What's the difference between fop and lop?



  • (n.) One whose ambition it is to gain admiration by showy dress; a coxcomb; an inferior dandy.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) This replication based activation is, however, cell type dependent and was seen in FOP cells but not in 3T6 cells.
  • (2) Patients with FOP may present problems to the anaesthetist, including difficulties with tracheal intubation, restrictive pulmonary disease and abnormalities of cardiac conduction.
  • (3) A 14-yr-old boy with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) presented for surgery for bilateral division of his ossified masseter muscles.
  • (4) Surgery to remove joint-bridging ossifications in FOP is not recommended.
  • (5) The case report of a patient with clinically and histologically confirmed FOP is described to emphasize the advantages of administering Bleomycin intra-arterially (external carotid artery) by means of a Holter catheter.
  • (6) There's the enmity between husband and wife flung together in a loveless marriage expressed in a series of caustic asides to the audience, and the idiocy of Lord Are, who bears all the hallmarks of the fops Restoration audiences loved to laugh at.
  • (7) However, it is not possible to definitely establish the malignant or benign nature of FOP in this manner.
  • (8) The acute process of FOP was thereby distinguished from that of osteomyelitis by use of CT scan.
  • (9) In a sporadic case of FOP treated for 6 years with a diphosphonate (EHDP) we have analyzed the findings from CT.
  • (10) Considering the complexity and difficulty of the mentioned method for its practical usage, a simplified method is proposed; a registration of FOP of a stable state with the incidence of stimulations of 33 Hz, that allows to detect cases of pathology with visual acuity not less than 0.2.
  • (11) Texas pool party incident raises questions about wealth and race Read more McKinney Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #107, the union that represents city police officers, insisted in a statement that the pool party incident was not an example of racism: “The McKinney FOP assures that this was not a racially motivated incident and can say without a shadow of doubt that all members of the McKinney FOP and McKinney PD do not conduct racially biased policing.” The union also clarified that it does not condone officers cursing at juveniles or adult citizens.
  • (12) This report concerns an 11-year-old boy suffering from FOP, who presented significant modification of the musculoskeletal structure of the thorax and problems with articular movements.
  • (13) The developmental similarities between decapentaplegic in the fly and FOP in man suggest a useful model for the study of FOP.
  • (14) Informativeness of different methods used for registration of optic generated potentials in response to light flash (FOP) has been studied in 27 healthy persons and 21 patients (32 eyes) with partial atrophy of the optic nerve.
  • (15) Ruskin, played by Joshua McGuire, is a simpering Blackadderish caricature of an art intellectual: a lisping, red-headed, salon fop.
  • (16) The successful treatment of FOP points out the possibility of employing a Holter catheter for administering cytostatic agents in the treatment of malignant neoplasms in the facial area.
  • (17) An 8-year-old boy presenting with fever, neck pain, and torticollis was eventually diagnosed as having fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP).
  • (18) The present study demonstrated that in macaque monkeys, tactile sensation of the oral cavity is represented on areas 3, 1-2 and G in the Fop as well as on the surrounding areas (e.g., area 6 and the insula), and taste sensation on areas G and 1-2 and the insula.
  • (19) We reevaluated the published data on the natural history of FOP and discovered an array of developmental gradients (characteristic patterns of disease expression) similar to developmental anomalies induced by pleiotropic mutations of the decapentaplegic (dpp) locus in Drosophila melanogaster.
  • (20) The cytoplasm of tumor cells from a subdermal nodule in a patient with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) exhibited intense enzymatic activity in cryostat sections processed for demonstration of alkaline phosphatase.



  • (n.) A flea.
  • (v. t.) To cut off as the top or extreme part of anything; to sho/ -- by cutting off the extremities; to cut off, or remove as superfluous parts; as, to lop a tree or its branches.
  • (v. t.) To cut partly off and bend down; as, to lop bushes in a hedge.
  • (n.) That which is lopped from anything, as branches from a tree.
  • (v. i.) To hang downward; to be pendent; to lean to one side.
  • (v. t.) To let hang down; as, to lop the head.
  • (a.) Hanging down; as, lop ears; -- used also in compound adjectives; as, lopeared; lopsided.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The PBR took "no tough decisions", jibed the Conservatives, but it lopped £7bn off public spending and jacked up national insurance contributions by £3bn – fairly tough in anyone's book.
  • (2) LOP, unlike IMP, showed relatively weak effects on general behavior in mice, spontaneous EEG in cats and spontaneous motor activity in mice.
  • (3) Public companies have to be accountable, and that accountability often means lopping off freewheeling, creative endeavoirs that you hope will make money and concentrating on making cash with what you have.
  • (4) Various techniques of correction of lop ear have been described.
  • (5) Jonathan Ross has, for years, been a target for those who yearn to lop tall poppies.
  • (6) Remember those embarrassing bills for wisteria clearance at the young Conservative leader’s home amid the expenses debacle of 2009, and how these were lopped away by a merciless assault on the more shameless claims of various knights of the shire?
  • (7) The authors believe that the proportion of remissions may be increased combining Lycurim with vincristine, procarbazine and glycocorticosteroids (LOP or LOPP).
  • (8) President Lagos wants to lop $125m out of its budget and the generals are keen to ensure that they retain control of the copper export revenues that have guaranteed its material privileges for so long.
  • (9) Rogozin's attempt to bolt the present on to a lop-sided analogy with the past was not an honest attempt at historically grounded prognosis, but a warning to the west to stay out of the conflict.
  • (10) The Treasury was originally looking to lop an extra £10bn off spending, a demand for further cuts that has since risen to around £14bn.
  • (11) Nevertheless, over two hours and 47 minutes of rolling drama, the 20-year-old gave all he had in what was a curiously lop-sided five-setter, before the experienced Belgian, ranked 16 in the world, wore him down to win 3-6, 1-6, 6-2, 6-1, 6-0 in front of a fevered audience of 13,000.
  • (12) The authors report their experience in the surgical treatment of 78 patients with lop, prominent, or protruding ears.
  • (13) The equal-CA group was the only group advantaged by both the levels of processing (LOP) and the distinctiveness of encoding (DOE) manipulations.
  • (14) A clearer solution to our lop-sided post-devolution constitution can begin to heal this breach.
  • (15) Once surgically implanted into the ear of a Laboratory Lop rabbit, a thin tissue bed which grows between the layers of the chamber can be viewed through the microscope.
  • (16) It is applicable to protruding ears and some "lop" ears; scapha and concha can be corrected to individually varying degrees.
  • (17) MIP of apparent molecular mass 26 kDa was detected in extracts of adult DBA, LOP and CBA-LOP lenses, but only low molecular mass (less than 26 kDa) immunoreactive proteins were detected in similar extracts from adult CAT and NCT lenses.
  • (18) 'Lop-sided' cells formed approximately 18% of the total of Meynert cells studied and the 'perpendicular' 32%.
  • (19) He display- ed no signs of personal avarice; he cut his presidential salary when he came to power, and lopped off a further third of it as a regular donation to a children's fund.
  • (20) Reflecting on a lop-sided literary career, she adds, "You get this…" She searches unsuccessfully for the word and then says, "Something surges out of you at a certain age and you're full of it all.

Words possibly related to "fop"

Words possibly related to "lop"