What's the difference between floccular and flocculus?



  • (a.) Of or pertaining to the flocculus.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The anterior inferior cerebellar artery territory may be limited to the lateral inferior pontine and floccular regions but usually extends over the whole petrosal surface of the cerebellum up to the lateral angle.
  • (2) These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the floccular H-zone Purkinje cells adaptively control the optokinetic eye movement through modification of the visual mossy fiber responsiveness under the influence of the retinal error signals conveyed by the visual climbing pathway.
  • (3) The S-300 antigen did not show cross-reactivity against porcine hyperimmune sera produced by M. hyorhinis, M. hyosynoviae, M. hyopharyngis, M. flocculare and Acholeplasma granularum.
  • (4) There has been concern that field sera might contain antibodies to M. flocculare and that such antibodies could render serodiagnostic tests for mycoplasmal pneumonia of swine nonspecific.
  • (5) These data reveal a permanent deficit in the HOKR, but not the HVOR, following unilateral floccular lesions and are consistent with the idea that the flocculus contributes to the regulation of the low-velocity eye movements through the inhibitory modulation of the activity of the subjacent vestibular nuclei.
  • (6) Three of 21 swine had antibodies to M. flocculare five weeks PE, five of 17 had seroconverted at seven to eight weeks and all surviving swine had antibodies to M. flocculare 76 days PE and beyond.
  • (7) The zones were perpendicular to the long axes of the crooked floccular folia, forming the crooked zones.
  • (8) Cholinergic mechanisms affect the floccular control of the rate at which slow-phase velocity can be built up and the rate of decay of eye velocity during OKAN.
  • (9) The immediate effect, observed within 15 min following placement of a floccular lesion, was a conjugate nystagmus with the slow phase toward the side opposite to the lesion when the animal was placed in total darkness.
  • (10) In contrast, those with smooth axon hillocks accumulated PAS- floccular inclusions, consistent with storage of oligosaccharides.
  • (11) Furthermore, the results indicate that sera from naturally M. flocculare infected pigs may give rise to cross-reactions in the IHA.
  • (12) In contrast, repetition of the sequence was limited in M. hyopneumoniae and M. flocculare, and no homologies to this repeated element were apparent in mycoplasma species isolated from animal hosts other than the swine.
  • (13) Immunoassays against M. flocculare revealed that swine were slow to seroconvert, and that seroconversion was characterized by low titers.
  • (14) Following this some inner material is digested forming floccular and liquid-like materials, while undigested material remains as coarse electron-dense granules.
  • (15) Mass composed of floccular substances was spherical with no limiting membrane around it.
  • (16) The findings are consistent with specific effects of MRF stimulation on floccular-vestibular-visual interactions that may be disruptive to learning functions such as adaptability of the vestibulo-ocular reflex.
  • (17) It is estimated that an eye velocity component accounts for 18-20% and an eye position component for 5-14% of the responses of floccular H-zone Purkinje cells during HVOR and HOKR.
  • (18) The cisterna of the dilated RER profiles frequently contained floccular material that appeared to originate from the ribosomes, an indication that the floccular material may be translation products.
  • (19) Bilateral floccular injection of the aspecific cholinergic agonist carbachol raised the gain of the OKR by about 0.46 above the baseline values, while the gain of the VOR in darkness was raised by about 0.14.
  • (20) Restriction enzyme XhoI, which statistically should cut the M. hyopneumoniae chromosome frequently, did not cut the DNA of any of the M. hyopneumoniae strains but did digest M. flocculare DNA, indicating that there is a site-specific modification at CTCGAG which probably belongs to a restriction modification system in M. hyopneumoniae and is absent in M. flocculare.



  • (n.) A small lobe in the under surface of the cerebellum, near the middle peduncle; the subpeduncular lobe.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The chief characteristics of stage 18 (approximately 44 postovulatory days) are rapidly growing basal nuclei; appearance of the extraventricular bulge of the cerebellum (flocculus), of the superior cerebellar peduncle, and of follicles in the epiphysis cerebri; and the presence of vomeronasal organ and ganglion, of the bucconasal membrane, and of isolated semicircular ducts.
  • (2) Nucleocortical fibers from the posterior interposed nucleus projected principally to the paramedian lobule, to the medial hemispheric area of Crus I and the lobus simplex, and to the flocculus and paraflocculus.
  • (3) S-Adenosylhomocysteine metabolism was studied in cell extracts of streptonigrin-producing Streptomyces flocculus.
  • (4) The projections onto the flocculus and paraflocculus are precisely organized.
  • (5) About one-third of the axon spikes examined in the flocculus responded to horizontal head angular acceleration.
  • (6) The flocculus receives afferents bilaterally from the superior, medial and descending vestibular nucleus, group y, the interstitial nucleus of the vestibular nerve and also from the abducent nucleus.
  • (7) Extracellular recordings were made from afferents to the Purkinje cells of the flocculus of monkeys either spontaneously making saccadic eye movements (saccades) or trained to fixate a small visual target projected on a tangent screen.
  • (8) Electrical stimulation of the flocculus or uvula evoked the early and late climbing fiber responses in the nodulus.
  • (9) Sparse terminals derived from the rostral flocculus were found in the prepositus hypoglossal nucleus.
  • (10) The cerebellar flocculus was mapped with local stimulation techniques in alert pigmented rabbits.
  • (11) Modulations in discharges of Purkinje cells (P cells) associated with movements of visual patterns were studied in the flocculus of monkeys trained to execute smooth-pursuit eye movements and to suppress optokinetic nystagmus.
  • (12) Activity of single units was recorded in the flocculus of alert, behaving monkeys during sinusoidal optokinetic (0.02-5.0 Hz), constant velocity optokinetic, vestibular and visual-vestibular conflict stimulation.
  • (13) In view of the important role of these same lobules in the control of the vestibulo-ocular (VOR) and optokinetic (OKR) responses, we tested the effect of microinjections of cholinergic (ant)agonists in the flocculus of the rabbit on these reflexes.
  • (14) These data reveal a permanent deficit in the HOKR, but not the HVOR, following unilateral floccular lesions and are consistent with the idea that the flocculus contributes to the regulation of the low-velocity eye movements through the inhibitory modulation of the activity of the subjacent vestibular nuclei.
  • (15) Brain Res., 85 (1991) 475-481) showed that injection of the cholinergic agonist carbachol into the cerebellar flocculi had a pronounced facilitatory effect on the gains of the optokinetic (OKR) and vestibulo-ocular (VOR) reflexes, suggesting a positive modulatory role of the cholinergic system in the flocculus.
  • (16) Anterogradely labeled axons collected at the base of the injected folia and coursed caudally and medially between the middle cerebellar peduncle and the flocculus.
  • (17) Bilateral microinjections into the cerebellar flocculus of the rabbit of carbachol, a general cholinergic agonist, profoundly affect vestibuloocular (VOR) and optokinetic (OKR) reflexes.
  • (18) On the other hand, most neurons in the VY receive monosynaptic inputs from the i8N, and some of these neurons project to the ipsilateral flocculus.
  • (19) Other, parallel VOR pathways do not receive inputs from the flocculus and are not subject to learning.
  • (20) Implantation of the orifice of the duct with a flocculus of the skin into the oral cavity was performed with a good result.

Words possibly related to "floccular"

Words possibly related to "flocculus"