(adv.) Through eternity; through endless ages, eternally.
(adv.) At all times; always.
Example Sentences:
(1) If we’re waiting around for the Democratic version to sail through here, or the Republican version to sail through here, all those victims who are waiting for us to do something will wait for days, months, years, forever and we won’t get anything done.” Senator Bill Nelson, whose home state of Florida is still reeling from the Orlando shooting, said he felt morally obligated to return to his constituents with results.
(2) I could just banish the app from my phone forever, but deleting a piece of smart tech that makes my life easier doesn’t feel very satisfying.
(3) When you score a hat trick in the first 16 minutes of a World Cup Final with tens of millions of people watching across the world, essentially ending the match and clinching the tournament before most players worked up a sweat or Japan had a chance to throw in the towel, your status as a sports legend is forever secure – and any favorable comparisons thrown your way are deserved.
(4) Waco, Texas, will forever be known for the siege that began in February 1993 when agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms raided a compound owned by the Branch Davidian religious sect to investigate allegations of weapons hoarding.
(5) Somehow, despite all this, the Obama administration thinks it can “destroy” Isis, though, as the Post noted , the US government has not been able to destroy al-Qaida or any terrorist group in the last decade “through two wars, thousands of drone strikes and hundreds of covert operations around the world.” The only question now is how far this Forever War against Isis goes.
(6) That would be the biggest mistake in education policy - probably forever.
(7) He has a lot of love for United because his heart was there for six years, but now he’s only thinking about Real Madrid and he’s going to stay here forever.
(8) Would you really feel any pity if one of those dots stopped moving forever?” It is there to remind him that the dots are worth fighting for.
(9) For a time it did indeed appear as though Manning was destined to follow the same path as Marino – his great idol – remembered as one of the all-time greats but forever haunted over his failure to win a Super Bowl.
(10) Family First senator Bob Day said: “This week will probably change politics forever, because it’ll be a time unprecedented when the Coalition gets into bed with the Greens to wipe out the crossbench, the minor parties and the independents.
(11) Speaking on the red carpet before the performance, Gaga said she was proud to be singing songs from a film that “changed music forever and changed the film industry”.
(12) "We could be forever caught up in NHS politics, get bogged down and be left with an uncertain future," said Bridge.
(13) Jim Carrey, his Batman Forever co-star, said he “scared the hell out of me”.
(14) Thomas brings Khalil and his forever-changed friend Starr back to life in resplendent color.
(15) "You cannot have a situation where exam passes continue rising forever and ever without there being in some subjects at some points grades either falling or steadying or changing – it's just in the nature of things that inevitably there will be alterations," Gove said.
(16) Former president Joyce Banda published a blistering press release in 2013 saying the singer “wants Malawi to be forever chained to the obligation of gratitude” for adopting children from the country, and excoriating her for expecting the government to roll out “a red carpet and blast the 21-gun salute” in honour of her visits.
(17) Although we will all miss her beyond belief, we absolutely know she will live in our hearts forever.” Courtney Boyle, 19 Facebook Twitter Pinterest Courtney Boyle Boyle’s family confirmed she had been killed with her stepfather, Philip Tron, in Monday’s terrorist attack.
(18) Adele will be following in the shoes of Shirley Bassey (who sang the themes to Goldfinger, Diamonds Are Forever and Moonraker), Tina Turner ( GoldenEye ) and Madonna (Die Another Day).
(19) But as Kathimerini.com reports, the plan is to definitely to lease the islands, not sell them forever: The fund reviewed 562 of the estimated 6,000 islands and islets under Greek sovereignty.
(20) Perhaps another is pop's forever-long obsession with watching women, as if they're ants on a hot patio and you're the boy with the magnifying glass.
(pron.) Anything soever which; the thing or things of any kind; being this or that; of one nature or another; one thing or another; anything that may be; all that; the whole that; all particulars that; -- used both substantively and adjectively.
Example Sentences:
(1) The measure destroyed the Justice Department’s plans to prosecute whatever Guantánamo detainees it could in federal courts.
(2) But whatever they invested in me, they got in return 10, 20 times more.
(3) Evidence of the industrial panic surfaced at Digital Britain when Sly Bailey, the chief executive of Trinity Mirror, suggested that national newspaper websites that chased big online audiences have "devalued news" , whatever that might mean.
(4) And this has opened up a loophole for businesses to be morally bankrupt, ignoring the obligations to its workforce because no legal conduct has been established.” Whatever the outcome of the pending lawsuits, it’s unlikely that just one model will work for everybody.
(5) Hemophilia type A or B is due to deficiency in factor VIII C or IX C, but whatever the type and whether the affection is severe or attenuated the risk of hemorrhage after surgery is identical.
(6) An integrated approach to the surgical management of diffuse subaortic stenosis has been designed to provide adequate relief of left ventricular outflow tract obstruction whatever the anatomical features encountered at operation.
(7) Tony Abbott urges Europe to adopt Australian policies in refugee crisis Read more Given that Obama – whatever one’s views on his strategy – is not advocating a bigger military contribution, the only difference is that Abbott is “urging” the US and others to do more, which sounds resolute, and Turnbull says he would consider any request if it was made.
(8) Whatever else Scott is about, Waverley ends with a vision of Britishness and a British union.
(9) EEG arousal diminished as a function of distance, while arousal for direct gaze was always higher than for averted gaze, whatever the distance.
(10) Whatever the level of the fine, the judge's remarks are damning."
(11) But Zambelis added: "Whatever rebel government emerges, China already has a place in the country business-wise.
(12) We simply do whatever nature needs and will work with anyone that wants to help wildlife.” His views might come as a surprise to some of the RSPB’s 1.1 million members, who would have been persuaded by its original pledge “to discourage the wanton destruction of birds”; they would equally have been a surprise to the RSPB’s detractors in the shooting world.
(13) Whatever their other faults, most Republicans running for office this year do not share Trump’s unwillingness to condemn the Ku Klux Klan.
(14) Reading these latest statistics, it’s crucial that our generation – millennials, Gen Y, whatever we want to call ourselves – abandons this preposterous narrative.
(15) Referents (n = 1165) were chosen from subjects who had no such leave, whatever the medical reason, and were matched to cases by the incidence density sampling method.
(16) During the night the Government has to do whatever it takes to re-include those amendments – on which they will attach a vote of confidence – otherwise Italians will see their taxes increase again without important compensatory measures being passed.
(17) Lack of transparency about the nature of the relationship between police and media also led to speculation and perceptions, whatever the facts, that caused "serious harm".
(18) Whatever the lesion, all the rats succeeded in learning the task but some differences appeared in comparison with intact and sham-operated rats.
(19) A patient with marked perceptual difficulties but no difficulty whatever in recognizing faces was tested as a control.
(20) Uncomfortable questions, which require an answer, whatever the result of the AV vote.