
  • (17) We describe a patient with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) who developed hypersensitivity after 3 weeks of therapy with azathioprine with fever, jaundice and renal insufficiency.
  • (18) Pichinde virus inoculation into strain 13 guinea pigs is a model with features reputed to be similar to hemorrhagic fever in humans.
  • (19) A case of post streptococcal acute glomerulonephritis co-existing with acute rheumatic fever is reported.
  • (20) The immunofluorescent method is rapid and simple, and is recommended for routine detection of serum antibody in dengue hemorrhagic fever.



  • (n.) A deep bright red tinged with orange or yellow, -- of many tints and shades; a vivid or bright red color.
  • (n.) Cloth of a scarlet color.
  • (a.) Of the color called scarlet; as, a scarlet cloth or thread.
  • (v. t.) To dye or tinge with scarlet.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The breakdown of symptoms were 9 cases of acute pharyngitis, 5 cases of acute tonsillitis, 3 cases of acute bronchitis, and 1 case each of impetigo + purulent rhinitis, cervical lymphadenitis, scarlet fever, and urinary tract infection.
  • (2) Morphologically and culturally the strains isolated from cases of toxic shock-like syndrome cannot be differentiated from isolates of epidemic scarlet fever or sporadic cases.
  • (3) As the cathedral clergy in their golden robes snaked in their stately procession around the nave, with the choir all in white and the bishops in white and scarlet, the theatre still seemed moving enough.
  • (4) A repeated isolation of Malassezia pachydermatis Weidman from a scarlet macaw is reported.
  • (5) These included reference strains, representative M and T type strains, and strains associated with scarlet fever and pharyngitis collected between 1940 to 1991 and included strains from patients with severe invasive streptococcal infections.
  • (6) Even if Clegg's ideas are proving changeable, the party faithful will ensure he remains a yellow rather than a scarlet or blue pimpernel – any decision that affects party independence will have to be agreed by three-quarters of their MPs.
  • (7) Scarlet fever has until recently been associated with a high childhood mortality, the pathogenesis of which is related to interdependent primary toxicity and secondary toxicity (including delayed-type hypersensitivity) to streptococcal antigen (erythrogenic toxin), leading to cellular damage and potentially lethal shock.
  • (8) Although most of the matches will be at home, it's the sort of run that would have some managers turning scarlet with rage.
  • (9) The undersea world at Cocos is as fantastical as the names of its inhabitants, from the sicklefin devil ray to the scarlet Mexican hogfish.
  • (10) The following agents were applied daily for a period of 27 days: scarlet red ointment, benzoyl peroxide lotion, bacitracin ointment, silver sulfadiazine cream, aloe vera gel, tretinoin cream, capsaicin cream, and mupirocin ointment.
  • (11) Gross and histologic examinations failed to show accelerated healing under the Lyofoam dressing but did show that Scarlet Red covered donor sites healed the fastest.
  • (12) Although no significant differences were observed in speC frequencies in isolated associated with the three disease categories, a genotype of speB slo was significantly higher in isolates associated with pharyngitis (54.1%) than in strains associated with scarlet fever (18.8%) or severe invasive disease (23.8%).
  • (13) In four of these (claret, light, lightoid, and pink), larval accumulation is negligible, suggesting that these have defects in the kynurenine transport system like scarlet and white.
  • (14) Toxic shock-like syndrome isolates of group A streptococci were evaluated for production of pyrogenic exotoxins (also called SPEs, scarlet fever toxins, and erythrogenic toxins).
  • (15) The dissociation constants for three major enzyme-chitooligosaccharide complexes have also been determined: (1) chitooligosaccharides that bind only to sites A-C of lysozyme perturb the spectrum of the Biebrich Scarlet-lysozyme complex, without affecting the dissociation constant of the dye (K-u equals 0.01 mM); (2) chitooligosaccharides that interact with sites D-F displace the dye (K-S' equals 5-15 mM); (3) chitohexose forms a complex which involves the whole binding site and, therefore, also displaces Biebrich Scarlet.
  • (16) Contrary to toxic scarlet fever the site of primary infection are the lower respiratory tract or soft tissue infections.
  • (17) Venous thrombosis occurred following peritonitis, osteomyelitis and scarlet fever.
  • (18) Group A streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxins A, B, and C (also known as scarlet fever toxins and erythrogenic toxins) were evaluated for relatedness to another streptococcus-derived lymphocyte mitogen, blastogen A. Streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxin A and blastogen A were immunologically cross-reactive and shared the same molecular weight, N-terminal amino acid sequence, and capacity to stimulate rabbit splenocyte proliferation nonspecifically.
  • (19) Efficacy rates were 100% in scarlet fever, acute pharyngitis, acute purulent tonsillitis, acute bronchitis, acute vaginitis and impetigo, and 83.3%, 95.7%, 85.7% in acute rhinopharyngitis, acute pneumonia, and acute urinary tract infections, respectively.
  • (20) Some human sera, derived from patients with scarlet fever, were also used as references.

Words possibly related to "scarlet"