(n.) A small fruit tree (Ficus Carica) with large leaves, known from the remotest antiquity. It was probably native from Syria westward to the Canary Islands.
(n.) The fruit of a fig tree, which is of round or oblong shape, and of various colors.
(n.) A small piece of tobacco.
(n.) The value of a fig, practically nothing; a fico; -- used in scorn or contempt.
(n.) To insult with a fico, or contemptuous motion. See Fico.
(n.) To put into the head of, as something useless o/ contemptible.
(n.) Figure; dress; array.
Example Sentences:
(1) aeruginosa and Enterococci) were significantly reduced in number during the manipulation (Fig.
(2) Good follow-up results in the zone 2, 3, 4 and 6 of VERDAN are observed only 6 to 17 percent (fig.
(3) The morphology and physiology of the large adapting unit (LAU: Fig.
(4) The median level of haptoglobin types 2-2 and 2-1 was found to be proportional to the agglutination titer of T4 antigen-carrying streptococci (Fig.
(5) Success is measured not only in terms of cosmetic appearance, but as enhanced capacity of the child's hand in all activities of daily living (Fig.
(6) Some pupal motor neurons, however, show a marked non-linear response to depolarizing current injection (Fig.
(7) We conclude that the following may explain the rise in blood pressure with obesity and the subsequent fall in blood pressure (Fig.
(8) The course of TV-dependence on FGF is shown in Fig.
(9) Results with the model strengthen the hypothesis that tetraethylammonium (TEA) acts on both the maximum potassium conductance (gK) and the mechanism of sodium conductance inactivation (Tauh) to lengthen the action potential as observed on the Ranvier node (fig.
(10) Furthermore, the susceptibility testing to sulfadimethoxine was considered to be useful for differentiation between two photochromogens, M. kansasii and M. marinum and for differentiation between two scotochromogens, M. scrofulaceum and M. gordonae (Fig.
(11) These low figures were caused by the lack of repeatability of DBP readings in the second determination, since 79% of the individuals with DBP > or = 90 mmHg on the first occasion were normotensive on the second one, whereas more than 95% of those being initially normotensive remained in that category on the second visit (Fig.
(12) These cells infiltrated the vessels the walls of which were turgid but without fibrinoid necrosis (fig.
(13) A coronal section of the cerebrum clearly demonstrated a large tumor in the left frontal lobe with small mass in the right frontal lobe (Fig.
(14) Histological results confirm prior physiological experiments suggesting that the reduction may be produced by mechanical forces on the sensory nerve, rather than synaptically (Fig.
(15) Different types of responses have been found; they are noted in table I and pictured on fig.
(16) Pathologic examination revealed scattered areas of mucosal necrosis (Fig.
(17) Transient responding neurons generally showing on- or off-responses to pure tones, (BEF between 65 and 88 kHz), displayed highly synchronized discharge patterns to SFM-cycles (Fig.
(18) After 1 year, both teeth showed a narrow fibrous zone without inflammation opposite the filling material (Fig.
(19) The thickness and extent of the pads is individually assessed according to the estimated sensitivity of the particular area (Fig.
(20) This unusual, distinctive synovial neoplasm presents readily recognizable pathological features (Fig.
(v. t.) Urine.
Example Sentences:
(1) The majority of tumor cells in all lymphosarcoma cases were of the centroblastic type, and in two cases in which the presence of SIg was assayed, the majority of tumor cells were SIg-positive.
(2) The proportion of SIg carrying cells within the population forming EA-rosettes was between 11 and 26-4%.
(3) Nylon-adherent cells were highly enriched for surface immunoglobulin (SIg) bearing B lymphocytes (95.5%) and nonadherent cells for SIg negative non-B cells, presumably T lymphocytes (96.3%).
(4) We have investigated the possible physical interactions between CR, receptors for the Fc gamma R and surface Ig (sIg) on the surface membrane of murine B lymphocytes.
(5) A subpopulation of appendix sIg-negative, RTLA-negative cells has a relatively high concentration of RT2.
(6) SIg-positive lymphocytes (B cells) and T lymphocytes were not effective in mediating ADCC against either CRBC or Chang cell targets.
(7) Modulation of surface immunoglobulin (sIg) with anti-mu, an early membrane activation event, occurred normally on B cells from the spleens of PC-mice.
(8) Those TIL expressing activation antigens were CD2+, SIg-.
(9) This treatment did not affect the proportions of Lyt-2+, L3T4+, or sIg+ cells in the population, however, indicating that the augmentation in PFC was not due to changes in the ratio of T to B cells.
(10) The results of lymphocyte subpopulation studies revealed a decrease of CD4+ cells and a decrease of surface immunoglobulin (sIg)-positive B lymphocytes.
(11) In SLL, 55 were M-rosette positive (67.07%) and 72 SIg positive (87.8%), with weak fluorescence in 63 and strong fluorescence in 9 cases.
(12) The expression of kappa and lambda light chains in surface immunoglobulin (sIg) molecules on B lymphocytes differentiating from murine pre-B cell clones in vitro was analyzed.
(13) With CRBC targets MICC was mediated by polymorphonuclear leukocytes, macrophages, sIg-positive lymphocytes (B cells), and sIg-negative lymphocytes.
(14) Among the B-CLL, cells with high SIg content were either T1+ or T1- and more likely FMC7+.
(15) Antibody N297 (DQ specific), previously shown to react with an epitope expressed on human B cells but not on mitogen-induced T cells, reacted only with sIg+ cells in 42 of 53 horses tested.
(16) At this time, the proportions of low mobility (LM) and SIG-bearing lymphocytes (B cells) were reduced respectively to 28% (control 54%) and 20% (control 45%).
(17) A sudden increase in the number of mitogen-reactive, sIg+ B lineage cells occurs within 24 h between days 16 and 17.
(18) The significance of this spontaneous appearance of fetal sIg cells is discussed.
(19) The finding of sIg light chain in pre-B cell leukemias and in the REH cell line, suggests that these leukemic cells are further differentiated along the B-cell lineage than was previously believed.
(20) The malignant cells of WM patients differed from those of MM in the reactivity with FMC7, being positive in 10 out of 11 cases, and in their high expression of B1, Ia and SIg with a predominant mu+ phenotype.