What's the difference between fooled and sucker?



  • (imp. & p. p.) of Fool

Example Sentences:

  • (1) After trading mistakes, Wawrinka got lucky at 30-30, mishitting a service return and fooling Djokovic.
  • (2) How opiates became the love of my life | Alisha Choquette Read more The numbers are not specific to the type of drug used, but we’d be fools to think opiates don’t lead the list.
  • (3) Sage did not suffer fools gladly, and often the world seemed increasingly full of them.
  • (4) But it is difficult not to conclude that the survey, which ends on St Andrew’s day, 30 November, has been something of a fools errand for those loyal driveway-trampers.
  • (5) The idea that these problems exist on the other side of the world, and that we Australians can ignore them by sheltering comfortably in our own sequestered corner of the globe, is a fool’s delusion.” Brandis sought to reach out to Australian Muslims, saying the threat came “principally from a small number of people among us who try to justify criminal acts by perverting the meaning of Islam”.
  • (6) "So don't be fooled again: you cannot afford Labour.
  • (7) The Peppers like to be jerks (at Dingwalls Swan dedicated a song to “all you whiney Britishers who can suck my American cock”), but don’t let the surface attitude fool you.
  • (8) So it is only a fool, like me, who would walk nonchalantly around the headland during a high wind.
  • (9) A few months later, the certificate was discovered being used in Iran to fool people who were accessing Gmail into thinking that their connection was secure; in fact any suitably equipped hacker could have monitored their emails.
  • (10) It's Jane Austen all over again, and we've just fooled ourselves that the complicated financial system has changed a thing.
  • (11) No sufferer of fools, he also found it difficult to put up with what he felt to be the arrogance of some colleagues.
  • (12) An immensely cerebral man, who trained himself to need only six hours of sleep - believing that a woman should have seven and only a fool eight - Mishcon was not a man given to small talk, nor one who would tolerate prattle for the sake of it.
  • (13) Standing Rock protests: this is only the beginning Read more “When the Dakota Access Pipeline breaks (and we know that too many pipelines do), millions of people will have crude-oil-contaminated water … don’t let the automatic sink faucets in your homes fool you – that water comes from somewhere, and the second its source is contaminated, so is your bathtub, and your sink, and your drinking liquid.
  • (14) He has been declared "a Shakespearean fool, the only one who can say what others can't" and "an antidote to the proliferation of neo-Nazi movements which took hold of Hungary and Greece".
  • (15) It helps to make testing fun, capitalizes on the student's natural tendency to fool around, and teaches something in the process.
  • (16) 7.44pm BST The April Fools' Day jokes have slowed as people actually get back to work, so we're going to sign off.
  • (17) He said: "To people of a certain age, Stuart Hall will be known as the presenter of It's A Knockout, a good-natured TV programme in which members of the public cheerfully made fools of themselves on camera.
  • (18) Although his finance minister François Baroin pledged on Friday night that there would be no more "austerity measures", only a fool, or someone who expected to be out of office later this year, would promise otherwise.
  • (19) In other words, Mr Johnson is making a fool of himself and of Britain over issues that will have the deepest national repercussions.
  • (20) Cue the day’s first SPR (silent printer rage): another four minutes eaten up by a printer refusing to be fooled by the off-on tactic.



  • (n.) One who, or that which, sucks; esp., one of the organs by which certain animals, as the octopus and remora, adhere to other bodies.
  • (n.) A suckling; a sucking animal.
  • (n.) The embolus, or bucket, of a pump; also, the valve of a pump basket.
  • (n.) A pipe through which anything is drawn.
  • (n.) A small piece of leather, usually round, having a string attached to the center, which, when saturated with water and pressed upon a stone or other body having a smooth surface, adheres, by reason of the atmospheric pressure, with such force as to enable a considerable weight to be thus lifted by the string; -- used by children as a plaything.
  • (n.) A shoot from the roots or lower part of the stem of a plant; -- so called, perhaps, from diverting nourishment from the body of the plant.
  • (n.) Any one of numerous species of North American fresh-water cyprinoid fishes of the family Catostomidae; so called because the lips are protrusile. The flesh is coarse, and they are of little value as food. The most common species of the Eastern United States are the northern sucker (Catostomus Commersoni), the white sucker (C. teres), the hog sucker (C. nigricans), and the chub, or sweet sucker (Erimyzon sucetta). Some of the large Western species are called buffalo fish, red horse, black horse, and suckerel.
  • (n.) The remora.
  • (n.) The lumpfish.
  • (n.) The hagfish, or myxine.
  • (n.) A California food fish (Menticirrus undulatus) closely allied to the kingfish (a); -- called also bagre.
  • (n.) A parasite; a sponger. See def. 6, above.
  • (n.) A hard drinker; a soaker.
  • (n.) A greenhorn; one easily gulled.
  • (n.) A nickname applied to a native of Illinois.
  • (v. t.) To strip off the suckers or shoots from; to deprive of suckers; as, to sucker maize.
  • (v. i.) To form suckers; as, corn suckers abundantly.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The papillae on the oral sucker were more abundant than those elsewhere.
  • (2) The sucker, covered with basal lamina, has a constant volume; its layer of muscles resists deformation and supports the stability of the arch.
  • (3) Lesions associated with Philometroides huronensis in the white sucker (Catostomus commersoni) of southern Ontario occurred during the spring (April-June) and were related to the development and release of first-stage larvae from the gravid nematode.
  • (4) Except for the suckers and excretory pores, the whole body surface of the metacercariae and the juveniles are covered with posteriorly pointing tegumental spines which are relatively denser in the forebody than in the hindbody.
  • (5) The event proper starts at 20.00, I'm still in the office and so, bearing in mind the traffic, expect this sucker to start moving at 19.30.
  • (6) For recording ECG in precardial leads sucker electrodes which have a limited application and short service life are employed most often.
  • (7) Anatomical components of afferent innervation in the rim of the octopus sucker are described.
  • (8) The new species differs from E. knoepffleri Combes, 1965 by greater sizes of the disc, median and marginal hooks and anterior suckers.
  • (9) As differentiation continued, rostellar hooks were formed by enlargement of single large (T1) microtriches, and normal spined microtriches were produced on the sucker region.
  • (10) Therefore, the Mesometridae which always have just a single sucker (monostomatous) have selected a new kind of compensatory adhesive structure.
  • (11) The number of the small dome-shaped papillae with a pit was about 30 around the oral sucker and that of the small ones with a smooth surface varied from 9 to 13 around the ventral sucker.
  • (12) To illustrate particular patterns of apical root resorption in primary maxillary central incisors of digital suckers, the radiographs of patients in a private pedodontic practice were evaluated.
  • (13) Six stages in development are distinguished: the 'lung form' (stage 1), attaining maximum numbers on day 5 post-infection; the 'closed-gut form' (stage 2) on day 14, characterized by the union of the gut caeca behind the ventral sucker; 'organogeny' (stage 3) on day 17, the male possessing one testis and a gynaecophoric canal and the female a narrow uterus; 'gametogeny' (stage 4) on day 26, with pairing, the male having four fully developed testes and the female an ovary; 'egg-shell formation' (stage 5) on day 35; 'oviposition' (stage 6) on day 37, with the female showing uterine eggs.
  • (14) White suckers, collected from lakes containing elevated levels of copper (12 micrograms liter-1) and zinc (250 micrograms liter-1), were evaluated for reproductive performance, growth and survival of the larvae, and tolerance of the larvae to waterborne copper.
  • (15) Critics who saw Budapest at the Berlin film festival, where it premiered this month, have called it "vibrant and imaginative" , "nimblefooted, witty" , and as a sucker for Anderson's stuff since his early days, I'd agree.
  • (16) ‘Nothin’ you can do about it, sucker.’ He didn’t like gettin’ hit with those punches.
  • (17) It is characterised by possessing spines at the basal margin of oral sucker; testes, postequatorial, subsymmetrical; vitellaria lateral to ovary in middle of hindbody, confluent in postovarian region and reaching to level of testes; ovary flattened; genital pore antero-lateral to acetabulum; seminal vesicle large and ejaculatory duct long.
  • (18) We are just sort of like suckers.” She goes so far as to lump centrist environmental leaders together with groups such as the Heartland Institute , which denies the existence of climate change.
  • (19) But Brief Encounter has survived such threats, because it is so well made, because Laura's voiceover narration is truly anguished and dreamy, because the music suckers all of us, and because Celia Johnson and Trevor Howard are perfect.
  • (20) At the interval it remained 1-0 so United needed to convert their chances to kill Palace off or they would be vulnerable to a sucker punch that Pardew’s side had delivered at Arsenal on Sunday .