What's the difference between fontanelle and mold?



  • (n.) Same as Fontanel, 2.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Eight cases of congenital dermoid cysts over the anterior fontanelle have been encountered in Chinese children at the Veterans' General Hospital, Taipei, in the past 4 years.
  • (2) On admission she was found to be a well-nourished infant with a head circumference of 56 cm, bulging anterior fontanelle and mental retardation.
  • (3) These changes comprised macrocephaly, prominent forehead, micrognathia, large fontanelle, flat nasal bridge, low-set ears, facial capillary naevi, cardiac defect and small size for gestational age.
  • (4) The authors report on 13 cases of dermoid cysts over the anterior fontanelle in Czechoslovak children.
  • (5) Four infants were seen on six separate occasions with febrile illnesses associated with a bulging anterior fontanelle and irritability.
  • (6) As for the epithelial cysts, one was localized at the para-collicular area complaining enlarged head and swollen anterior fontanelle and the other of four years was located in the fourth ventricle with headache and ataxic gait.
  • (7) Pycnodysostosis is a term introduced by Maroteaux and Lamy in 1962 to describe characteristic features such as dwarfism, separated cranial sutures, open fontanelles, hypoplasia and absence of mandibular angle, partial aplasia of the terminal phalanges of the fingers and toes, generalized condensation of bone shadow, bone fragility, and autosomal recessive inheritance.
  • (8) A 2-month-old boy with delayed growth and development, brachycephaly, large anterior fontanelle, low-set folded ears, micrognathia, aortic coarctation, floppy abdominal muscles, and pes varus, was found to have a 46,XY,del(16)(q2100q2300) de novo karyotype.
  • (9) Parietal bones shut unpaired fontanelle, but the remaining bones, under investigation, contribute to the closure of anterolateral and postero-lateral fontanelle.
  • (10) Additional findings included concave midfacial appearance, frontal bossing, delayed skeletal maturation, presence of Wormian bones in the lamboidal suture region of the skull, and strikingly large fontanelles in infancy.
  • (11) A new system has been developed for the non-invasive monitoring of intracranial pressure (ICP) across the anterior fontanelle in the newborn.
  • (12) Compared with controls the older infants who ingested 30,000 RE had a 1.6% excess rate of vomiting (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.2-3.0%) and a 0.5% excess rate (95% CI: -0.1 to 1.1%) in the occurrence of bulging fontanelles.
  • (13) Increasing the force with which the meters were applied caused a linear increase in registered fontanelle pressure.
  • (14) A newly developed infant cranial model shows that accurate, reproducible, and noninvasive measurements of intracranial pressure (ICP) can be made from the anterior fontanelle when fontanelle pressure is referenced from the bony margins adjacent to the fontanelle opening.
  • (15) Brain scans were done with Tc-99m DTPA in 127 cases of tuberculous meningitis (TBM) and ultrasound studies in 41 cases with open anterior fontanelles.
  • (16) Plain skull radiograph showed persistent metopic suture and frontal fontanelle, many wormian bones around coronal and lambdoid sutures.
  • (17) Thirty-nine neonates including 29 prematures had correlation studies of trans-fontanelle ultrasounds with post-mortem anatomic findings.
  • (18) All JVB catheterizations were performed with parental consent and during continuous monitoring of the intracranial (ICP) or fontanelle, as well as arterial, pressure.
  • (19) Extensive agenesis of the frontal and parietal bones, resulting in a very large fontanelle, in addition to coronal bilateral craniosynostosis was observed at necropsy.
  • (20) With this adaptor the transducer can be set and maintained at accurate depth in the fontanelle according to the pressure depth curve.



  • (n.) A spot; a blemish; a mole.
  • (v.) Alt. of Mould
  • (v. t.) Alt. of Mould
  • (n.) Alt. of Mould
  • (v. t.) Alt. of Mould
  • (v. i.) Alt. of Mould
  • (n.) Alt. of Mould
  • (v. t.) Alt. of Mould

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Maximal yields of lipid and aflatoxin were obtained with 30% glucose, whereas mold growth, expressed as dry weight, was maximal when the medium contained 10% glucose.
  • (2) Results showed no consistent difference in either the total viable fungal content or the number of different mold species encountered between the labeled and unlabeled foods.
  • (3) Inhalant allergens as mite house dust, animal danders, pollens, molds and food allergens are considered, now, to be the most sensitizing agents.
  • (4) The amoeba, however, could not use yeasts, molds, or a green alga as a nutritional source.
  • (5) The control flaps consisted of intact muscle without any evidence of tissue transformation, whereas the flaps treated with osteogenin and demineralized bone matrix were entirely transformed into cancellous bone that matched the exact shape of the mold.
  • (6) With the proper choice of packaging, molded nitroglycerin tablets stabilized with povidone maintained acceptable potency for up to 2 years at 26 degrees when strip packaged in unit doses.
  • (7) Reality television molded Trump into the ratings and polls-obsessed performer that we know today, and created a new generation of Americans ready to be entertained by him.
  • (8) The ear canal molds were analyzed in terms of tortuosity, caliber, and degree of funneling.
  • (9) The feeding test indicated a relatively low toxicity of molded bread.
  • (10) In all cases, an increase in mold population was concomitant with elevated carbon dioxide concentrations, which indicated the sensitivity of this parameter for measuring fungal activity.
  • (11) Electron microscopic evidence demonstrated that dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) induces formation of giant intranuclear microfilament bundles in the interphase nucleus of a cellular slime mold, Dictyostelium.
  • (12) These flaws were controlled by cooling the metal mold assembly and the cast immediately after the pouring of the molten cerrobend alloy, evenly with water.
  • (13) Several lines of experimental evidence suggest that an anterior-posterior gradient of cyclic AMP exists in migrating pseudoplasmodia of the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum, and that this gradient may be responsible for control of the proportions of stalk and spore cells that form during culmination.
  • (14) The Werner syndrome should not, therefore, be forced into the mold of premature aging but should be studied on its own merits as a condition which may provide us with clues to the pathogenesis of many important problems.
  • (15) The nucleoproteins resulting from digestion of the nuclei of the true slime mold Pysarum polycephalum with micrococcal nuclease have been resolved according to the size classes in linear sucrose gradients containg 0.5 M NaCl, and analysed for DNA, RNA and protein content.
  • (16) A molded rubber sleeve connecting the prosthesis and the thigh was found to enhance this effect so that suction suspension occurred during the entire swing phase.
  • (17) The biological test systems utilized here include humans and other mammals, bacteria, Drosophila, yeasts, molds, and plants.
  • (18) Some responses of the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum to ultraviolet light (UV) irradiation were investigated by analyzing two aspects of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) excision repair in the vegetative cells: (i) the fate of thymine-containing dimers and (ii) the production and rejoining of single-strand breaks.
  • (19) Structures resembling red blood cells have been seen in mummies, but have been considered by some to be artifacts or molds.
  • (20) The procedure involved the transfer of heavy mold-form inocula to flasks that contained small volumes of brain heart infusion broth.

Words possibly related to "fontanelle"

Words possibly related to "mold"