(n.) A small dog; -- written also fise, fyce, fiste, etc.
Example Sentences:
(1) Following each sleep condition the nap group as opposed to the controls showed a statistically significant improvement in reaction time performance, higher short-term retention, less reported sleepiness and elevated subjective states reflected by fice factors on the adjective mood-activation check list.
(2) Nine subjects (fice with pre-existing cardiovascular disease, four normal) exhibited electrocardiographic changes, including supraventricular arrhythmias, ventricular ectopy and significant ST segment depression.
Example Sentences:
(1) The name gastrin releasing peptide (GRP) was given to the porcine and avian heptacosapeptides by McDonald and Mutt.
(2) Such mutants were isolated by using mutT mutagenesis and an enrichment procedure devised to favor the growth of individuals that could form a pellicle in static broth containing alpha-methylmannoside, an inhibitor of erythrocyte binding and pellicle formation.
(3) Previous studies have shown that the mutT, mutH, mutL and mutS mutators of Escherichia coli confer a marked selective advantage on their respective hosts in competition with otherwise isogenic wild-type strains.
(4) 206, 9-16) and indicate that the first of the potential initiation codons (position 164) of the open reading frame in the PvuII fragment carrying the mutT gene is the site of initiation of translation of the 15,000-Da polypeptide.
(5) As Brodie waited to collect a back-pass, the mutt flew at him, knocking the Scotsman to the ground; he was stretchered off, having shattered his kneecap.
(6) Most of the mutants obtained had high spontaneous mutation rates and mapped close to the previously known mutators mutT, mutS, mutR, uvrE and mutL.
(7) The MutT protein, which prevents AT----CG transversions during DNA replication, hydrolyzes nucleoside triphosphates to yield nucleoside monophosphates and pyrophosphate.
(8) Specific labelling of plasmid-encoded proteins by the maxicell method revealed that mutT codes for a polypeptide of about 15,000 daltons.
(9) Obama, at his first press conference after the election, said the family preference was for a dog from a shelter - "a lot of shelter dogs are mutts like me".
(10) Mutt and Jorpes (49) originally isolated cholecystokinin (CCK) from porcine intestine.
(11) This error-avoiding process is catalysed by a protein encoded by the mutT gene of Escherichia coli, mutations of which increase the occurrence of A.T----C.G transversions 100 to 10,000 times the level of the wild type.
(12) These properties of the human 8-oxodGTPase are similar to those observed with the E. coli MutT protein, suggesting that the function of protecting the genetic information from the threat of endogenous oxygen radicals is widely distributed in organisms.
(13) However, the A.G mispairs normally prevented by the mutT function are refractory to mismatch repair, indicating that they may represent a structurally distinct class.
(14) Escherichia coli mutT strains are strong mutators yielding only A.T----C.G transversion mutations.
(15) Except for mutants of mutT type, these mutators also showed high mutability by bromouracil.
(16) A total of 103 ewes from the breeds Black mutt., Texel, Finn.
(17) The mutT nucleoside triphosphatase, which prevents AT----CG transversions during DNA replication, has been crystallized from ammonium sulfate utilizing a novel technique involving vapor diffusion in capillaries.
(18) We present biochemical evidence demonstrating that MutY glycosylase is an important part of a repair system that includes the MutM and MutT proteins.
(19) On the basis of the template specificity of the mutT effect in vitro, we conclude that the mutT effect involves the aberrant processing of A.G rather than T.C mispairs.
(20) We have analyzed the interaction between mutD5 and mutT-induced A:T-->C:G transversions by measuring reversion frequencies in mutD5 and mutT single mutator strains and mutD5mutT double mutator strains using the well-characterized trpA58 and trpA88 alleles.