(v. i.) A great flow of water; a body of moving water; the flowing stream, as of a river; especially, a body of water, rising, swelling, and overflowing land not usually thus covered; a deluge; a freshet; an inundation.
(v. i.) The flowing in of the tide; the semidiurnal swell or rise of water in the ocean; -- opposed to ebb; as, young flood; high flood.
(v. i.) A great flow or stream of any fluid substance; as, a flood of light; a flood of lava; hence, a great quantity widely diffused; an overflowing; a superabundance; as, a flood of bank notes; a flood of paper currency.
(v. i.) Menstrual disharge; menses.
(v. t.) To overflow; to inundate; to deluge; as, the swollen river flooded the valley.
(v. t.) To cause or permit to be inundated; to fill or cover with water or other fluid; as, to flood arable land for irrigation; to fill to excess or to its full capacity; as, to flood a country with a depreciated currency.
Example Sentences:
(1) One man has died in storms sweeping across the UK that have brought 100-mile-an-hour winds and led to more than 50 flood warnings being issued with widespread disruption on the road and rail networks in much of southern England and Scotland.
(2) Last November he bluntly warned EU chiefs he could, if he wished, “flood Europe” with refugees.
(3) During Pakistan's recent floods, Chinese aid totalled $18m; the US gave nearly $700m.
(4) During a single reversal trial of two 2-wk experimental periods, teats of all glands of 12 Holstein cows were subjected to a milking routine conducive to large vacuum fluctuations and flooded teat cups.
(5) In his interview, Smith accepts that the EA's response to the flooding has not been perfect.
(6) These changes led to a flooding of the alveoli with up to 40 times normal protein levels and a greater than fivefold increase in airway antiproteinase.
(7) The loss of summer sea ice has led to unusual warming of the Arctic atmosphere, that in turn impacts weather patterns in the northern hemisphere , that can result in persistent extreme weather such as droughts, heatwaves and flooding," she said.
(8) It will be protected from rising sea levels by a giant flood wall that environmental experts say could damage the communities further down the coast – and social justice campaigners have called the project a form of “climate apartheid” .
(9) As a result, low-lying areas, including Bangladesh, Florida, the Maldives and the Netherlands, will undergo catastrophic flooding, while in Britain large areas of the Norfolk Broads and the Thames estuary could disappear.
(10) Facebook Twitter Pinterest Many locals said they had never known the flooding this bad.
(11) Yu Xiangzhen, former Red Guard Photograph: Dan Chung for the Guardian Almost half a century on, it floods back: the hope, the zeal, the carefree autumn days riding the rails with fellow teenagers.
(12) "And secondly, there will also be help with sand bags, which could help prevent further flooding."
(13) Allen's team has used the new technique to work out whether global warming worsened the UK floods in autumn 2000, which inundated 10,000 properties, disrupted power supplies and led to train services being cancelled, motorways closed and 11,000 people evacuated from their homes - at a total cost of £1bn.
(14) Her home in nearby Burrowbridge just about escaped flooding but she spends four days a week doing volunteer work for those who were not so fortunate.
(15) The data discussed in this article were gathered through use of a retrospective cohort survey five years following a major flood in the Wyoming Valley of Pennsylvania.
(16) The solicitor did a search, they went through the parish records and local histories, they got a sworn statement from the vendors: in the 150-plus years since it was built, the farm had never flooded.
(17) The current floods in Australia have the potential to affect prices for commodities such as sugar and cane growers are warning of production problems for up to three years.
(18) Source: Reuters Dirty old river If the notion of an Englishman’s castle as his home is being challenged on the Levels, where scores of properties flooded, the bursting of the Thames from its banks a few hundred yards from the royal castle of Windsor has raised the issue to a new height.
(19) The malaria threat is part of a wider health emergency, with more than 20 million people affected by the floods struggling to cope as the winter approaches.
(20) The £180m a year scheme is to be paid for by a £10.50 levy on all home insurance, from homeowners who are not at elevated risk of flooding as well as those who are.
(n.) A composition of inflammable materials, which, kindled, is very hard to quench; Greek fire.
(n.) An old name for erysipelas.
(n.) A disease of sheep, attended with inflammation of the skin.
(n.) A sort of lightning unaccompanied by thunder.
Example Sentences:
(1) It said the consequences of increased concentrations of those gases in the atmosphere were drought, flooding, wildfires, heat waves, and rising sea levels that had especially adverse impacts on the poor.
(2) Meanwhile, California's pollution control officers warned this month that extreme heat and wildfires could set back decades of improvements in air quality, boosting smog formation and spewing dangerous smoke into the air.
(3) The report also warned of a growing risk of contaminated water supply because of sea-level rise and flooding, and poor air quality as hotter temperatures cook the smog, and soot from wildfires drifts across the country.
(4) Nationally, 13 firefighters died tackling various wildfires last year.
(5) Camille O'Sullivan In 2007, the sinister, humorous gem Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea spread like wildfire just after its opening, and you had to kill to get a ticket.
(6) Emergency workers from Australia and New Zealand are travelling to the western United States to help fight raging wildfires in five states including Washington, where Barack Obama has declared a state of emergency as massive fires are burning out of control.
(7) Also, a wildfire in a rugged area near the Canadian border chased hundreds of people from their homes and burned 10 to 12 structures, and a blaze north-east of Colville scorched almost five square miles and forced evacuations at campgrounds in the area.
(8) As a result of a remarkable call issued by a number of large national civic coalitions, which has spread like wildfire across the Palestinian body politic scattered to the four winds, it is now signed by more than 150 popular and grassroots organisations in Palestine and in exile.
(9) But it was too late to stop the suspicion that there might be a link between vaccines and autism from spreading like wildfire, driving down vaccination rates and contributing to outbreaks of measles and other potentially serious diseases.
(10) "Apple fever is spreading like a wildfire around the world," White said in his report.
(11) A huge wildfire raging on the western boundary of Yosemite National Park was gaining strength on Saturday and led California's governor, Jerry Brown, to declare a state of emergency 150 miles away in San Francisco .
(12) Similarly, smoke from wildfires in one location can contribute to poor air quality in faraway regions, and evidence suggests that particulate matter can affect atmospheric properties and therefore weather patterns.
(13) The profitable Napa wine industry, too, is threatened by wildfires, with winemakers concerned that smoke-infused grape skins will alter the flavor of the wines.
(14) When asked what advice she had given the younger actors who were newcomers to the Star Wars franchise she replied: “Don’t go through the crew like wildfire.” Another questioner asked what were the strangest Star Wars merchandising items they had seen, and Fisher said: “Shampoo bottle, because you can twist off your head” – before pointing out a Princess Leia strain of marijuana was available.
(15) The US Forest Service is spending about $100m a week fighting wildfires and will exhaust its firefighting budget next week, US agriculture secretary Tom Vilsack said on Friday.
(16) It spent about 65% of its $5bn budget dealing with wildfires last year and is requesting that fire be treated like other natural disasters so that it is able to access more money to keep pace.
(17) Now, huge wildfires, sparked by lightning, are tearing through large swathes of the outback, causing some species to become locally extinct.
(18) On 30 June, 19 firefighters died fighting a wildfire near Yarnell, Arizona that had been fuelled by strong winds, 38C temperatures, and a drought that has devastated the south west.
(19) Among the images of destruction that have come from the wildfires tearing up the west is one showing an act of kindness by a family of dogs in Idaho .
(20) Climate change-driven drought, wildfire and invasive diseases are stretching the US Forest Service to breaking point, the agency has warned.