What's the difference between flagrancy and flagrant?



  • (n.) A burning; great heat; inflammation.
  • (n.) The condition or quality of being flagrant; atrocity; heiniousness; enormity; excess.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The regulators published conversations between traders, some of whom used the name “1 team, 1 dream”, and reported that one had said: “How can I make free money with no fcking [sic] heads up.” When a string of fines was announced in March 2015 , Loretta Lynch, the US attorney general, had accused bank traders of behaving with “breathtaking flagrancy”.



  • (a.) Flaming; inflamed; glowing; burning; ardent.
  • (a.) Actually in preparation, execution, or performance; carried on hotly; raging.
  • (a.) Flaming into notice; notorious; enormous; heinous; glaringly wicked.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) But like so many of his colleagues in the Trump administration , Spicer has shown us how unconsciousness and stupidity can, however paradoxically, assume a Machiavellian function – how a flagrant example of gross insensitivity and flat-out odiousness can serve as yet another useful and convenient distraction.
  • (2) But in Vietnam many white soldiers flagrantly applauded his murder.
  • (3) Even if the bill were law and covered flagrant policy U-turns (it won't), the NUS strategy might not work.
  • (4) Save for eurobonds, there could be no more flagrant violation of the "no bail" clause of article 125.
  • (5) Parliament was asked to join an international coalition led by a US Democrat president, whose aim, a firm response to a flagrant breach of international law, was supported by most European nations and many Middle Eastern ones.
  • (6) It is about a flagrant disregard for the law by people arrogant enough to believe they can get away with it.
  • (7) Mitting upheld the ruling by the European court of human rights last year that Qatada would face a "flagrant denial of justice" if he were sent back to Jordan to face trial.
  • (8) The European court's decision in the el-Masri case is a clarion call for accountability for the flagrantly illegal CIA rendition program.
  • (9) Comments by Margot Wallström, the foreign minister, represented a “flagrant interference in internal affairs, which is not accepted in international conventions,” it added, according to an official statement carried by state news agency SPA.
  • (10) With the Spurs ahead by two with less than seven minutes on the clock, Parker uncharacteristically missed both free-throws awarded for a flagrant foul by Mario Chalmers, then Tim Duncan promptly squandered two more.
  • (11) The “flagrant attack was an attempt to undermine the efforts of the army as the only effective force capable with its allies … in fighting terrorism across its territory”, the statement said.
  • (12) This refers to isolated incidents only and does not excuse or protect those who flagrantly or repeatedly violate the College Alcohol Policy.
  • (13) The resolution condemned all Israeli settlements in occupied Palestinian territory as a “flagrant violation” of international law that imperilled a future two-state peace.
  • (14) This is further evidence that the EU needs to stand firm on Hungary’s flagrant disregard for European and international law.” People seeking asylum cannot currently be detained in the so-called “transit zones” along Hungary’s border with Serbia for more than four weeks, after which they must be allowed inside the country.
  • (15) In a statement, the ministry said the journalist had waited five days before converting his initial entry visa into a multi-entry visa – "a flagrant violation".
  • (16) The flagrant abuse of human rights – extrajudicial killings, disappearances, torture, forced exile, arbitrary arrest and imprisonment of journalists, political opponents and gay people – went on with impunity.
  • (17) That way we can free up the Court to concentrate on the worst, most flagrant human rights violations – and to challenge national courts when they clearly haven't followed the Convention.
  • (18) But a blend of opportunism on the right that flagrantly mischaracterises the issue, and spinelessness on the left that refuses to address it.
  • (19) Syrian and Russian forces have been deliberately attacking health facilities in flagrant violation of international humanitarian law.
  • (20) This inappropriate use of statistics represents a flagrant disregard of the scientific method of problem solving.

Words possibly related to "flagrancy"