What's the difference between forego and forfeit?



  • (v. t.) To quit; to relinquish; to leave.
  • (v. t.) To relinquish the enjoyment or advantage of; to give up; to resign; to renounce; -- said of a thing already enjoyed, or of one within reach, or anticipated.
  • (v. i.) To go before; to precede; -- used especially in the present and past participles.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The foregoing findings show the different behaviour of these two groups of patients with an incidence of tumor positive adenopathies of 48.2% and 72.7% and tumor-free survival of 35.7% and 9.0% for patients with T4a and T4b, respectively.
  • (2) In conclusion, shape analysis and pattern recognition techniques can be used to forego dependence on the numerous assumptions and approximations required by traditional wall motion techniques, while providing performance characteristics that are similar to, and in some instances better than, traditional approaches.
  • (3) In 108 fetuses and 219 neonates resulting from cross-breeding to induce trisomy 19, we found no significant increase in the frequency of the foregoing anomalies.
  • (4) The second contraction develops already a higher pressure than the first one, during the consecutive beats the systolic pressure increases gradually until a new steady state is reached, which is usually lower than the systolic pressure during the foregoing lower beating rate.
  • (5) Familiarity with the foregoing recent important studies and reports is fundamental to the planning and delivery of effective and sound health promotion and risk-reduction programs.
  • (6) As a result of the foregoing sex difference in the early postnatal ontogeny of open loop gonadotropin secretion, circulating FSH to LH ratios in ovariectomized infantile female monkeys (2.3:8.1) were consistently greater than those in agonadal males (0.5:3.8).
  • (7) Cholesteatoma recurrence (homogeneous soft tissue mass with bony destruction) Based on previous experience we forego an early second-look 1 year later and suggest the following plan: 1.
  • (8) In view of the foregoing and on the basis of reccent findings on morphogenesis, we confirm the taxonomic position of Espejoia mucicola among Tetrahymenina in the family Glaucomidae.
  • (9) After a blunt trauma diagnosis between levator aponeurosis desinsertion and neurogenic ptosis is important in planing the treatment: early surgery for the first and foregoing for the later.
  • (10) 9) The foregoing requirements provide an explanation for self-nonself discrimination.
  • (11) In the foregoing we have tried to give a broad survey of the parameters which are of importance for irradiation experiments and which can be measured by NMR.
  • (12) This paper provides a model of LGN neurons that not only accounts for the foregoing observations, but also yields predictions confirmed by direct tests.
  • (13) The impact of diabetes is greater for women than men and varies depending on the level of the foregoing risk factors.
  • (14) The foregoing findings indicate that radiotherapy appears to be more effective in destroying the more undifferentiated and deeper urothelial carcinoma.
  • (15) The foregoing condition was suspected on the basis of the urographic findings.
  • (16) Nichrome polarizing electrodes of 0.2 mm diameter with an uninsulated tip of 0.3 mm were inserted into the foregoing structures in a packet.
  • (17) The response was numerically simulated with parameters used in the foregoing paper.
  • (18) The foregoing results underline the fundamental differences between mammalian and bacterial enzymes, including variations in the binding sites for the purine ring.
  • (19) These tests were performed with anaerobically growing cultures and with resting cells, incubated aerobically, in media of defined composition indicated in the foregoing papers.
  • (20) FDCP-2 cells were distinguished by the presence of monosialylated and non-sialylated counterparts of the foregoing tetrasaccharides.



  • (n.) Injury; wrong; mischief.
  • (n.) A thing forfeit or forfeited; what is or may be taken from one in requital of a misdeed committed; that which is lost, or the right to which is alienated, by a crime, offense, neglect of duty, or breach of contract; hence, a fine; a mulct; a penalty; as, he who murders pays the forfeit of his life.
  • (n.) Something deposited and redeemable by a sportive fine; -- whence the game of forfeits.
  • (n.) Lost or alienated for an offense or crime; liable to penal seizure.
  • (n.) To lose, or lose the right to, by some error, fault, offense, or crime; to render one's self by misdeed liable to be deprived of; to alienate the right to possess, by some neglect or crime; as, to forfeit an estate by treason; to forfeit reputation by a breach of promise; -- with to before the one acquiring what is forfeited.
  • (v. i.) To be guilty of a misdeed; to be criminal; to transgress.
  • (v. i.) To fail to keep an obligation.
  • (p. p. / a.) In the condition of being forfeited; subject to alienation.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) She rather fearlessly implied that "women who make lots of money from illicit sex" should forfeit the right to freedom of expression.
  • (2) Chasing public opinion by way of focus groups and a distorted view of what will translate to electoral success didn’t serve Labour well in the election, where they disastrously forfeited an entire country to the SNP, and many of their cabinet members lost seats.
  • (3) Roger Kirkby: Best delay ever was the disco demolition at the White Sox game in between a double header, White Sox forfeited the second game 9 - 0 If a team ever did this, but with Bruce Springsteen albums, I would become their biggest fan.
  • (4) A confirmed Ukip policy is that anyone found to have fought for Islamic State overseas should forfeit their citizenship and not be allowed to return to the UK.
  • (5) However, while we might be drinking less, the shift in our priorities comes with a forfeit.
  • (6) Furthermore, all competitive results obtained by the athlete from 29 July 2010 onwards are disqualified, and all related titles, awards, medals, points and appearance money are forfeited.” Cakir-Alptekin won Olympic gold in the 1500m in London, and then took the title at the European Championships in Helsinki later that year.
  • (7) The work is unpaid and the experience of uncertain value, but failure to complete a placement means forfeiting benefits.
  • (8) It would also underline that true rehabilitation of offenders requires remorse and repentance as otherwise the punishment has not served it’s underlying purpose; it could be argued that the offender has not really paid the full price for their crime and so forfeits their entitlement to rebuild their life without restriction.
  • (9) "After reading about John Terry's 'strip penalties' training forfeits at Chelsea (as well as several other clubs' internal motivational techniques) , I wondered if there are any more random examples of club forfeits?"
  • (10) Saif has forfeited the goodwill and trust he gained over the past five years.
  • (11) In some of the strongest passages, derided as class war by the Conservatives, he claimed Cameron's record had forfeited the right to be regarded as a one nation prime minister.
  • (12) Finally, indications are given for the necessity to examine possibilities of curtailing expenditures in the present preventive medical care program, or in some of its branches, without forfeiting the efficiency of the preventive measures.
  • (13) The risk was that the companies would forfeit their bonds once the mines were finished and leave taxpayers with massive clean-up bills.
  • (14) The right of return for Palestinian refugees "is sacred to us and we will not forfeit it", he said.
  • (15) Byers claimed he had persuaded Adonis to have gone easy on National Express after it prematurely forfeited its East Coast mainline franchise.
  • (16) Reasonable use” sounds … well, reasonable, but a “use it or lose it” clause incentivizes profligate use: if you don’t use your historic water allocation in a beneficial way, you forfeit your water rights, Gray said.
  • (17) Should pensioners forfeit perks or Labour impose a higher corporation tax?
  • (18) We politicians forfeited our right to lead this debate – we could have done that next week by voting on the bill, but we chose not to, we chose to put it to the people, so that means we need to find a reasonable set of words that everyone can accept and then we should back off and get out of the way.
  • (19) But once he forfeits control of Air Force One, Marshall is suddenly disempowered.
  • (20) They were injured by radical Islamic terrorism, an evil that is at war with the people of America, that is at war with freedom-loving people across the globe.” Repeating a common charge against Obama regarding semantics as much as policy, Cruz added: “We need a commander-in-chief willing to utter the words ‘radical Islamic terrorism’ because it is the Islamists who embrace this extreme political and theological philosophy that … will murder or try to forcibly convert anyone that doesn’t share their extreme view of Islam.” Cruz continued: “I call on Congress to pass the Expatriate Terrorist Act, legislation I’ve introduced that says that any American who goes and takes up arms and joins Isis to wage jihad against the United States of America, that by doing so they forfeit their American citizenship.