What's the difference between flax and linne?



  • (n.) A plant of the genus Linum, esp. the L. usitatissimum, which has a single, slender stalk, about a foot and a half high, with blue flowers. The fiber of the bark is used for making thread and cloth, called linen, cambric, lawn, lace, etc. Linseed oil is expressed from the seed.
  • (n.) The skin or fibrous part of the flax plant, when broken and cleaned by hatcheling or combing.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) In the present study a representative sample of the workers involved in this trade, where flax is processed in small workshops or homes, was examined, and their dust exposure was evaluated.
  • (2) Some physicochemical properties of the mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNA) from plants of flax, broad bean and mung bean, and from tissue culture cells of jimson weed, soybean, petunia and tobacco were determined.
  • (3) Analysis of available potency estimates for 35 pairs of enantiomeric arylcarboxylic acids with auxin activity (flax-root-growth inhibition test) revealed extensive correlations between the activity of the more potent and less potent isomers, as well as between the log of the ratio of potencies and the log potency of the more active isomer when structurally similar analogs are compared.
  • (4) A total of 224 workers and employees engaged at the Smolensk flax spinning plant, suffering from acute respiratory diseases, were examined on an outpatient basis.
  • (5) In all, 20% of the flax scutchers were found, on the basis of the questionnaire, to suffer from persistent cough and 25% from chronic phlegm production.
  • (6) The level of IgG, IgA, IgM, alpha1-antitrypsin and alpha2-macroglobulin was determined by radial immunodiffusion in 27 workmen in the flax processing industry, exposed to the risk of byssinosis and 33 retired workmen with a diagnosis of byssinosis.
  • (7) Transmural NMR data were acquired in five voxels spanning the wall of the left ventricle using the FLAX-ISIS technique.
  • (8) The highest prevalence of chronic respiratory symptoms and diseases and greatest changes in ventilatory capacity were due to exposure to hemp and flax aerosols.
  • (9) A homogeneous batch of dew retted hackled flax was divided into two portions.
  • (10) There was a statistically significant difference between this result and the bronchoconstriction that had occurred after flax dust inhalation in the same subjects.
  • (11) The mode of action of flax-seed hydroperoxide isomerase was studied in vitro by using as substrates linoleic acid hydroperoxides formed by soya-bean lipoxygenase.
  • (12) The initial flax ubq sequences were isolated from a flax genomic library in lambda EMBL4 using a heterologous Arabidopsis thaliana ubq probe.
  • (13) Lung function in ex-flax workers was slightly lower than in control subjects never exposed to flax dust, but the presence of a positive interaction with age meant that differences were apparent only in the younger subjects.
  • (14) Flax dust-affected histamine reactions were not so distinct: lymphocyte and neutrophil reactivity in byssinosis patients did not exceed the standards.
  • (15) Both syndromes were higher among seasonal workers than what would be predicted if they were pemanently exposed to flax dust.
  • (16) Heritable changes in plant weight and nuclear DNA content may be induced in certain varieties of flax by different fertilizer environments.
  • (17) The remaining groups are significantly different from the previously described flax 5S DNA and are in low representation in comparison to group-1 and group-2 5S DNA.
  • (18) The validity of the FLAX-ISIS approach in acquiring localized spectra for transmural studies and in providing quantitative information from the localized spectra was examined rigorously by studies involving phantoms, intact rats, and the canine myocardium in vivo.
  • (19) In all cases it was found that the nonequivalence of reciprocal crosses manifested itself beginning with the F1 generation, with the exception of some flax crosses in which reciprocals differed beginning with the F2 generation.
  • (20) We have isolated a genomic clone containing Arabidopsis thaliana 5S ribosomal RNA (rRNA)-encoding genes (rDNA) by screening an A. thaliana library with a 5S rDNA probe from flax.



  • (n.) Flax. See Linen.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Adhatoda vasica Nees., Centella asciatica (L.) Urb., Cardiospermum halicacabum Linn.
  • (2) The alterations of haematological parameters in albino rats were studied after oral administration of an aqueous extract of silken styles of corn (Zea maize Linn.)
  • (3) Areca cattechu Linn is commonly known as areca nut or betel nut.
  • (4) This is in the range of Michaelis constants reported for normal tissues in rats in vivo and in several cell linnes in vitro.
  • (5) Three serine proteinase inhibitors, MCTI-I, MCTI-II, and MCEI-I, were isolated from bitter gourd (Momordica charantia LINN.)
  • (6) Kubitzki, Hernandia ovigera Linn., Hernandia peltata Meissner and Hernandia sonora Linn.
  • (7) The egg white of marine turtle (Caretta caretta Linn.)
  • (8) Aristolic acid (AA), obtained from Aristolochia indica Linn, disrupted nidation in mice when administered on Day 1 of pregnancy.
  • (9) In a yeast extract, glycerol and sheep serum containing medium, slow but abundant growth of mycobacteria occurred when media were inoculated with M. leprae isolated from leprous tissues of armadillos (Dasypus novemcinctus Linn.).
  • (10) Artemisinin (Qinghaosu), a poorly soluble sesquiterpene lactone derived from the plant Artemisia annua Linn., and a number of more soluble, semi-synthetic derivatives are rapidly-acting blood schizontocides against Plasmodium berghei and P. yoelii nigeriensis.
  • (11) The tuberculostatic activity of the herb henna (Lawsonia inermis Linn.)
  • (12) The petroleum ether, alcoholic, and aqueous extracts of 5 indigenous plants, known to have antifertility activity in female rats and mice (Areca catechu Linn, Carica papaya Linn, Daucus carota Linn, Mentha arvensis Linn and polygonum hydropiper Linn), were evaluated for their possible antiovulatory activity in rabbits with copper-induced ovulation.
  • (13) The health status of 1025 urban senior citizens in a Montreal metropolitan area was determined by a questionnaire based on the subjects' view of physical, mental, and general well-being, and of dependence (indicators of Belloc et al., Berkman, Grogono and Woodgate, and Linn).
  • (14) The Linn County (Iowa) Dental Health Center implemented a comprehensive sealant philosophy in 1978.
  • (15) These results are similar to those obtained with cultured murine fibroblasts, wherein a relative constancy was noted with passage of non-transformed cells, followed by dramatic changes upon transformation (La Belle, M & Linn, S, Mutat res 132 (1984) 51).
  • (16) Linn, both air breathing fishes, during different respiratory conditions, Viz, 1. normal, 2. submerged water condition and 3. exclusive air breathing condition.
  • (17) Ben and Jerry’s co-founder announced the Food Fight Fudge flavour in support of Measure 92 in Oregon Photograph: Benjerry To understand the fight over Measure 92 better, we talked to Ivan Maluski, who runs a family-owned farm in Linn County, Oregon.
  • (18) Antihypertensive effects in SHR rats were observed after the administration of Allium sativum Linn.
  • (19) The objective of the study was to test efficacy of Cassia alata Linn.
  • (20) Digestible energy (DE) values were measured in a selection of feedstuffs for the tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus Linn.)

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