What's the difference between finer and miner?



  • (n.) One who fines or purifies.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) But in the rush to design it, Girardet wonders if the finer details of waste disposal and green power were lost.
  • (2) A new, two-tier system for biotyping Salmonella typhimurium gives a finer and more reliable differentiation of strains than the Kristensen scheme and is capable of future extension by the addition of new types and new tests.
  • (3) Even finer localization was obtained in vibratome sections, where the antibody against carbonic anhydrase permitted visualization of the processes connecting oligodendrocytes to myelinated fibers in the normal adult spinal cord.
  • (4) The course G-banding seen in metaphase chromosomes is presumably caused by groups of much finer bands seen in decondensed chromosomes.
  • (5) Of course, a finer measurement of movements, such as lick rate, may reveal a significant difference that would correlate with the metabolic change.
  • (6) Previous light microscopic studies have revealed the erythroclastic potential of the rat bone marrow reticulum cells, and call for ultrastructural study of the finer details of this process.
  • (7) Finer points of the surgical technique, and indications for the procedure are discussed.
  • (8) It permits finer diagnosis and shows the indications and type of by pass operation that may be neccssary.
  • (9) The smallest angular shift in vertical location that was reliably detected systematically decreased with increasing age between 6 months (15 degrees) and 18 months (4 degrees), suggesting a finer partitioning of auditory space along the vertical axis over this age range.
  • (10) The finer details are yet to be announced, but from March 2012 anyone wanting to buy a new-build home in England – not just first-time buyers – will be able to apply for a mortgage of up to 95% of the property's value.
  • (11) Philip Rubens, financial services partner at law firm Finer Stephens Innocent, said the conviction was "a good result for the FSA".
  • (12) How lucky, then, that the poster boy for Sarah's Law, Tim, was happy to spend his supposed last night on the street listening to the finer details of her shit internet date.
  • (13) The purpose of such a complicated arrangement is to achieve finer and finer control over body temperature.
  • (14) One of the AS neurons, the caudal alternating SCP (CAS) cell, was injected with Lucifer yellow in adult nerve cords and was shown to have a large primary axon that extends into more anterior ganglia, as well as other, finer axons that are variable in number and arrangement.
  • (15) Finer analysis of physiologic role of endogenous opioid systems and their possible pathologic effects requires availability of selective agonists and notably antagonists.
  • (16) Finer maps for identification of CpG islands and associated genes should involve several rare cutters including Eag I, Sac II and Bss HII.
  • (17) Voters – even the liberal ones who helped Obama build a grassroots army – are clamoring for the finer points of a progressive candidacy.
  • (18) An increase in modifier, dispersant concentration, emulsification stirring speed, or temperature shifted the size distribution toward finer particles.
  • (19) Average rates in different portions of the intervals predicted the magnitude of the drug's effect, but a finer analysis showed that average rates did not adequately characterize the behavior in some parts of the intervals.
  • (20) Fourth, finer power resolution becomes more important as the tumor size decreases, but, little improvement in the temperature field is achieved beyond a 3 x 3 array configuration.



  • (n.) One who mines; a digger for metals, etc.; one engaged in the business of getting ore, coal, or precious stones, out of the earth; one who digs military mines; as, armies have sappers and miners.
  • (n.) Any of numerous insects which, in the larval state, excavate galleries in the parenchyma of leaves. They are mostly minute moths and dipterous flies.
  • (n.) The chattering, or garrulous, honey eater of Australia (Myzantha garrula).

Example Sentences:

  • (1) It is suggested that the Japanese may have lower trabecular bone mineral density than Caucasians but may also have a lower threshold for fracture of the vertebrae.
  • (2) The absorption of ingested Pb is modified by its chemical and physical form, by interaction with dietary minerals and lipids and by the nutritional status of the individual.
  • (3) There will be no statutory inquiry or independent review into the notorious clash between police and miners at Orgreave on 18 June 1984 , the home secretary, Amber Rudd, has announced.
  • (4) There was however no difference in the cross-sectional studies and no significant deleterious effect detected of tobacco use on forearm bone mineral content.
  • (5) From these results, it was suggested that the inhibitory effect of Cd on in vitro calcification of MC3T3-E1 cells may be due to both a depression of cell-mediated calcification and a decrease in physiochemical mineral deposition.
  • (6) The effect of dietary fibre digestion in the human gut on its ability to alter bowel habit and impair mineral absorption has been investigated using the technique of metablic balance.
  • (7) The greatest advantages of spinal QCT for noninvasive bone mineral measurement lie in the high precision of the technique, the high sensitivity of the vertebral trabecular measurement site, and the potential for widespread application.
  • (8) The model has been used to evaluate mineral changes from the use of fluoride dentifrices and rinses, chewing gum, and food sequencing.
  • (9) These data indicate improved bone mineralization as compared with previously reported data from very-low-birth-weight neonates.
  • (10) Gladstone's speech was not made in Parliament, but to a crowd of landless agricultural workers and miners in Scotland's central belt, Gove pointed out.
  • (11) Artificially produced mineral waters which are identical to natural ones are also applied.
  • (12) The method of mineral estimation using phalanges is described and its reproducibility was tested on 17 parameters.
  • (13) Secondary structural features of bovine amelogenin, a hydrophobic protein of developing enamel implicated in ename mineralization, are derived using 2D NMR spectroscopy in solution and molecular mechanics-dynamics studies.
  • (14) Reduced mineral absorption is fairly well documented and has sound theoretical support from basic chemistry.
  • (15) Microbiological analyses of sediments located near a point source for petrogenic chemicals resulted in the isolation of a pyrene-mineralizing bacterium.
  • (16) Years of education completed and poverty status did not significantly affect folate concentrations; however, the prevalence of low folate concentrations among users of vitamin or mineral supplements was significantly lower than it was among nonusers in selected subgroups.
  • (17) Unsupplemented human breast milk may not provide sufficient calcium and phosphorus for the rapidly growing preterm infant to match the accumulation that should have taken place in utero and to permit normal bone mineralization.
  • (18) In some areas of the ligament, extracellular plasma membrane-invested matrix vesicles and thick wall-bound matrix giant bodies with or without mineralized deposits were present.
  • (19) My grandfather was a coal miner and Nana was rather plump and bossy.
  • (20) These diets were: diet C consisting of commercial Rat Chow: diet CG, the same diet diluted with 70% glucose calories, diet A, a simulated "American" diet made up of 25 widely used foods, diet AS, the same diet supplemented with small amounts of 25 vitamins and minerals.

Words possibly related to "finer"