What's the difference between fore and lift?



  • (v. i.) Journey; way; method of proceeding.
  • (adv.) In the part that precedes or goes first; -- opposed to aft, after, back, behind, etc.
  • (adv.) Formerly; previously; afore.
  • (adv.) In or towards the bows of a ship.
  • (adv.) Advanced, as compared with something else; toward the front; being or coming first, in time, place, order, or importance; preceding; anterior; antecedent; earlier; forward; -- opposed to back or behind; as, the fore part of a garment; the fore part of the day; the fore and of a wagon.
  • (n.) The front; hence, that which is in front; the future.
  • (prep.) Before; -- sometimes written 'fore as if a contraction of afore or before.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) There fore, the adverse effects may be induced by such quartz or silicon compounds.
  • (2) White House plan to hire more border agents raises vetting fear, ex-senior official says Read more “But the fact is when the world changed, you have to change too, and so I do think there are amazing new opportunities now because he’s bringing nationalism to the fore, he’s bringing it into the mainstream, he’s asking these existential questions like: are we a nation?
  • (3) While executing the latter movements no forward locomotion occurred at all; the cats solely executed lateral fore- and hindlimb movements opposite to the direction in which the cylinder rotated.
  • (4) This caused variations in fore-and-aft motion with position along the vertical axis of the head and variations in vertical motion with position along the fore-and-aft axis of the head.
  • (5) Moreover in the symmetrical gaits spatial phase shifts between unilateral limbs were equal to zero, which means that hind and fore limbs were placed in the same point during successive steps.
  • (6) No evidence for a differential decussation of fore-limb and hind-limb fibers was found.
  • (7) Standard 5-member series of weak electro-cutaneous stimulations of the fore-paw were applied in chronic experiments to two dogs with implanted cortical electrodes.
  • (8) Electromyographic studies revealed some abnormal insertional activity but no abnormal potentials when the fore- and hindlimb muscles were at total rest.
  • (9) Taking a break from rehearsal, police baton in hand, the 34-year-old said: "It doesn't point to anybody, but it brings to the fore the pain the tragic event cost.
  • (10) These fibers accumulated dorsomedially to the rostral pole of the substantia nigra where they formed a massive bundle that coursed through the prerubral field and ascended along the laterodorsal aspect of the medial fore-brain bundle in the lateral hypothalamus.
  • (11) The receptive fields of 48 specific cold units, located in the hairy and glaborous skin of fore- and hindlimbs of rhesus monkeys, were mapped and scale drawings made.
  • (12) The rat somatosensory (SI) cortex contains a precise map of the cutaneous periphery, yet its rostromedial edge, which includes part of the fore- and hind paw representation, has been reported to functionally overlap with the electrically excitable primary motor (MI) cortex.
  • (13) While gender violence occurs worldwide, the problem has come to the fore in several countries in Latin America through the work of prominent feminist groups, many of which argue their region is particularly plagued by social insecurity and male-dominated traditions.
  • (14) Exposure to phosphoramide mustard produced limb reduction malformations in both the fore- and hindlimbs; total limb bone area was greatly reduced, while the relative contribution of the paw to this area in forelimbs was increased.
  • (15) Periodontal disease is therefore considered a fore-runner to the clinically more important spinal osteoporosis.
  • (16) For this enzyme beside the nuclei, the commissures and fore-brain bundles are seen equipped with very intense activity.
  • (17) ACR-CH or aclarubicin aqueous solution (ACR-sol) was injected subcutaneously into the fore foot-pads of rats.
  • (18) We have examined early neuronal differentiation and axonogenesis in the fore- and midbrain of zebrafish embryos to address general issues of early vertebrate brain development.
  • (19) The impulses of fore-aft force were closely correlated with step length.
  • (20) Excessive weight-bearing on the complete fore-foot as a consequence of missing support by contracted metatarsophalangeal joints.



  • (n.) The sky; the atmosphere; the firmament.
  • (v. t.) To move in a direction opposite to that of gravitation; to raise; to elevate; to bring up from a lower place to a higher; to upheave; sometimes implying a continued support or holding in the higher place; -- said of material things; as, to lift the foot or the hand; to lift a chair or a burden.
  • (v. t.) To raise, elevate, exalt, improve, in rank, condition, estimation, character, etc.; -- often with up.
  • (v. t.) To bear; to support.
  • (v. t.) To collect, as moneys due; to raise.
  • (v. t.) To steal; to carry off by theft (esp. cattle); as, to lift a drove of cattle.
  • (v. i.) To try to raise something; to exert the strength for raising or bearing.
  • (v. i.) To rise; to become or appear raised or elevated; as, the fog lifts; the land lifts to a ship approaching it.
  • (v. t.) To live by theft.
  • (n.) Act of lifting; also, that which is lifted.
  • (n.) The space or distance through which anything is lifted; as, a long lift.
  • (n.) Help; assistance, as by lifting; as, to give one a lift in a wagon.
  • (n.) That by means of which a person or thing lifts or is lifted
  • (n.) A hoisting machine; an elevator; a dumb waiter.
  • (n.) A handle.
  • (n.) An exercising machine.
  • (n.) A rise; a degree of elevation; as, the lift of a lock in canals.
  • (n.) A lift gate. See Lift gate, below.
  • (n.) A rope leading from the masthead to the extremity of a yard below; -- used for raising or supporting the end of the yard.
  • (n.) One of the steps of a cone pulley.
  • (n.) A layer of leather in the heel.
  • (n.) That portion of the vibration of a balance during which the impulse is given.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) He still denied it and said he was giving the girl a lift.
  • (2) Ligaments played a very minor role in the lifts studied.
  • (3) Earlier this month, Khamenei insisted that all sanctions be lifted immediately on a deal being reached, a condition that the US State Department dismissed.
  • (4) The expression of genes for adenine phosphoribosyltransferase and of deo operon is regulated by rho dependent attenuators with attenuation being lifted incomplete medium.
  • (5) For example, Asda lifted the price of frozen pizza from £1.50 to £2 as a “two for £3” offer appeared – and dropped the price again when the offer concluded.
  • (6) These additional cues involved different sensations in effort of the perfomed movement – sliding heavy object vs. sliding light object (sS test), as well as different sensations in pattern of movement and joints - sliding vs. lifting of an object (SL test).
  • (7) Or perhaps the "mad cow"-fuelled beef war in the late 1990s, when France maintained its ban on British beef for three long years after the rest of the EU had lifted it, prompting the Sun to publish a special edition in French portraying then president Jacques Chirac as a worm.
  • (8) Hopes that the Queen's diamond jubilee and the £9bn spent on the Olympics would lift sales over the longer term have largely been dashed as growth slows and the outlook, though robust with a growing order book, remains subdued.
  • (9) The government has won a High Court order to prevent the partial lifting of a secrecy order affecting the proposed inquest into the death of former KGB spy Alexander Litvinenko.
  • (10) The US and its allies are balking at Iranian demands for all UN sanctions to be lifted at the start of a deal.
  • (11) The centrally generated ;effort' or direct voluntary command to motoneurones required to lift a weight was studied using a simple weight-matching task when the muscles lifting a reference weight were weakened.
  • (12) That is the bottom line.” Others described the need for a policy of containing Iran, especially with the lifting of economic sanctions.
  • (13) The Lib Dems have campaigned for a "mansion tax" on properties worth more than £2m, to pay for the poorest workers to be lifted out of the tax system.
  • (14) By simultaneously pushing the foot bar and pulling the hand bar, the monkey lifts a weight and triggers a microswitch which releases a banana-flavored food pellet into a well close to the animal's mouth.
  • (15) For the final three visible minutes, Lockett writhed, groaned, attempted to lift himself off the gurney and tried to speak, despite a doctor having declared him unconscious.
  • (16) The home fans were lifted by the sight of Billy Bonds, a legend in these parts, being presented with a lifetime achievement award before the kick-off and the former West Ham captain and manager probably would have enjoyed playing in Allardyce's combative midfield.
  • (17) Among the non-standard postures examined were: twisting while lifting or lowering, lifting and lowering from lying, sitting, kneeling, and squatting positions, and carrying loads under conditions of constricted ceiling heights.
  • (18) It seems to adequately provide the additional needed lift when nipple descent has been no more than 1.5 to 2 cm below the inframammary crease.
  • (19) "And let's be frank, we're not actually helping anyone by leaving the economic coast clear for others to provide the inward investment that often comes in from elsewhere and may represent tied aid or investment that won't help lift the poorest into employment," she said.
  • (20) People like Hugo forgot how truly miserable Paris had been for ordinary Parisians.” Out of a job and persona non grata in Paris, Haussmann spent six months in Italy to lift his spirits.