What's the difference between fever and typhus?



  • (n.) A diseased state of the system, marked by increased heat, acceleration of the pulse, and a general derangement of the functions, including usually, thirst and loss of appetite. Many diseases, of which fever is the most prominent symptom, are denominated fevers; as, typhoid fever; yellow fever.
  • (n.) Excessive excitement of the passions in consequence of strong emotion; a condition of great excitement; as, this quarrel has set my blood in a fever.
  • (v. t.) To put into a fever; to affect with fever; as, a fevered lip.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The simultaneous administration of the yellow fever vaccine did not influence the titre of agglutinins induced by the classic cholera vaccine.
  • (2) It has also been reported in a severe form with fever and systemic symptoms both in children and adults.
  • (3) This paper analyzes the nucleotide sequences of three viruses: Kunjin, west Nile, and yellow fever.
  • (4) Twelve strains of the Crimean hemorrhagic fever (CHF)-Congo group of viruses the Bunyaviridae family were investigated with respect to sensitivity to lipid solvents and temperature, pathogenicity for animals, interactions with cell cultures and antigenic relationships.
  • (5) A 45-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital with complaints of fever and lumbago.
  • (6) Although the incidence of acute rheumatic fever has declined in the last decades, a few outbreaks have recently been reported.
  • (7) The clinical features were fever, anemia, and pulmonary embolism.
  • (8) No cases of rheumatic fever and no acute nephritis appeared in spite of the vigorous immune response to both cellular and extracellular antigens of group A streptococci documented in 50% to 80% of patients, suggesting that strain variation may be a feature of rheumatogenicity as well as nephritogenicity of group A streptococcal pharyngitis.
  • (9) imbalance between production and elimination of heat, or to fever, i.e.
  • (10) Early diagnosis (fever, increase of leucocytes and toxic signs in differential blood count, thrombocythemia, decrease of anorganic phosphate), prophylaxis, and treatment are discussed.
  • (11) All of them had fever, jaundice, abdominal pain, leucocytosis and deranged liver function while 26.6% were in shock, 13.3% in coma and 40% in azotaemia.
  • (12) On land, the pits' stagnant pools of water become breeding grounds for dengue fever and malaria.
  • (13) Most cases of typhoid fever in the United States occur in international travelers, with the greatest risk associated with travel to Peru, India, Pakistan, and Chile.
  • (14) Thirty-six per cent of 972 patients developed fever (temperature exceeding 38 degrees C).
  • (15) Fever was also associated with a higher incidence of lymphopenia, hyponatraemia, hypoalbuminaemia and many acid-fast bacilli on sputum smear.
  • (16) --The frequency of common clinical manifestations (eg, headache, fever, and rash) and laboratory findings (eg, leukocyte and platelet counts and serum chemistry abnormalities) of patients with infectious diseases was tabulated.
  • (17) We describe a patient with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) who developed hypersensitivity after 3 weeks of therapy with azathioprine with fever, jaundice and renal insufficiency.
  • (18) Pichinde virus inoculation into strain 13 guinea pigs is a model with features reputed to be similar to hemorrhagic fever in humans.
  • (19) A case of post streptococcal acute glomerulonephritis co-existing with acute rheumatic fever is reported.
  • (20) The immunofluorescent method is rapid and simple, and is recommended for routine detection of serum antibody in dengue hemorrhagic fever.



  • (n.) A contagious continued fever lasting from two to three weeks, attended with great prostration and cerebral disorder, and marked by a copious eruption of red spots upon the body. Also called jail fever, famine fever, putrid fever, spottled fever, etc. See Jail fever, under Jail.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The results indicated a very good comparability between the dot-blot assay and IF-tests, and this dot-blot method was ascertained as a simple and useful method for the scrub typhus serodiagnosis.
  • (2) Commercial antigens of R. prowazekii may be used for the diagnosis of the typhus group rickettsiosis by the new solid-phase indirect enzyme immunoassay (SPI EIA).
  • (3) In the present work a prospective study on murine typhus was carried out in Chalkis General Hospital in 1985, is presented.
  • (4) None of the patients was suspected of having abdominal typhus at the time of admittance.
  • (5) Since human endothelial cells are known to retain their in vivo structural and functional qualities when cultured in vitro, it is likely that these effects are similar to those which occur during the infectious process in human scrub typhus.
  • (6) A new endemic focus of Queensland tick typhus was defined when two cases of Rickettsia australis infection were recognized in Sydney.
  • (7) We examined the ability of monoclonal antibodies directed against lymphocyte surface antigens to block the lysis of typhus group rickettsia-infected cells by lymphokine-activated killer effectors.
  • (8) Selection of mutants of a low pathogenic strain E of R. prowazekii is a trend in genetic investigation of this Rickettsia species and one of the approaches to stabilizing the strain avirulent properties with a purpose of using in vaccine prophylaxis of typhus.
  • (9) The monoclonal antibodies can be used to identify R. prowazekii and R. mooseri and solve the problem of differentiating Rickettsiae of typhus group.
  • (10) Meadow voles exposed to house dust mites from the homes of patients did not develop serologic or pathologic evidence of infection due to rickettsiae in the spotted fever and typhus groups or Coxiella burnetii.
  • (11) The protective activity of chemical typhus vaccine and R. prowazekii corpuscular radioantigen (CRA) was studied.
  • (12) Early rising IgM titers followed by rising IgG titers were demonstrated by ELISA in three patients with primary scrub typhus infections, whereas the IgG response predominated in a patient with a reinfection.
  • (13) It was concluded that a relatively broad antigenic relationship exists between rickettsiae of the typhus and spotted fever groups.
  • (14) The author presents an account of phagotypes of 70 strains of Salmonella paratyphi B isolated in 1986-1991 incl., from patients suffering from typhus B and registered carriers, isolates from river water and also from three new cases of carriers in Czechoslovakia.
  • (15) Formation of typhus immunity was seen when such chemoprophylaxis scheme was followed.
  • (16) Between 1954 and 1963, typhus, both epidemic and recrudescent, has been studied in Bosnia.
  • (17) Results indicated that the latex agglutination test was sensitive and specific and would serve well as a first-line screening test for murine typhus.
  • (18) The significance of antibody cytophilic for macrophages in typhus infections is discussed.
  • (19) The first group consists of pair combinations of vaccines that cannot exert any influence on immunogenicity of cause the development of frequent post-vaccination reaction or temporary disability (typhus, smallpox, tick-borne encephalitis, yellow-fever vaccines).
  • (20) A new assay is described for enumerating biologically active typhus rickettsiae (Madrid E strain), based on adsorption of rickettsiae to erythrocytes in the presence of NaF (which allows adsorption but not lysis) and lysis in the presence of anti-Rickettsia prowazeki immune serum (which allows only a single round of lysis).

Words possibly related to "typhus"