(n.) One's followers, adherents, or dependents, collectively.
(n.) Vocation; business; profession.
(a.) Next after; succeeding; ensuing; as, the assembly was held on the following day.
(a.) (In the field of a telescope) In the direction from which stars are apparently moving (in consequence of the earth's rotation); as, a small star, north following or south following. In the direction toward which stars appear to move is called preceding.
Example Sentences:
(1) Forty-nine patients (with 83 eyes showing signs of the disease) were followed up for between six months and 12 years.
(2) Previous use of the drug is found in more than 50 per cent of the patients, and it was often followed by a neglected side-effect.
(3) Guillain Barré syndrome following herpes zoster is rare and only 25 cases have been reported to date.
(4) Therefore, it is suggested that PE patients without endogenous erythroid colonies may follow almost the same clinical course as SP patients.
(5) We were able to detect genetic recombination between vaccine strains of PRV following in vitro or in vivo coinoculation of 2 strains of PRV.
(6) Twenty-seven patients were randomized to receive either 50 mg stanozolol or placebo intramuscularly 24 h before operation, followed by a 6 week course of either 5 mg stanozolol or placebo orally, twice daily.
(7) However, this deficit was observed only when the sample-place preceded but not when it followed the interpolated visits (second experiment).
(8) Following in vitro C activation in NHS by delta IgG, the 40 KD C4d component increased markedly.
(9) within 12 h of birth followed by similar injections every day for 10 consecutive days and then every second day for a further 8 weeks, with mycoplasma broth medium (tolerogen), to induce immune tolerance.
(10) It is concluded that acute renal denervation augments the pressure diuresis that follows carotid occlusion.
(11) These studies led to the following conclusions: (a) all the prominent NHP which remain bound to DNA are also present in somewhat similar proportions in the saline-EDTA, Tris, and 0.35 M NaCl washes of nuclei; (b) a protein comigrating with actin is prominent in the first saline-EDTA wash of nuclei, but present as only a minor band in the subsequent washes and on washed chromatin; (c) the presence of nuclear matrix proteins in all the nuclear washes and cytosol indicates that these proteins are distributed throughout the cell; (d) a histone-binding protein (J2) analogous to the HMG1 protein of K. V. Shooter, G.H.
(12) "This is the third event in the last few days following An-26 and SU-25 planes being brought down.
(13) Following central retinal artery ligation, infarction of the retinal ganglion cells was reflected by a 97 per cent reduction in the radioactively labeled protein within the optic nerve.
(14) It is followed by rapid neurobehavioral deterioration in late infancy or early childhood, a developmental arrest, plateauing, and then either a course of retarded development or continued deterioration.
(15) Both the vitellogenesis and the GtH cell activity are restored in the fish exposed to short photoperiod if it is followed by a long photoperiod.
(16) Results indicated a .85 probability that Directive Guidance would be followed by Cooperation; a .67 probability that Permissiveness would lead to Noncooperation; and a .97 likelihood that Coerciveness would lead to either Noncooperation or Resistance.
(17) Changes in cardiac adenosine triphosphate (ATP), phosphocreatine (PCr) and inorganic phosphate (Pi) were followed and intracellular pH (pHi) was estimated from the chemical shift of Pi.
(18) The LD50 of the following metal-binding chelating drugs, EDTA, diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA), hydroxyethylenediaminetriacetic acid (HEDTA), cyclohexanediaminotetraacetic acid (CDTA) and triethylenetetraminehexaacetic acid (TTHA) was evaluated in terms of mortality in rats after intraperitoneal administration and was found to be in the order: CDTA greater than EDTA greater than DTPA greater than TTHA greater than HEDTA.
(19) Furthermore, all of the sera from seven other patients with shock reactions following the topical application of chlorhexidine preparation also showed high RAST counts.
(20) Our results indicate that increasing the delay for more than 8 days following irradiation and TCD syngeneic BMT leads to a rapid loss of the ability to achieve alloengraftment by non-TCD allogeneic bone marrow.
(v. t.) The act of following or going after; esp., a following with haste, either for sport or in hostility; chase; prosecution; as, the pursuit of game; the pursuit of an enemy.
(v. t.) A following with a view to reach, accomplish, or obtain; endeavor to attain to or gain; as, the pursuit of knowledge; the pursuit of happiness or pleasure.
(v. t.) Course of business or occupation; continued employment with a view to same end; as, mercantile pursuits; a literary pursuit.
(v. t.) Prosecution.
Example Sentences:
(1) With respect to family environment, a history of sexual abuse was associated with perceptions that families of origin had less cohesion, more conflict, less emphasis on moral-religious matters, less emphasis on achievement, and less of an orientation towards intellectual, cultural, and recreational pursuits.
(2) This series of tests included tests for pathologic nystagmus, saccades, smooth pursuit, and optokinetic nystagmus, as well as bithermal caloric testing and rotational testing.
(3) This conception of the city as an expression of both regal power and social order, guided by cosmological principles and the pursuit of yin-yang equilibrium, was unlike anything in the western tradition.
(4) The following oculomotor paradigms were investigated: horizontal and vertical saccades of different sizes (10-80 degrees), smooth pursuit eye movements, optokinetic and vestibular nystagmus.
(5) The right of people to get together in pursuit of shared interests or purposes is one of the building blocks of freedom.
(6) The UN secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, a former South Korean foreign minister, said the resolution "sent an unequivocal message to [North Korea] that the international community will not tolerate its pursuit of nuclear weapons."
(7) Los Angeles were relentless in their vicious pursuit of a game-tying goal on Wednesday, bidding to send Game 4 into overtime.
(8) It’s another squalid reminder of Conservative priorities, and how low they are prepared to sink in pursuit of them.
(9) Three types of behavior of the compound eye of Daphnia magna are characterized: 'flick', a transient rotation elicited by a brief flash of light; 'fixation', a maintained eye orientation in response to a stationary light stimulus of long-duration; 'tracking', the smooth pursuit of a moving stimulus.
(10) Twenty Parkinson's (PD) patients and 20 normal control subjects performed two procedural learning tasks (rotary pursuit and mirror reading) and one declarative learning task (paired associates) over 3 days.
(11) Meanwhile Sevilla’s sporting director, Monchi, claims Liverpool’s pursuit of left-back Alberto Moreno is all but over after the two clubs failed to agree a fee.
(12) Supporting a Sunderland side who had last won a home Premier League game back in January, when Stoke City were narrowly defeated, is not a pursuit for the faint-hearted but this was turning into the equivalent of the sudden dawning of a gloriously hot sunny day amid a miserable, cold, wet summer.
(13) rotary-pursuit tracking and rehearsal of tracking or rotary-pursuit tracking and object-slide naming (nonrehearsal).
(14) Each performed 14 trials on a rotary pursuit task (30-sec.
(15) These slow post-pursuit eye movements were related to the time course before stimulus disappearance.
(16) Wrist actigraphy proved to be well-accepted and was a most reliable means of monitoring aspects of body movement during activity and sleep in ambulatory persons adhering to usual life habits and pursuits.
(17) Previous findings of pursuit abnormalities among schizophrenic patients as a group were replicated.
(18) We observed a relationship between pursuit responses and passive visual responses.
(19) A computerized pattern recognition algorithm divided pursuit eye movements into two basic components: smooth pursuit and saccadic eye movements.
(20) One had chosen art, the other politics and the pursuit of power.