(a.) Having particles which easily move and change their relative position without a separation of the mass, and which easily yield to pressure; capable of flowing; liquid or gaseous.
(n.) A fluid substance; a body whose particles move easily among themselves.
Example Sentences:
(1) The liver metastasis was produced by intrasplenic injection of the fluid containing of KATOIII in nude mouse and new cell line was established using the cells of metastatic site.
(2) Renal micropuncture and microdissection techniques with ultramicro fluid analysis have been applied to evaluate single nephron function in the skate, Raja erinacea.
(3) The Cavitron Ultrasonic Surgical Aspirator (CUSA) is a dissecting system that removes tissue by vibration, irrigation and suction; fluid and particulate matter from tumors are aspirated and subsquently deposited in a canister.
(4) Irrespective of the type of arthropathy, synovial fluid dialysable hydroxyproline levels correlate with urinary hydroxyproline excretion.
(5) Content of cyclic nucleoside monophosphates was decreased in all the eye tissues in experimental toxico-allergic uveitis as well as penetration of cAMP into the fluid of anterior chamber of the eye.
(6) An inflammatory process than occurs in the airways that is characterized by an influx of eosinophils and neutrophils into the airway epithelium and bronchial fluids.
(7) One of these antibodies, MCaE11, was used for immunohistochemical detection of MAC in tissue and for quantification of the fluid-phase TCC in ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid plasma.
(8) The concentrations of five normally occurring protease inhibitors in serum and synovial fluid were compared in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthrosis, and normal controls.
(9) The increase in red blood cell mass was associated with an elevation in erythropoietic stimulatory activity in serum, pleural fluid, and tumor-cyst fluid as determined by the exhypoxic polycythemic mouse assay.
(10) From the biochemical markers in follicular fluid, cyclic adenosine monophosphate has a distinct predictive value in regard to pregnancy in in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer cycles.
(11) Postpartum management is directed toward decreasing vasospasm and central nervous system irritability and maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance.
(12) Chromatography and immunoassays are the two principal techniques used in research and clinical laboratories for the measurement of drug concentrations in biological fluids.
(13) Those without sperm, or with cloudy fluid, will require vasoepididymostomy under general or epidural anesthesia, which takes 4-6 hr.
(14) Thirty-two strains of pectin-fermenting rumen bacteria were isolated from bovine rumen contents in a rumen fluid medium which contained pectin as the only added energy source.
(15) Malondialdehyde was undetectable in cerebrospinal fluid after subarachnoid placement of agarose alone, although it was present in similar amounts in all groups that received subarachnoid placement of OxyHb.
(16) No respiratory-distress syndrome of the newborn occurred when total amniotic-fluid cortisol was greater than 60 ng per milliliter (16 patients).
(17) The sodium level of the ascitic fluid determined in 5 cases was higher than that of serum.
(18) In the study group 43 (64%) children had a confirmed bacterial AOM and 24 (36%) showed no bacterial growth from middle ear fluid.
(19) The automatic half of both the motor which advances the trepan as well as the second motor which rotates the trepan is triggered by the sudden change in electrical resistance between the trepan and the patient's internal body fluid, at the final stage of penetration.
(20) Sera from three of these patients gave a precipitin band in gel diffusion tests identical to that produced by a monospecific rabbit anti-E. granulosus antigen 5 serum, when tested against whole hydatid fluid.
(n.) In embryonic development, a vesicle filled with fluid, formed from the morula by the divergence of its cells in such a manner as to give rise to a central space, around which the cells arrange themselves as an envelope; an embryonic form intermediate between the morula and gastrula. Sometimes used as synonymous with gastrula.
(n.) The very young, free-swimming larva of the coelenterates. It usually has a flattened oval or oblong form, and is entirely covered with cilia.
Example Sentences:
(1) Adult specimens of Astrangia danae (Agassiz) and settled planulae of Porites porites (Pallas) contain crystals averaging 0.7 mu by 0.1 mu by 0.3 mu within Golgi-derived vesicles.
(2) Planulae processed with the SPG histofluorescence technique, specific only for catecholamines, exhibited blue-green fluorophores which were most prominent in the anterior ectoderm.
(3) Exposure of planulae to exogenous norepinephrine caused premature, rapid metamorphosis and produced polyps with slightly stunted tentacles and pitted, irregular hypostomes.
(4) Exposure of planulae to nicotine caused similar effects.
(5) RFamide antiserum bound a subset of ganglionic cells in the anterior and upper middle regions of the planula and a few ganglionic cells in the upper tail region.
(6) During gastrulation, the cnidocytes are Incorporated intO the ectoderm and become an integral part of the planula.
(7) Pretreatment of planulae with neuropharmacological agents which prevent reuptake (reserpine) or cause release (nicotine, ephedrine) of catecholamines caused a diminution of the fluorophores.
(8) The early embryonic development of Hydractinia lasts about 2.5 days until the developing planula larva acquires competence for metamorphosis.
(9) Using the same technique the reappearance of RFamide-positive ganglionic cells in epithelial tissue of chimeric grafts of planulae was observed.
(10) However, planulae raised in sea water containing propranolol, a beta blocker, ceased all movement, became tack-shaped and died within 72 h. These results meet multiple criteria for the identification of catecholamines in hydrozoan planulae and suggest that such catecholamines may function as neurotransmitters, neurohormones or neuromodulators during larval development.
(11) Ultrastructural examination of reserpine-treated planulae revealed a dramatic reduction in the populations of dense-cored vesicles and electron-dense droplets.
(12) Rearing planulae in sea water containing alpha blockers, phentolamine and tolazoline, had no discernible effect on behaviour (motility, phototactic response) or gross morphology.
(13) Planula larvae of Halocordyle disticha were examined for the presence of catecholamines using a multipronged approach.
(14) In non-metamorphosing planula larvae, PAF triggered the differentiation of nerve cells that normally develop only upon initiation of metamorphosis and that occur in the polyp stage.
(15) Stained repopulated ganglionic cells always formed in the same position in the epithelial tissue as was observed in control planulae suggesting that the expression of RFamide-like substances may be position dependent in the planula.
(16) A suggestion is put forward that at the final phase of larval development a special RNA is synthesized which participates in the genetically determined control of the complicated morphogenetic phenomenon of attachment and transformation of the planula in polyp.