

  • (n.) The aggregate of the muscles, fat, and other tissues which cover the framework of bones in man and other animals; especially, the muscles.
  • (n.) Animal food, in distinction from vegetable; meat; especially, the body of beasts and birds used as food, as distinguished from fish.
  • (n.) The human body, as distinguished from the soul; the corporeal person.
  • (n.) The human eace; mankind; humanity.
  • (n.) Human nature
  • (n.) In a good sense, tenderness of feeling; gentleness.
  • (n.) In a bad sense, tendency to transient or physical pleasure; desire for sensual gratification; carnality.
  • (n.) The character under the influence of animal propensities or selfish passions; the soul unmoved by spiritual influences.
  • (n.) Kindred; stock; race.
  • (n.) The soft, pulpy substance of fruit; also, that part of a root, fruit, and the like, which is fit to be eaten.
  • (v. t.) To feed with flesh, as an incitement to further exertion; to initiate; -- from the practice of training hawks and dogs by feeding them with the first game they take, or other flesh. Hence, to use upon flesh (as a murderous weapon) so as to draw blood, especially for the first time.
  • (v. t.) To glut; to satiate; hence, to harden, to accustom.
  • (v. t.) To remove flesh, membrance, etc., from, as from hides.

Compare flesh with other words:

flesh vs. phrase

flesh vs. plesh

flesh vs. flosh

flesh vs. muscular

flesh vs. organ

flesh vs. trichinoscope

flesh vs. mydaleine

carnification vs. flesh

flesh vs. unflesh

anthropophaginian vs. flesh

flesh vs. unfleshly

flesh vs. fleshhood

flesh vs. fleshmonger

flesh vs. fleshliness

anthropophagy vs. flesh

flesh vs. tabefaction

flesh vs. fleshless

flesh vs. pome

flesh vs. flush

flesh vs. meet

carnal vs. flesh

flesh vs. skin

flesh vs. necrophage

flesh vs. fleshment

flesh vs. necrophagous

carnassial vs. flesh

flesh vs. fleshed

amyous vs. flesh

excarnate vs. flesh

excarnation vs. flesh

beholder vs. flesh

flesh vs. skiving

flesh vs. gangrene

flesh vs. fresh

flash vs. flesh

flesh vs. word

collop vs. flesh

brawn vs. flesh

cilice vs. flesh

carnivorous vs. flesh

bony vs. flesh

albacore vs. flesh

flesh vs. pinch

flesh vs. slime

flesh vs. limp

fang vs. flesh

flesh vs. gum

cucumber vs. flesh

carrot vs. flesh

flesh vs. skinny

apricot vs. flesh

flesh vs. tuna

flesh vs. vegetarian

flesh vs. quick

context vs. flesh

flesh vs. octopus

flesh vs. sarcoid

carrion vs. flesh

flesh vs. incarnate

flesh vs. fleshpot

flesh vs. fleshy

flesh vs. fleshing

flesh vs. flesher

flesh vs. leather

fatten vs. flesh

flesh vs. habituate

flesh vs. inure

bury vs. flesh

caucasian vs. flesh

colour vs. flesh

flesh vs. pink

flesh vs. yellow

flesh vs. vegetable

flesh vs. fruit

flesh vs. soul

evil vs. flesh

flesh vs. spirit

flesh vs. human

flesh vs. mortal

flesh vs. muscle

fat vs. flesh

body vs. flesh

flesh vs. tissue

cling vs. flesh

flesh vs. meat