(n.) One of the delicate, threadlike portions of which the tissues of plants and animals are in part constituted; as, the fiber of flax or of muscle.
(n.) Any fine, slender thread, or threadlike substance; as, a fiber of spun glass; especially, one of the slender rootlets of a plant.
(n.) Sinew; strength; toughness; as, a man of real fiber.
(n.) A general name for the raw material, such as cotton, flax, hemp, etc., used in textile manufactures.
Example Sentences:
(1) During the performance of propulsive waves of the oesophagus the implanted vagus nerve caused clonic to tetanic contractions of the sternohyoid muscle, thus proving the oesophagomotor genesis of the reinnervating nerve fibres.
(2) The dependence of fluorescence polarization of stained nerve fibres on the angle between the fibre axis and electrical vector of exciting light (azimuth characteristics) has been considered.
(3) The variation of the activity of the peptidase with pH in the presence of various inhibitors was investigated in both control and insulted muscle fibres.
(4) Peptides from this region bind to actin, act as mixed inhibitors of the actin-stimulated S1 Mg2(+)-ATPase, and influence the contractile force developed in skinned fibres, whereas peptides flanking this sequence are without effect in our test systems.
(5) The myofibrils composed 60%, 70% and 83% in the same fibres.
(6) Immunogold electron microscopy demonstrated that outer dense fibres were the predominant immunoreactive site.
(7) Subthreshold concentrations of the drug to induce complete blockade (5 x 10(-8)M) allowed to observe a greater depression of bioelectric cell characteristics in primary than in transitional fibres.
(8) Somatostatin-like immunoreactivity has been found to occur in nerve terminals and fibres of the normal human skin using immunohistochemistry.
(9) The effect of dietary fibre digestion in the human gut on its ability to alter bowel habit and impair mineral absorption has been investigated using the technique of metablic balance.
(10) Acetylcholine (ACh) induces a K+ current in rabbit cardiac Purkinje fibres.
(11) At the light-microscopic level, adrenergic fibres were identified due to their formaldehyde-induced fluorescence.
(12) From these results, it can be suspected that the motor fibres are more vulnerable during aging.
(13) Most often, constrictor fibres follow the course of the pterygo-palatine nerve, when dilator fibres follow the infraorbital nerve.
(14) Striated muscle fibres were found in each of twenty consecutive pineal glands cultured from individual neonatal rats.2.
(15) Whereas the tight junctions of endoneurial capillaries are known to prevent certain blood-borne substances from entering the endoneurium, it was not clear whether the permeability of the pulpal capillaries, which are distant from the nerve fibres, could affect the nerve fibre environment.
(16) The percentage of energy from fat and added sugars and the amount of sodium and fibre in the diet tended to increase with energy intake.
(17) Actin is present in chromosomal spindle fibres, with consistent polarity.
(18) Ranges of V0 in the three fast fibre types mostly overlapped.
(19) Accumulations of filaments in the axons and in the perineural cells were accompanied by Rosenthal fibres.
(20) A new method of staining the keratin filament matrix allowing a visualization of the filaments in cross section of hair fibres has been developed.
(n.) A minute thread of fiber, as one of the fibrous elements of a muscular fiber; a fibril.
Example Sentences:
(1) Evidence is presented which suggests that these plasmid-mediated, temperature-inducible surface fibrillae are responsible for autoagglutination and are related to production of one prominent, Sarkosyl-insoluble polypeptide of ca.
(2) Fibrocytes are of roupher outlines and contain no reticulum of collagenous fibrillas on their surface.
(3) The cribriform meshwork appeared dense, with deposition of fibrillae and collagen or basement membrane-like material; Schlemm's canal was absent in 3 specimens; in some the lumen was narrowed or locally obliterated; and Descemet membrane-like substance covered the trabecular meshwork.
(4) FaeC was also detected in purified K88ac and K88ad fibrillae.
(5) Bacteria bind to receptors on cell surfaces by different adhesins like fimbriae, fibrillae or lipoteichoic acid.
(6) (5) Tyrosine residues are most probably not present in the adhesive or antigenic sites of K99 fibrillae.
(7) Labeling the sections with anti-fibrinogen or anti-fragment D showed that the fibrinogen-binding region lay within a 25-nm segment of the fibrillae beginning approximately 30 nm from the inner surface of the cell wall.
(8) Immunoblotting of subcellular fractions and of purified fibrillae, and agglutination experiments using whole cells revealed that the FaeC protein is present in the periplasm and as a minor component in the K88ab fibrillae.
(9) They are surrounded with elastic and collagenous fibrillas, which cover also membranes and connect all the layers of the wall of arteries into one morpho-functional system with a high structural stability and plasticity.
(10) The outermost layer consists of collagen and elastic fibrillae, with cytoplasmic processes of fibroblasts in between.
(11) The role of the penultimate and conserved tyrosine residue of the K99 major fibrillar subunit (FanC) in fibrillae biosynthesis and functioning was investigated.
(12) Production of this rare rodent-positive MREHA was correlated with the presence of fine fibrillae of estimated diameter 2.5 nm that were demonstrated by negative staining and immuno-gold labelling with MREHA-specific anti-serum.
(13) Minicell analysis, immunoblotting and immunoelectronmicroscopy revealed a pool of FanF in the periplasm of K99-producing cells and showed, furthermore, that FanF is a minor component of K99 fibrillae, present at the top and in or along the shaft of the K99 fibrillar structures.
(14) Degenerated fibrillae were stated to form two bundles and terminate near the neurons of nonspecific thalamic nuclei: n. ret, MD, pf, sprf, as well as in the neurons of specific thalamic nuclei: n. Vna, cgl, cgm, pul.
(15) Literature for the recent years on chromatin fibrilla structure is reviewed in the work.
(16) Fibrillae produced by an adhesion-negative strain carrying a mutation in the K99 major fibrillar subunit were shown to contain a normal amount of FanF.
(17) A cyanogen bromide fragment derived from the K88ab adhesin inhibited the hemagglutinating activity of K88 fibrillae.
(18) When cultivated at 37 degrees C in static broth, human clinical isolates of Yersinia enterocolitica (serogroups O:3, O:8, and O:9) and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis (serogroup O:III) produced numerous nonflagellar surface appendages, which appeared as a lawn of fine fibrillae, each having a diameter of 1.5 to 2.0 nm and a length of 50 to 70 nm.
(19) Cultivation at 22 degrees C resulted in complete disappearance of the fibrillae.
(20) They are realized by fine fibrillae terminating mainly in large terminal boutons which form synapses on big and small dendritic branches.