(adv.) In a fond manner; affectionately; tenderly.
Example Sentences:
(1) People have grown very fond of the first and fifth amendments,” she reports.
(2) But the large sums that undercut Hillary’s sudden fondness for economic populism will undercut Biden just as much, especially if raised conspicuously quickly.
(3) The original Wednesday Play, succeeded by the long-running Play for Today, is fondly remembered by many of today's best-known writers and directors as the experimental breeding ground for the likes of Dennis Potter, Ken Loach, Tony Garnett, Mike Leigh and Alan Bleasdale.
(4) Bomb them,” we tell Pakistan’s army, “crush them, hit them with all you have got.” Taliban were very fond of showing us videos of them killing us.
(5) I thought: this is a country of law and they will help me get my rights.” She is so fond of the child she looked after for 18 months that she feels ambivalent about any possible prosecution of the parents, her ex-employers.
(6) Another person fondly remembered childhood bed-times when she was comforted by Bournvita.
(7) The near-freebie prices amount to an especially generous giveaway to Venezuelans fond of large SUVs and gas-guzzling jalopies from the 1970s and 80s.
(8) John Londesborough Helsinki, Finland • We Finns are delighted to learn that Michael Booth is fond of us and would like us to rule the world.
(9) Since becoming Denmark's first female prime minister two years ago, Thorning-Schmidt has had to contend with the media nickname of "Gucci Helle", so called because of her fondness for designer clothes.
(10) "I have a fond memory of sitting in one of the dressing rooms, talking about Ireland in the 80s, and her showing me as many of her shamrock tattoos as possible.
(11) You are fond of citing the views of "the employers", along with horror stories about the significance of the international tables we're slipping down.
(12) As evidence of this new-found fondness, the album features a guest appearance from a local Salvation Army band.
(13) When France put an end to capital punishment in 1981, it also bid a not-so-fond farewell to the instrument of death that had taken the lives of thousands.
(14) But it clashed with other things.” Asked what his reaction would be now, he said: “I’d jump at it.” Blessed – who is also fondly remembered for another sci-fi role, appearing as Prince Vultan in the movie Flash Gordon – appeared to be a little confused about the Doctor’s surname, inaccurately suggesting the “Who” of the title was actually the character.
(15) He is fond of recalling what the late Labour leader John Smith told him the last time he appeared on his show - "You have a way of asking beguiling questions with potentially lethal consequences."
(16) If I'm extremely fond of a woman, if I think I might really wind up walking down the aisle again… I go in another direction."
(17) His knowledge of movies is vast – all kinds of movies, and I remember that he had a special fondness for genre pictures and for the work of Walter Hill and others – and he has always been very generous about sharing it with his readers.
(18) These films, of which the British are properly fond and proud, were made possible by a Frenchified Brazilian and the son of recent Jewish immigrants from eastern Europe.
(19) Previous chancellor Gordon Brown was fond of his fiscal "golden rule", but the only real golden rule of modern chancellors is never, ever raise the standard rate of income tax.
(20) His father, who was fond of humming the popular ballad Keep Right on to the End of the Road, lost his job in the great depression of the early 1930s.
(n.) The act or power of recalling past experience; the state of being reminiscent; remembrance; memory.
(n.) That which is remembered, or recalled to mind; a statement or narration of remembered experience; a recollection; as, pleasing or painful reminiscences.
Example Sentences:
(1) It involves creativity, understanding of art form and the ability to improvise in the highly complex environment of a care setting.” David Cameron has boosted dementia awareness but more needs to be done Read more She warns: “To effect a cultural change in dementia care requires a change of thinking … this approach is complex and intricate, and can change cultural attitudes by regarding the arts as central to everyday life of the care home.” Another participant, Mary*, a former teacher who had been bedridden for a year, read plays with the reminiscence arts practitioner.
(2) Results of this sort are reminiscent of several related findings that have been attributed to auditory adaptation or enhancement, or to a temporally developing critical-band filter.
(3) Engagement in reminiscing may be stable during old age or may follow a developmental course.
(4) Phagosomes and dense bodies reminiscent of Russel bodies also occurred in the Mikulicz cells, in the vacuoles of which formations representing Klebsiella rhinoscleromatis were demonstrated.
(5) It is the combination of his company's pan-African and industrialist vision – reminiscent of the aspirations of African independence pioneers like Ghana's Kwame Nkrumah – and its relentless financial growth that has set Dangote apart.
(6) This cardiomyopathy is reminiscent of that described in human noninsulin-dependent diabetes.
(7) While winds gusting to 170mph caused significant damage, the devastation in areas such as Tacloban – where scenes are reminiscent of the 2004 Indian ocean tsunami – was principally the work of the 6-metre-high storm surge, which carried away even the concrete buildings in which many people sought shelter.
(8) Alternative localization of MC25 to different cellular compartments and antigen shifting are reminiscent of the behavior of certain developmentally regulated antigens in Drosophila and Xenopus.
(9) Such characteristics are reminiscent of the behavior of variegating position-effects in Drosophila and the application of this paradigm to human disease phenotypes provides both a mechanism by which differential genome imprinting may be accomplished as well as genetic models that may explain the clinical association of syntenic diseases, the association between tumor progression and specific chromosomal aneuploidy and the unusual inheritance characteristics of many diseases.
(10) When leisons reminiscent of sporotrichosis are encountered, a careful history of the patient's travels should be made, as well as a search for the organism of leischmaniasis in tissue smears, histopathological sections, and cultured media.
(11) It is argued that for Resistance veterans only the intrusive reminiscences of the stressful events discriminate this constellation of symptoms from subjects with an anxious-depressive symptomatology.
(12) It may be important to use reality orientation techniques with confused residents before involving them in a reminiscence group.
(13) The impairment produced by combined serotonergic-cholinergic lesions is reminiscent of that seen in memory-impaired aged rats.
(14) You can argue about what constitutes a race “riot” these days – and why the hell we are seeing teargas every other evening in the suburbs, or Jim Crow-reminiscent police dogs in the year 2014.
(15) Studies by light and electron microscopy showed that these histiocytes disintegrated to liberate their lamellar inclusions into the alveolar spaces, producing a picture reminiscent of alveolar proteinosis.
(16) The formation of groups of associated cells and the ability of some cells to initiate synchronous firing in a larger cell group through recurrent pathways is reminiscent of several models of information storage and recall in the cortex.
(17) Scanning and transmission electron microscopy revealed that promastigotes of the invasive species entered fibroblasts flagellum-end first through pseudopodia-like structures formed on the host cell surface, reminiscent of "induced phagocytosis."
(18) Britain's most senior police officer was tonight forced to admit he was "embarrassed" that his officers had lost control of the capital's streets in scenes reminiscent of last year's G20 demonstration.
(19) There's no doubt that MacMaster expended an enormous amount of effort compiling the blog and creating Gay Girl's persona: poems, long imaginary reminiscences – even warning readers to treat some other websites "with a very large grain of salt" – but to what purpose?
(20) This matrix is deposited between cell layers in a manner reminiscent of the secondary corneal stroma, but is not deposited as densely or as organized as would be found in situ.