What's the difference between financial and whitewash?



  • (a.) Pertaining to finance.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) It would be fascinating to see if greater local government involvement in running the NHS in places such as Manchester leads over the longer term to a noticeable difference in the financial outlook.
  • (2) Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, who is also seeking the Democratic presidential nomination, recently proposed a bill that would ease the financial burden of prescription drugs on elderly Americans by allowing Medicare, the national social health insurance program, to negotiate with the pharmaceutical companies to keep prices down.
  • (3) Businesses fleeing Brexit will head to New York not EU, warns LSE chief Read more Amid attempts by Frankfurt, Paris and Dublin to catch possible fallout from London, Sir Jon Cunliffe said it was highly unlikely that any EU centre could replicate the services offered by the UK’s financial services industry.
  • (4) A failure to reach a solution would potentially leave 200,000 homes without affordable cover, leaving owners unable to sell their properties and potentially exposing them to financial hardship.
  • (5) The Department for International Development (DfID) defines funding provided under the VUP as "financial aid to government".
  • (6) Finally, before the advent of the third-party payment, operations were avoided because of the financial burden.
  • (7) The findings provide additional evidence that, for at least some cases, the likelihood of a physician's admitting a patient to the hospital is influenced by the patient's living arrangements, travel time to the physician's office, and the extent to which medical care would cause a financial hardship for the patient.
  • (8) It added that the crisis had highlighted significant weaknesses in financial regulation, with further measures needed to strengthen supervision.
  • (9) Private landowners are able to use property guardians to minimise their tax bills and, although it is hard to estimate, the potential financial loss to councils is substantial.
  • (10) "The level of the financial penalty to be imposed in this case should be sufficient to act as an effective incentive [to all broadcast licence holders] to continue to provide all elements of their respective licensed services throughout the licensed period, even if the licensee believes that there are commercial reasons for it to cease providing all or part of the licensed service during the licence period," the regulator added.
  • (11) However, Pearson is understood to have believed an offer from News Corporation to buy Penguin outright would not have been financially viable.
  • (12) According to the report filed by the New York state department of financial services (NYSDFS), when warned by a US colleague about dealings with Iran, a Standard Chartered executive caustically replied: "You f---ing Americans.
  • (13) The legs of that argument were cut off by the financial crisis.
  • (14) Given the financial crisis this government inherited, we had no choice but to make significant savings.
  • (15) Uncertainty and risk concerns remain in financial markets.
  • (16) It is the combination of his company's pan-African and industrialist vision – reminiscent of the aspirations of African independence pioneers like Ghana's Kwame Nkrumah – and its relentless financial growth that has set Dangote apart.
  • (17) Yet private student loans – given out by banks and financial institutions to the students who can’t get a federal loan – don’t get as much attention as the federal system.
  • (18) BAE is likely to have made provision for much heavier penalties and its financial stability will not be threatened.
  • (19) Only 23% provided any financial support to younger generations.
  • (20) When you have champions of financial rectitude such as the International Monetary Fund and OECD warning of the international risk of an "explosion of social unrest" and arguing for a new fiscal stimulus if growth continues to falter, it's hardly surprising that tensions in the cabinet over next month's spending review are spilling over.



  • (n.) Any wash or liquid composition for whitening something, as a wash for making the skin fair.
  • (n.) A composition of line and water, or of whiting size, and water, or the like, used for whitening walls, ceilings, etc.; milk of lime.
  • (v. t.) To apply a white liquid composition to; to whiten with whitewash.
  • (v. t.) To make white; to give a fair external appearance to; to clear from imputations or disgrace; hence, to clear (a bankrupt) from obligation to pay debts.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) There is not enough whitewash in the world to cover this.” For a week the government left responsibility for the investigation in the hands of the notoriously corrupt Guerrero authorities, who happen to come from another political party – the leftwing party of Democratic Revolution.
  • (2) But I think she is being used to whitewash the candidate and make him more palatable,” Coulter said.
  • (3) The airy, whitewashed restaurant is tasteful, but still a local joint.
  • (4) Sitting at a long table in a conference room at the whitewashed Nato headquarters, Sārts cannot see the logic of Russia invading Latvia in the near future, as it did Georgia and Ukraine, but he will not beat around the bush: “It is not at all impossible.” Last week the centre of excellence in Riga unveiled the results of research into what it claims is a “ preparatory information war ” in Latvia but with, it emerges, much wider repercussions.
  • (5) We now wait to see if the Metropolitan Police investigation into the original stitch-up outside Downing Street proves a whitewash or delivers proper accountability."
  • (6) It was therefore attempted to combat the hospital infections by all means with desodorizing procedures, thus trying primarily to suppress the stench by frequent whitewashing of the rooms, spraying of vinegar, by burning powder and even using precious incense.
  • (7) The stylish, varnished wooden interior and whitewashed walls has a slightly Danish feel, but General Merchant’s brunch-y, all-day menu is inspired by Australian cafe culture, where good coffee and pan-global fusion plates are the norm.
  • (8) The judge also hit back at claims that his summary represented a whitewash.
  • (9) Earlier in the war, in 1943, the British accused Nogara of similar "dirty work", by shifting Italian bank shares into Profima's hands in order to "whitewash" them and present the bank as being controlled by Swiss neutrals.
  • (10) Only one other BBC radio station recorded a bigger boost over the same period – 5 Live Sports Extra – and that was down to the digital station's ball-by-ball coverage of the England cricket team's summer whitewash of India.
  • (11) Erase even more, you cowardly regime,” Abo Bakr wrote on a wall in a message to the whitewashers.
  • (12) Anything else would look a whitewash and provoke the panic the EU is seeking to avoid.
  • (13) McKinnon's mother, Janis Sharp, called the report a whitewash and said it flew in the face of commitments from senior Lib Dem and Tory politicians before the election.
  • (14) A large donation in the 1970s allowed the institution to construct new buildings – the original whitewashed buildings and their treasures stay locked up, disturbed only when a curious visitor makes the four-hour journey from Libreville.
  • (15) But it was condemned by Brown's victims as a whitewash.
  • (16) It followed a briefing to Australian journalists by Whitehall officials which led to reports that the Anzacs were being "whitewashed" out of the commemorations in favour of black and Asian service members from India, the Caribbean and west Africa.
  • (17) The potentially huge shift in the scope and the nature of the inquiry, hinted at by government-appointed lawyers to the inquiry when they met survivors of abuse on Friday, would go some way to addressing concerns that it will be little more than a whitewash.
  • (18) It is vital for the UK's international reputation that it can prove it is not seeking to whitewash the historical record."
  • (19) After Lord Hutton stuck to his narrow remit about David Kelly, and Lord Butler fluffed the chance to write the damning concluding lines that his report justified, the small but not trivial part of the country that continues to regard Iraq as a live political question fears another whitewash.
  • (20) She instead chose to wage war on the obviously ludicrous strawman argument that absolutely nobody made: that merely to depict torture is to endorse it and that omitting torture would be to "whitewash" history.